


 avvisi, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su lab 2 (ENGLISH) 16.09.2021 RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS
Set 162021
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2 (16-09. 2021)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on   WEDNESDAY 22.09.2021. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are via a TEAMS call and consist in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a picture, a monument, etc. N.B. You will BE ASKED TO SHARE YOUR PICTURE SO BE READY!  Note that you should be available in your time slot. I will be calling you in the order indicated, so please be patient!! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:39

results and oral tests lab 3/lab lingua inglese 28.05.2021

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su results and oral tests lab 3/lab lingua inglese 28.05.2021
Mag 292021
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (28.05.2021)                          RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to take the ORAL PART of the test which will be held on. Friday 11.06.2021-. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are via a TEAMS call and consist in describing/comparing two photographs on an unknown topic. Please note that you should be available in your time slot. I will be calling you in alphabetical order, so please be patient. Any students with an asterisk by their names need to contact me via TEAMs to discuss their results. Any students NOT on the [...]
 Scritto da alle 11:13

results and oral tests lab 2 (26.06.2021)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su results and oral tests lab 2 (26.06.2021)
Mag 272021
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2 (26-05.2021)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on  TUESDAY 8.06.2021 and THURSDAY 10.06.2021. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are via a TEAMS call and consist in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a picture, a monument, etc. N.B. You will BE ASKED TO SHARE YOUR PICTURE SO BE READY! Note that you should be available in your time slot. I will be calling you in the order indicated, so please be patient!! N.B. Any students with an [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:49

results and oral tests ESP (25/05/2021)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su results and oral tests ESP (25/05/2021)
Mag 262021
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE ESP (25.05.2021)                                           RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS  The following students can now proceed to do the ORAL PART of the test. Orals will be held on Monday 31.05.2021, Friday, 4.06.2021 and  Tuesday 8.06 2021.  See timetable below.. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are via a TEAMS call and consist in general conversation about the 6 main articles studied during the course. Note that you should be available in your time slot. I will be calling you in the order indicated, so please be patient!! Any students NOT on the list are kindly requested to fix [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:07

lab 1 (24.05.2021) results and oral tests

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Esito esami, Fuori corso, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su lab 1 (24.05.2021) results and oral tests
Mag 252021
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (24.05.2021)                                                 RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on , THURSDAY 03.06.2021.  See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are via a TEAMS call and consist in general conversation and describing a person(physical aspects and clothes).  Note that you should be available in your time slot. I will be calling you in the order indicated, so please be patient. PLEASE NOTE THAT I WILL CALL YOU!   Any students NOT on the list should also contact me via the TEAMS chat [...]
 Scritto da alle 17:11
Apr 252021

Lab 3 May   2021 RESIT   Please note that the Lab 3 test  in May  2021 is a RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test previously i.e. in   May /September 2020  or January 2021.   IMPORTANT  Lab 3/Lab Lingua Inglese – students are required to hand in the film review PART OF THE TEST (writing) before 15.05.2021 via the Assignments page on the lab 3 MAY 2021 Test Team page.  IN ORDER TO JOIN THE MAY 2021 TEST TEAM YOU WILL NEED TO CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL.  For any further information, please FIX AN APPOINTMENT (VIA EMAIL or  CHAT) to SPEAK to me during office […]

 Scritto da alle 11:11
Apr 182021

Lab.1 (ENGLISH) Lab 3 May   2021 RESIT   Please note that the Lab.1  and Lab 3 tests  in May  2021 are RESITs that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test previously i.e. in   May /September 2020  or January 2021.   NB: For Lab 3/Lab Lingua Inglese – students are required to hand in the film review PART OF THE TEST (writing) before 15.05.2021 via the Assignments page on the lab 3 MAY 2021 Test Team page.   For any further information, please FIX AN APPOINTMENT (VIA EMAIL or  CHAT) to SPEAK to me during office hours via TEAMS. STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD also FIX AN […]

