Presentazione Rapporto CIRD sulle scelte scolastiche e l’orientamento
Azioni, Convegni e seminari, In primo piano
Commenti disabilitati su Presentazione Rapporto CIRD sulle scelte scolastiche e l’orientamento
Apr 212015
CONFERENCE INEQUALITIES OF ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION THE ROLE OF POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS Sciences Po – LIEPP Paris, October 8-9, 2015 The conference will comprise keynotes by specialists of access to higher education in various countries including: Mikael Börjesson, University of Uppsala Rachel Brooks, University of Surrey Gaële Goastellec, University of Lausanne Laura Perna, University of Pennsylvania Marco Pitzalis, University of Cagliari Agnès van Zanten, Sciences Po/CNRS It will also include workshops on the three themes outlined in this call for papers. We invite both established researchers and doctoral students to submit abstracts [...]