Associate Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences – tenure track position, Gothenburg, Sweden

 avvisi, Facoltà di scienze, Scienze e tecnologie geologiche  Commenti disabilitati su Associate Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences – tenure track position, Gothenburg, Sweden
Ago 212019
The  Department of Earth Sciences at the University of  Gothenburg, Sweden, is announcing a position of an  Associate Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences with a specialization in Hydrogeochemistry (tenure track, 6 years at 100%). The research focus of the successful applicant has to be in one of the following fields: groundwater and soil contamination and remediation, hydrogeochemical system characterization looking at the interaction of water with rock and soil; groundwater age dating and residence time estimation using isotopic methods and other tracers; and, hydrogeochemical modeling. Coverage of more than one of the listed fields is regarded as advantageous. The position [...]
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