 Scritto da alle 15:55

lab 2/lab esp written tests MAGGIO 2021

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su lab 2/lab esp written tests MAGGIO 2021
Apr 182021
For students who have to take the Lab 2 (28.05. 2021) or Lab. ESP (25.05.2021) written tests and please note that the tests will be online via TEAMS. Once enrollment has finished, students will be added to the Lab 2/ESP  (TEST) TEAM and receive the link to access the “meeting” for the test. Please remember to have your ID card with you for the “appello”. The test format is the same as normal.  Students will be sent each part of the test as a MICROSOFT form which must be completed and handed in within a limited period of time. For any further information, [...]
 Scritto da alle 15:50
Feb 282021
ACTION NEEDED! ONCE YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE LINK ..  PLEASE REMEMBER YOU NEED TO CLICK ON THE LINK AND ASK TO BE ACCEPTED ON THE TEAM!! LAB 2 (INGLESE) SECOND SEMESTER   (LINK FOR LAB 2 TEAM) Please note that the course is only open to III anno Lettere, BC, Filosofia, ( coorte 18-19) and FC :i.e. studenti che non hanno potuto usufruire del percorso CLA. The course starts on WEDNESDAY 03.03.2021 and will be online on the TEAMS platform.  PLEASE contact me stating your course and year to get the link. TIMETABLE .WED/THURS/FRI.   17-18.30 .       Lab. ESP  LINK for  ESP Team  The course [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:21
Feb 242021
LAB 2 (INGLESE) SECOND SEMESTER   (LINK FOR LAB 2 TEAM) Please note that the course is only open to III anno Lettere, BC, Filosofia, ( coorte 18-19) and FC :i.e. studenti che non hanno potuto usufruire del percorso CLA. The course starts on WEDNESDAY 03.03.2021 and will be online on the TEAMS platform.  PLEASE contact me stating your course and year to get the link. TIMETABLE .WED/THURS/FRI.   17-18.30 .       Lab. ESP  LINK for  ESP Team  The course starts on WEDNESDAY 03.03.2021 and will be online on the TEAMS platform. Please contact me stating your course to receive the link to the TEAM (  TIMETABLE [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:31
Ott 112020
Please note that the course is only open to III anno Lettere, BC, Filosofia, coorte 18-19: studenti che non hanno potuto usufruire del percorso CLA. The course starts on WEDNESDAY 14.10.2020 and will be online in the following virtual classroom. TIMETABLE .WED/THURS/FRI.   17-18.30 .
 Scritto da alle 10:51
Set 012020
LAB.1/Lab.2 (ENGLISH) September 2020  Please note that the LAB.1 and Lab.2  tests  in September  are RESITs that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous  academic year i.e. in  September 2019, January, February or May 2020.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP during office hours IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE . THE NEXT  LAB. 1 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS  WILL BE HELD IN JANUARY 2020 AFTER THE COURSE.   THE NEXT LAB.2 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WILL BE HELD IN FEBRUARY 2020.     Il  [...]
 Scritto da alle 14:26

virtual classroom ESP and Lab 2 labs

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà  Commenti disabilitati su virtual classroom ESP and Lab 2 labs
Apr 152020
  ESP LAB  VIRTUAL CLASSROOM : 80% attendance online In order to take the ORAL : complete the 6 assignments given on TEAMS ( 1 for each module) ORAL TEST : discussion of the 6 main texts  (see Worksheets) // conversation on the assignments  (see WORKSHEETS);  exercises (e.g. True/false, Vocab. BM database) (LAB ESP Virtual Class con frequenza 80% delle lezioni on line /80% attendance  online PROVE per il conseguimento dell’idoneità:   Eseguire i 6 “assignments” (1 per  modulo) assegnati nel periodo delle lezioni on-line; Prova Orale:  – discussion of assignments: discussione/conversazione sui i 6 testi assegnati; – exercises, e.g. test True/False: risoluzione di esercizi on vocab; utilizzo di database del [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:24

