Apr 152011

Hello there,

                  Well this week we finished our look at Light and Colour in the Museum Environment which was probably one of the most if not the most difficult article to date. Remember that for the written test you will need to know the vocab. that was introduced during the lessons. For the Oral questions will be about the actual article and the Museum photocopy.

We have now started on our last module -The tomb of Sennefer! Hope this is more your cup of tea!!!  We completed database info. about the Block Statue of Sennefer and learned something about you.

Next week please remember that there are NO lessons on Wednesday or Thursday and that after the holidays we start back on Wednesday 27 April . No “Sardinian ” holiday on Thursday either ! Sorry!!! Once we have completesd the last article, the last two weeks of the course are revision and practice!!!

On Tuesday I will confirm the date of the written test for our lucky Istanbul group!!!

      Enjoy your weekend!

Don’t forget to do your homework!


 Scritto da in 15 Aprile 2011  ESP
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