Set 102014

Please note that ALL students  ( 2nd years and F.C. in Lettere, Filosofia, Beni Culturali) need to enrol online from their […]

Set 242013

The textbook for the LAB. 1 course is : Global –Digital Pre-Intermediate  (Macmillan)  (Coursebook  And Eworkbook)       Isbn: 9780230033122. Lessons start next Tuesday, […]

Dic 202011

Hi everyone!                    First of all, just to tell you that enrolment for the test is already online via ESSE3. […]

Dic 022011

Hi there,             Well, our lessons are coming to an end and we’ve almost finished the syllabus! So this week […]

Nov 182011

Hello!            Here’s what we did this week! Present Perfect, more Present perfect and more Present Perfect!!! Here’s the grammar!!! […]

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