Idoneità lab.1 and lab. 3 (May 2020)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami  Commenti disabilitati su Idoneità lab.1 and lab. 3 (May 2020)
Apr 142020
LAB.1/Lab.3 (ENGLISH) May 2020 Please note that the LAB.1 and Lab.3  tests  in May  are RESITs that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous or current  academic year i.e. in  September  2019/January  2020.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE (i.e. in the summer) SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE,  as in the present situation, they will be asked to do some online assignments, otherwise they cannot take the ORAL test.  As regards future tests (for people who are not about to graduate), please see this page for future developments.     Le idoneità Lab.1 e [...]
 Scritto da alle 11:47

important: lab.1/ lab.3 for students due to graduate in the summer session

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su important: lab.1/ lab.3 for students due to graduate in the summer session
Apr 062020
For students about to graduate (summer session 2020) Lab.1 and lab. 3  English  Any students who are about to graduate (summer 2020) and have not yet completed the Lab. 1 or Lab.3 tests are requested to contact Sally Davies, as soon as possible, at   AVVISO PER I LAUREANDI ( Laboratorio di Lingua INGLESE 1 e Laboratorio di Lingua INGLESE 3) Sessione estiva   Tutti i laureandi che hanno frequentato nel I SEMESTRE e che devono ancora sostenere le prove di idoneitàrelative al Laboratorio di Lingua INGLESE 1 e Laboratorio di Lingua INGLESE 3, sono pregati di scrivere al [...]
 Scritto da alle 10:22

Results and oral test timetable Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 11.02.2020

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Esito esami  Commenti disabilitati su Results and oral test timetable Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 11.02.2020
Feb 122020
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(11.02.2020)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  Monday,  17.02.020; Tuesday 18.02.2020 and Thursday, 20.02.2020. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a painting, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students NOT ON THE LIST should  contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  during [...]
 Scritto da alle 11:05
Gen 212020
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (21.01.2020)                          RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to take the ORAL PART of the test which will be held on Thursday, 30.01.2020, Monday 03.02.2020 and Tuesday 04.02.2020. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (2nd floor) and consist in describing/comparing two photographs and talking about an unknown  topic. Any students with an asterisk * by  their name should come and see me during office hours (NOT THURSDAY, 23.01.2020 as I have other tests). Any students NOT on the list are also kindly requested to COME AND SEE THEIR [...]
 Scritto da alle 19:46

Results /oral tests lab 2 (English) 21.01.2020

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Esito esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su Results /oral tests lab 2 (English) 21.01.2020
Gen 212020
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(21.01.2020)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  THURSDAY 30.01.2020. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a painting, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  during office hours. (10-11.30am on [...]
 Scritto da alle 19:39
Gen 162020
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (16.01.2020)                                                 RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on Thursday, 23.01.2020, Monday 27.01.2020 and  Tuesday 28.01.2020 See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph. N.B. Any students with an asterisk by their name should come and see their papers on MONDAY 27.01.2020 between 4 and 5.30pm. Please note that they WILL NOT BE tested on MONDAy 27.01.2020. N.B. Any students NOT on the list should come and see Sally Davies  during office hours.(NOT THURSDAY 23.01.2020)     [...]
 Scritto da alle 17:23

lab 2 -21.02.2020 RESIT

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su lab 2 -21.02.2020 RESIT
Gen 152020
Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 21/01/2020 RESIT  Please note that the  Lab.2  test on 21.01.2020  is a  RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous  academic year i.e. in February/ May/September 2019.   STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE (i.e. in February ) SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE .   THE NEXT LAB.2 TEST (entry test) OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WILL BE HELD ON 11 FEBRUARY 2020.     Il   LAB. 2 test del 21.01.2020 è un   RESIT, cioè un  test per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto ma [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:45
Dic 182019
Please note that all students (Lettere, Filosofia; Beni Culturali) who have NOT taken the Lab.1 test should enrol and sit for the test on 16.01.2020.   Segnalo a tutti gli studenti del 2° anno e oltre (Lettere, Filosofia; Beni Culturali) che non abbiano ancora superato il test di Lab.1 (Inglese) che potranno sostenere la prova scritta che si terrà il 16 gennaio 2020 e li invito a iscriversi per tempo.  
 Scritto da alle 12:18

