Mag 292011

Just thought I’d give you a sneak preview of the Oral timetable- it’ll be published on the site tomorrow. Timetable […]

Mag 152011

Hi there ,                  just to remind you that we have started our revision : here is the list of […]

Mag 082011

Hello there,                   Just to remind that you that this week we looked at Reported Speech. Reported questions and Passives, […]

Mag 082011

Just a quick note to say that we’ve come to the end of our lessons- all that remains is the […]

Mag 012011

Hello there,                        Apologies for my absence but now we’re back in business and on the home run! Last week […]

Mag 012011

Hello everybody!                                Welcome back! Sorry for my absence over the hols but all those Easter eggs!!!   Anyway last […]

Apr 152011

Hello there everyone!                                      Well this week we continued with our look at comparatives by also looking at sayoing two […]

Apr 152011

Hello there,                   Well this week we finished our look at Light and Colour in the Museum Environment which was probably one of the […]

 Scritto da in 15 Aprile 2011  ESP
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