Set 242013

The textbook for the LAB. 1 course is :

Global –Digital Pre-Intermediate  (Macmillan)  (Coursebook  And Eworkbook)       Isbn: 9780230033122.

Lessons start next Tuesday, 1st October as per timetable.





Set 172013

Please remember that these tests are ONLY for students who were enrolled for the lab. last year or in previous years and DID NOT pass the test. (i.e. January 2013, May 2013)  No other students can be accepted at this test.


Set 172013

Please note that any students (NOT FIRST YEARS) interested in attending Lab. 1 lessons are invited to a meeting on

TUESDAY, 24.09.2013 AT 12.00 in Room 17.


Set 122013

Please note that on Tuesday 17th September I shall be in the office from 14.00- 15.30.

I will NOT be in the office on Thursday, 19th September.

Please contact me for any urgent matters at


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