RESIT LAB.2 (ENGLISH) 21.01.2020

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESIT LAB.2 (ENGLISH) 21.01.2020
Dic 142019
Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 21/01/2020 RESIT  Please note that the  Lab.2  test on 21.01.2020  is a  RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous  academic year i.e. in February/ May/September 2019.   STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE (i.e. in Feburary  )SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE .   THE NEXT LAB.2 TEST (entry test) OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WILL BE HELD ON 11 FEBRUARY 2020.     Il   LAB. 2 test del 21.01.2020 è un   RESIT, cioè un  test per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto [...]
 Scritto da alle 14:42


 Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS/ORAL TESTS LAB.2 (RESIT) 26.09.2019
Set 272019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(26.09.2019)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  MONDAY. 7.10.2019. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a painting, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  during office hours. (10-11.30am on Tuesdays [...]
 Scritto da alle 15:45


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS/ORAL TESTS LAB.1 (RESIT) 26.09.2019
Set 272019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (26.09.2019)                                                 RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on Monday 7.10.2019. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph. N.B. Any students with an asterisk by their name should come and see Sally Davies  on MONDAY 30.09 .2019 between 130 -230pm.  N.B. Any students NOT on the list should come and see Sally Davies  ON MONDAY 30.09 2019 BETWEEN 130 -230 pm (i.e. before lessons start on 1.10.2019!) 20/45/65758 CORGIOLU MARTINA Monday, 7.10.2019 3pm 20/40/65597 DELLA [...]
 Scritto da alle 15:42
Set 242019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE ESP (24.09.2019)                                           RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS  The following students can now proceed to do the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on MONDAY 30.09.2019  See timetable below. Orals are in room 37(2nd floor) and consist in general conversation about the 6 main articles studied during the course.   20/41/65248 CANNAS SALVATORE Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm 20/41/65250 LIXI VALENTINA Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm 20/41/65245 ONANO LAURA Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm 20/41/65128 SOTGIU FRANCESCA Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm 20/41/65253 SPIGA ELEONORA ALESSANDRA Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm 20/41/65224 USAI FEDERICA Monday, 30.09.2019 315pm      
 Scritto da alle 13:34


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Esito esami  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS/ORAL TESTS LAB3/LINGUA INGLESE 24.09.2019
Set 242019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (24.09.2019)                          RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the test on MONDAY 30.09.2019. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (2nd floor) and consist in describing/comparing two photographs and talking about an unknown  topic. Any students NOT on the list are also kindly requested to COME AND SEE THEIR TESTS during office hours from 1.10.2019. (Please note that I will not be in the office on Thursday, 26.09.2019 as I have other tests.   20/47/00005 LAI  GIUSEPPE MONDAY, 30.09.2019    3pm.
 Scritto da alle 11:13

important notice : RESITS Lab.1 /lab.2 ENGLISH 26.09.2019

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami  Commenti disabilitati su important notice : RESITS Lab.1 /lab.2 ENGLISH 26.09.2019
Set 222019
LAB.1/Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 26/09/2019 Please note that the LAB.1 and Lab.2  tests  on 26.09.2019 are RESITs that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous  academic year i.e. in  January 2019/February or May 2019.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE (i.e. in November )SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE . THE NEXT  LAB. 1 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS  WILL BE HELD IN JANUARY 2020.  THE NEXT LAB.2 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WILL BE HELD IN FEBRUARY 2020.     Il  Lab.1 e il LAB. 2 test [...]
 Scritto da alle 19:51

RESITS LAB.1 /LAB.2 ENGLISH (26.09.2019)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESITS LAB.1 /LAB.2 ENGLISH (26.09.2019)
Set 202019
LAB.1/Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 26/09/2019 Please note that the LAB.1 and Lab.2  tests  on 26.09.2019 are RESITs that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the previous  academic year i.e. in  January 2019/February or May 2019.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE (i.e. in November )SHOULD CONTACT ME ASAP IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE . THE NEXT  LAB. 1 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS  WILL BE HELD IN JANUARY 2020.  THE NEXT LAB.2 TEST OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WILL BE HELD IN FEBRUARY 2020.     Il  Lab.1 e il LAB. 2 test [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:16


