
Full-honours Degree in Chemistry, Cagliari University (70), Fellow, Queen Mary College-London (73); Visiting Scientist at RICE University-Houston (USA) (83-84); Previous Positions at UNICA: Vice Dean at Faculty of Science (06-09); Coordinator in the School of Chemistry (06/10); President of 3R-Metals (Research in Recovery and Recycle of Noble Metals) Spin Off of UNICA; Full Prof. of Inorganic Chemistry for Degree and Ph-Degree of Chemistry (94-2017); Currently retired with a free position as external collaborator. Vice chair of the European Project COST D-35 ‘From Molecules to Molecular Devices, (2006-11) and organizer of the final meeting. Italian Delegate in the Management Committee COST Action CM1202, Supramolecular photocatalytic water splitting (2012-16). Component of the scientific committee of 8th International Conference on f-elements ICFE-8. Co-Organizer of 2016 MRS Spring Symposium and Editor of MRS Advances. Publications: approximately 170 papers in refereed journals, several communications to meetings, 3 patents. 2 book chapters. Referee for the main journals of inorganic chemistry and for scientific proposals. Main Scientific Interests: Design & synthesis of transition (d, f) metal-complexes with tunable optical properties (second-order nonlinear optics, NIR-dyes, luminescence) Donor/acceptor adducts of sulfur rich donors with dihalogens and related applications. Sustainable noble-metals dissolution and recovery from waste


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Lug 252020
Ruolo Collaboratore esterno a titolo gratuito Professore Ordinario in pensione dal 1 Ottobre 2017 Area Scientifico Disciplinare Scienze Chimiche Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM/03 Chimica generale e inorganica Dipartimento di Afferenza – Contatti e.mail: Indirizzo – Orario di ricevimento Previo appuntamento tramite posta elettronica  
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