Dic 202011

Hi everyone!

                   First of all, just to tell you that enrolment for the test is already online via ESSE3. There will be a difference between frequentante /non- frequentante so be careful! that you did not go over the number of absences!!! or if you did you should have talked to me!

Then for those of you who will be going on with Lab 2 in the second semester, the test d’ingresso is on 14 February. Even if you do not intend taking the test but wish to attend lessons you need to enrol.

               Finally , have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.


Dic 022011

Hi there,

            Well, our lessons are coming to an end and we’ve almost finished the syllabus! So this week we looked again at the use of “have to/ must / don’t have to” BUT in the past tense.

HAD TO  is the

Past tense of must / have to

I wasn’t at the lesson yesterday because I had to go to the doctor!

Don’t forget

CAN/ CAN’T also express possibility/permission or not to do something!


Obligation (MUST/ HAVE TO) You MUST/HAVE TO eat 5 pieces of fruit a day. PROHIBITION MUSTN’T You MUSTN’T drink that water.
Rules (have to) In GB YOU HAVE TO drive on the left.    
Possibility/permission Can YOU CAN smoke here! PROHIBITIONCan’t You CAN’T smoke in here!
    NOT NECESSARYDON’T HAVE TO(DIDN’T HAVE TO) John DOESN’T HAVE TO get up tomorrow. It’s a holiday!
COULD When I was a child, I COULD eat anything I liked and  I never put on weight. COULDN’T  When I was a child I COULDN’T stay out all night!
HAD TO I wasn’t at school yesterday because I HAD TO go to the dentist!    


Then we had a look at relative pronouns.

WHO/THAT/WHICH  are relative pronouns.

I know a man. He can speak Japanese.   = I know a man WHO can speak Japanese.

WHO is used for people NOT things but you can say: (I know a man THAT can speak Japanese) (WHO is more frequent)

THAT is used for people and things

I have a watch. It is very old. =  I have a watch WHICH is very old.

(I have a watch THAT is very old )   .

 Use of where:  The hotel where we stayed was very expensive.

Please note that our final lesson 13.12.2011 by popular demand will be in the morning at 11 in Aula 15. You will need to cofirm that you are coming during lessons next week!

              See you soon!










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