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Esito esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS/ORAL TESTS LAB.1 (ENGLISH) 19.09.2019
Set 202019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (19.09.2019) ENTRY TEST/TEST D’INGRESSO                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on Monday 23rdth,Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25thand Thursday 26thSeptember. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph. N.B.Any students NOT on the list should come and see Sally Davies on Monday 30.09.2019 between  1.30 -2.30 pm or during normal office hours -Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11.30 am. Please note that I will not be in the office on either TUESDAY  24.09.2019 or THURSDAY 26.09.2019 [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:14


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS/ORAL TESTS LAB. 2 ENGLISH (30.05.2019)
Giu 032019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(30.05.2019)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  TUESDAY, 11.06. 2019 and THURSDAY, 13.06.2019. See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a painting, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  [...]
 Scritto da alle 11:15
Mag 292019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE ESP (May 29th 2019)                                           RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS  The following students can now proceed to do the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on Thursday, 6thJune and Tuesday 11thJune.  See timetable below. Orals are in room 37(2nd floor) and consist in general conversation about the 6 main articles studied during the course. Students with an asterisk* by their name will need to contact Sally Davies during office hours to discuss their written test.  Any students NOT on the list should also contact Sally Davies.   20/41/65229 ATZORI FABIOLA Thursday, 6th June, 8.30 am 20/41/62865 BALZANO SILVIA [...]
 Scritto da alle 18:43


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (28.05.2019)
Mag 282019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (28.05.2019)                          RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the test on Tuesday 04.06.2019.  See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (2nd floor) and consist in describing/comparing two photographs and talking about an unknown topic. Any students with an asterisk* by their name should contact Sally Davies in person during office hours to discuss their test. Any students NOT on the list are also kindly requested to contact Sally Davies during office hours.   20/47/00100 BESIA RICCARDO Tuesday, 4.06.2019 230pm 20/46/65228 CARDIA* MARTINA See me [...]
 Scritto da alle 17:52

ENGLISH LAB 3(28 .O5.2019) and ESP (29.05.2019)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami  Commenti disabilitati su ENGLISH LAB 3(28 .O5.2019) and ESP (29.05.2019)
Mag 272019
ROOMS FOR  ENGLISH LAB 3(28 .O5.2019) and ESP (29.05.2019) Please note that the LAB.3 WRITTEN TEST will be held in ROOM 17 on 28.05.2019 at 2pm. Registration begins at 145.   Please note that the ESP LAB. WRITTEN TEST will be held in ROOM 17 on 29.05.2019 at 2pm. Registration begins at 145. Sally Davies  
 Scritto da alle 17:07
Mag 272019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (23.05.2019)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the test. Orals will be held on  TUESDAY  04.06.2019.  See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph. N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies in person during office hours to discuss their test. (10-11.30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ) Any students NOT on the list should also contact Sally Davies during office hours to discuss their results. (10-11.30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)     ARGIOLAS AURORA 20/45/65790 Tuesday, 04.06.2019, [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:42

LAB 1 (ENGLISH) 23.05.2019 -RESIT

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami  Commenti disabilitati su LAB 1 (ENGLISH) 23.05.2019 -RESIT
Mag 192019
LAB.1 (ENGLISH) 23/05/2019 Please note that the LAB.1 test  on 23.05.2019 is a RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in this   academic year i.e. in  September 2018/January 2019.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD CONTACT ME IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE – ALL OTHER STUDENTS SHOULD ENROL FOR THE NEXT  ENTRY TEST (TEST D’INGRESSO) ON 19.09. 2019.     Il  Lab.1 test del 23.05.2019  è un  RESIT, cioè un  test per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto ma non superato il test di LAB. 1  precedentemente ossia  [...]
 Scritto da alle 18:42


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami  Commenti disabilitati su RESIT ENGLISH LAB.1 23/O5/2019
Mag 072019
LAB.1 (ENGLISH) 23/05/2019 Please note that the LAB.1 test  on 23.05.2019 is a RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in this   academic year i.e. in  September 2018/January 2019.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD CONTACT ME IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE – ALL OTHER STUDENTS SHOULD ENROL FOR THE NEXT  ENTRY TEST (TEST D’INGRESSO) ON 19.09. 2019.     Il  Lab.1 test del 23.05.2019  è un  RESIT, cioè un  test per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto ma non superato il test di LAB. 1  precedentemente ossia  [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:23


