
Aatto Laaksonen: a new landmark in collaboration

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Gen 162017

laaksonenAfter his experience as Visiting Professor at the University of Cagliari, prof. Aatto Laaksonen from the University of Stokholm collaborated in a scientific study coordinated by prof. Francesca Mocci (UniCa), about the role of MD simulations:

Alessio Atzori, Sonia Liggi, Aatto Laaksonen, Massimiliano Porcu, Alexander P. Lyubartsev, Giuseppe Saba, Francesca Mocci Base sequence specificity of counterion binding to DNA: what can MD simulations tell us?

This study, published by the Canadian Journal of Chemistry, shows another important collaboration landmark with the University of Cagliari, in the frame of a cooperation strengthened by our Visiting Professor programme, financed by Regione Sardegna.

Arjan Hillebrand: a growing collaboration

 news, Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su Arjan Hillebrand: a growing collaboration
Dic 162016

arjan_hillebrandAmong the co-authors of a study published on the review Scientific Reports (Nature Group) showing the importance of the EEG functional network topology in association with disability in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, there is Arjan Hillebrand (MEG Center, VU Amsterdam), Visiting Professor at UNICA in 2013, thanks to the Programme financed by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Read the news on UNICA webpage.

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