 avvisi, Esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESIT TEST LAB.1 -ENGLISH 23/05/2019
Apr 302019
LAB.1 (ENGLISH) 23/05/2019 Please note that the LAB.1 test  on 23.05.2019 is a RESIT that is, a  test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in this   academic year i.e. in  September 2018/January 2019.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD CONTACT ME IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE – ALL OTHER STUDENTS SHOULD ENROL FOR THE NEXT  ENTRY TEST (TEST D’INGRESSO) ON 19.09. 2019.     Il  Lab.1 test del 23.05.2019  è un  RESIT, cioè un  test per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto ma non superato il test di LAB. 1  precedentemente ossia  [...]
 Scritto da alle 10:54
Feb 122019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(12.02.2019)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  TUESDAY, 19.02. 2019 .See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a picture, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  during office hours. (10-11.30am on [...]
 Scritto da alle 15:23


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su LAB.LINGUA INGLESE /3 (22.01.2019) RESULTS AND TIMETABLE ORAL TESTS
Gen 232019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 3/ LAB.LINGUA INGLESE (22.01.2019)                          RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the test on Thursday.31.01.2019, Tuesday 05.02.2019 and Thursday 07.02.2019.  See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (2nd floor) and consist in describing/comparing two photographs and talking about an unknown  topic. Any students with an asterisk* by their name should contact Sally Davies in person during office hours to discuss their test. Any students NOT on the list are also kindly requested to contact Sally Davies during office hours.     20/46/65206 AGUS LINA Thursday, 31.01.2019 [...]
 Scritto da alle 17:16

RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS Lab.1 and Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 17.01.2019

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Fuori corso, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS AND ORAL TESTS Lab.1 and Lab.2 (ENGLISH) 17.01.2019
Gen 212019
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (17.01.2019)  (See below for Lab.2)                                                 RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on  Thursday 24th, Monday 28th,Tuesday 29thand Thursday 31st   January.  See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph. N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies in person during office hours to discuss their test. (10-11.30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. N.B. I am not in the office on TUESDAY  22.01.2019 as I have other tests.) Any [...]
 Scritto da alle 12:04

LAB 1 (ENGLISH)Timetable

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà  Commenti disabilitati su LAB 1 (ENGLISH)Timetable
Ott 072018
LAB.1 (ENGLISH) Students who have a timetable clash on Thursdays (15-17) can instead attend the same lesson on Mondays,  1-3pm in Room 3 starting from 8.10. 2018.       Gli studenti  con sovrapposizione d’orario per la lezione del giovedì (15-17) potranno sostituirla con la lezione del lunedi dalle 13-15 in Aula 3 a cominciare da lunedi’ 8.10.2018.   Sally Davies      
 Scritto da alle 08:37

Rooms/times lab 1/lab.2 English (25.09.2018)

 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su Rooms/times lab 1/lab.2 English (25.09.2018)
Set 242018
 Lab.1 (English) test 25/09/2018   Please note that the  LAB.1 RESIT test  on 25/09/2018 will be held in Room 17. Registration begins at 8.15.  Sally Davies  Lab.2 (English) test 25/09/2018   Please note that the  LAB.2 RESIT test  on 25/09/2018 will be held in Room 17. Registration begins at 11,00 Sally Davies  
 Scritto da alle 18:10


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esito esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su RESULTS LAB 1 (ENTRY TEST-ENGLISH) 18/09/2018
Set 182018
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 1 (18.09.2018)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PARTof the test. Orals will be held on Monday, 24th, Tuesday 25th , Wednesday 26thand Thursday, 27thSeptember.   See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room. 37(2ndfloor) and consist in general conversation and describing a photograph Any students NOT on the list should also contact Sally Davies during office hours to discuss their results. (Please see my page for different Office hours this week and next week due to exams).   AMBU FEDERICO REMO 20/45/65724 Monday, 24.09 13.30 ARGIOLAS FALZOI BENEDETTA 20/40/65696 Monday, 24.09 [...]
 Scritto da alle 17:37
Set 182018
LAB.1 /LAB.2 (ENGLISH) 25/09/2018 Please note that the tests (lab.1/ lab.2 ) on 25.09.2018 are RESITS that is  tests for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the  PREVIOUS academic year i.e. in January or May 2018.  STUDENTS WHO ARE ABOUT TO GRADUATE SHOULD CONTACT ME IF THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN THE TEST BEFORE      I tests del 25.09.2018  sono RESITS, cioè  tests per coloro che abbiano già sostenuto ma non superato il test di Lab. 1/LAB. 2  nello scorso a.a. ossia  in gennaio o maggio 2018. 
 Scritto da alle 12:18


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà, Esami, Fuori corso  Commenti disabilitati su LAB 1 (ENTRY TEST) ENGLISH 18/09/2018
Set 132018
ENTRY TEST 18/09/2018 Students  who are about to start their 2nd year in  Lettere”, “Filosofia”, “Beni Culturali e Spettacolo” are required to enrol and sit for the Lab. 1 Entry Test (AA 2018/2019). Any students who DID NOT SIT  for the test in the past also need to enrol and sit for this test.  The test will be held on 18.09. 2018 in Rooms 15/16/17. Please note that the test on 25.09.2018 is a RESIT that is a test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the  PREVIOUS academic year i.e. in January or May 2018. [...]
 Scritto da alle 08:00
Set 042018
  ENTRY TEST 18/09/2018 Students  who are about to start their 2nd year in  Lettere”, “Filosofia”, “Beni Culturali e Spettacolo” are required to enrol and sit for the Lab. 1 Entry Test (AA 2018/2019). Any students who DID NOT SIT  for the test in the past also need to enrol and sit for this test.  The test will be held on 18.09. 2018 in Rooms 15/16/17. Please note that the test on 25.09.2018 is a RESIT that is a test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the  PREVIOUS academic year i.e. in January or May [...]
 Scritto da alle 09:08
Ago 292018
ENTRY TEST 18/09/2018 Students  who are about to start their 2nd year in  Lettere”, “Filosofia”, “Beni Culturali e Spettacolo” are required to enrol and sit for the Lab. 1 Entry Test (AA 2018/2019). Any students who did not sit for the test in the past also need to enrol and sit for this test.  The test will be held on 18.09. 2018 in Rooms 15/16/17. Please note that the test on 25.09.2018 is a RESIT that is a test for students who  HAVE ALREADY  TRIED but NOT PASSED  the test in the  PREVIOUS academic year i.e. in January or May 2018. [...]
 Scritto da alle 15:56


 avvisi, Avvisi portale dipartimento, Avvisi portale facoltà  Commenti disabilitati su LAB 1 ENGLISH CAMBIO DATA TEST D’INGRESSO (SETTEMBRE 2018)
Lug 122018
CAMBIO DATA TEST D’INGRESSO LAB.1 (INGLESE)   Due to  a clash with the Faculty Entrance Exams, the ENTRY TEST for Lab.1 (English) -first semester (A.A. 2018/2019) for  Lettere, Filosofia, Beni Culturali e Spettacolo will now be held on 18.09. 2018 at 8.30 in rooms 15/16/17.   Dovuto a una coincidenza con il test d’accesso alla Facoltà, il TEST D’INGRESSO  del Lab.1 Inglese del primo semestre dell’AA 2018/2019 ( Lettere, Filosofia, Beni Culturali e Spettacolo) si terrà il 18-09. 2018 alle 8.30 (AULE 15/16/17) 
 Scritto da alle 16:29
Mag 302018
LABORATORIO DI INGLESE 2(29.05.2018)                                                RESULTS and ORAL TESTS. The following students can now proceed to the ORAL PART of the TEST . Orals are on  TUESDAY, 05.06.2018 .See timetable below. Please note that times are approximate! Orals are in Room 37 (II floor).The oral test consists in general conversation and discussion of a chosen topic, e.g. a picture, a monument, etc. N.B. You will need to bring notes and pictures, etc. to illustrate your chosen subject otherwise you cannot take the test. In other words, DON’T FORGET YOUR NOTES AND PICTURES! N.B. Any students with an asterisk*  by their name need to contact Sally Davies IN PERSON  during office hours. (10-11.30am on [...]
 Scritto da alle 10:19
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