Aula Verde
José Zamora and Doris Meyer, Allegory and Syncretism in Porphyry’s De antro nympharum I
Harold Tarrant, University of Newcastle, Australia
Porphyry and His Sources: The Cave of the Nymphs and Elsewhere
Crystal Addey, University of Wales Trinity St. David, UK
The Oracle and the Cave: Oracles, Allegory and Mystery Cults in Porphyry’s Philosophy from Oracles and De antro nympharum
Piera De Piano, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Porfirio e Proclo lettori di Omero: per un’ermeneutica neoplatonica del mito arcaico
Aula Rossa
Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., Boston College and Suzanne Stern-Gillet, University of Bolton (Philosophy)/University of Manchester (Classics and Ancient History)
The Moral Life, the Philosophical Life and the Ideal of God-likeness II
Richard Parry, Agnes Scott College
Socratic Virtue and Becoming Like the God
Giannis Stamatellos, University of Copenhagen, Center for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics
Virtue and Disposition in Plotinus
Suzanne Stern-Gillet, University of Bolton (Philosophy) and University of Manchester (Classics and Ancient History)
The Plotinian Concept of Stillness
Aula Bianca
Later Neoplatonists I
Gheorghe Paşcalău, University of Heidelberg
Metaphysik in dramatischer Fassung: Mythologie und Zeitlichkeit bei Damaskios
Alberto Ross, Universidad Panamericana, México and Centre Léon Robin, Francia
The Neoplatonist Interpretation of the Prime Mover: Simplicius on Physics VII-VIII
Krzysztof Lapinski, University of Warsaw
Stoic Sage in Plotinus
10:15-10:40: COFFEE BREAK
Aula Verde
Luc Brisson, CNRS, Paris and Francesco Fronterotta, University of Salento and Sapienza University of Roma
La conception du principe premier chez Plotin et dans le Néoplatonisme I
Michele Abbate, Università di Salerno
Il rapporto fra il Principio e l’essere in Proclo e Damascio
Stephen Gersh, University of Notre Dame
Damascius on the Ineffable
Marilena Vlad, l’Université Babeș-Bolyai de Cluj
Le passage vers le rien. Damascius et le principe au-delà de l’un
Lela Alexidze, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
The Supreme One: Its Transcendence and Its Kataphatic Characteristics in Ioane Petritsi’s Philosophy
Aula Rossa
Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. Boston College and Suzanne Stern-Gillet, University of Bolton (Philosophy)/University of Manchester (Classics and Ancient History)
The Moral Life, the Philosophical Life and the Ideal of God-likeness III
Menahem Luz, Haifa University
God-Likeness in the Greco-Jewish Traditions of the Hellenistic Period
Marc-Antoine Gavray, Université de Liège
Philosophical Life and Death: Late Commentators on Philosophy as μελέτητοῦ θανάτου
Bruce MacLennan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Theurgy from the Perspective of Evolutionary Neuropsychology
Aula Bianca
Elisabetta Cattanei, University of Cagliari and Alessia Ferrari, University of Barcelona
Platonic and Neo-platonic Conceptions of Number and Geometry I
Adrien Lecerf, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
Peras et apeiron, «définition» et «indéfinition» comme principes métaphysiques moteurs dans le néoplatonisme de Jamblique
Giovanna Rita Giardina, University of Catania, Italy,
The Scholia of Soterichus to Nicomachus’s Introduction to Arithmetic: An Example of Mathematical Explanation of the Timaeus’s Psychogony in the XI century
Elisabetta Cattanei, University of Cagliari
‘An Agreed Principle in Geometry: A Magnitude Consists of Parts Infinitely Divisibile’ (In pr. Eucl., p. 278, ll. 11-12). Proclus’ Reception of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Work on the Indivisible Lines
Emilie Kutash, St. Joseph’s College
Revolutions, Rotations and the Power of the Center: Proclus’ Counter to the Geometrical and Mathematical Astronomers
Aula Lussu
Claudia D’Amico, Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Universidad de Buenos Aires
La recepción del Neoplatonismo en la Edad Media I
Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Elementos neoplatónicos en el Sirr Al-Asrâr (Secretum Secretorum) atribuido a Aristóteles
Michael Chase, CNRS, France
Gottheit lebendiges Kleid. Orpheus Arabicus, or myths of weaving in Greco-Arabic philosophy
Claudia D’Amico, Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Universidad de Buenos Aires
Proclo y Dionisio, hacia el desvelamiento de una vinculación histórica en Bertoldo de Moosburgo y Nicolás de Cusa
13:00:15:00: LUNCH
Aula Verde
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism II: Marsilio Ficino
Cesare Catà, Independent Scholar, Italy
A God-like Reason: Ficino’s Platonic Legacy and William Shakespeare
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari
‘On the Demon to Which We Have Been Entrusted’: Marsilio Ficino on Enneads III.4.3
Valery Rees, School of Economic Science
Philosophy on the Defensive
Aula Rossa
José Zamora and Doris Meyer, Allegory and Syncretism in Porphyry’s De antro nympharum II
Doris Meyer, CNRS, UMR 7044: Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité de la Préhistoire à Byzance, Strasbourg, France
Porphyre, les historiens et le concept de la vérité historique dans le De antro nympharum
Giuseppe Muscolino, University of Macerata, Italy
Porphyry and Black Magic
José M. Zamora, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
‘Who Have no Knowledge of the Sea’. Soul and Purification in Porphyry’s De antro nympharum
Aula Bianca
Dmitri Nikulin
Memory in Neoplatonism and its Predecessors
Emily Fletcher, University of Toronto
Memory and the Perception of Change in Plato’s Philebus
Angela Longo, University of l’Aquila,
Memoria inattiva e memoria attiva in Plotino
Dmitri Nikulin, The New School for Social Research, New York
Memory and Recollection in Plotinus
Aula Lussu
Plato and Middle Platonists
Gabriele Meloni, University of Edinburgh
The Ion: Plato on What the Poet Does (and What the Rhapsode Does not Know)
Tiberiu Popa, Butler University
Philo’s Place in the History of the Idea of Law of Nature
16:45-17:10: COFFEE BREAK
Aula Verde
John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
Conceptions of the Soul in Plato, Aristotle, and the Platonic Tradition III
J. Noel Hubler, Lebanon Valley College
Plato, the Stoics, and the Theory of Psychic Motions
D.M. Hutchinson, St. Olaf College
Aristotle and Plotinus on “Perceiving that We Perceive”
David Ellis, Boston College
Language and Ambiguity in Plotinus
Aula Rossa
Jean-Michel Charrue, Institut Saint Pierre
Neoplatonism, Freedom, Providence and Fate I
Jean-Michel Charrue, Institut Saint Pierre
Grégoire de Nysseplotinien? A propos de la providence
Romain Bonneau, Université de Poitiers
Destin et liberté chez Plotin
Dylan M. Burns, Copenhagen University
Justin Martyr’s Sources on Prayer and Providence (Dial. Tryph. I, 4 revisited)
Aula Bianca
Francesca Maria Crasta, University of Cagliari and Laura Follesa, University of Cagliari
Platonism and Neoplatonism in Early Modern Metaphysical Systems II
Francesca M. Crasta, University of Cagliari
‘Physica Divina’: platonismo, metafisica e nuova scienza tra Rüdiger e Swedenborg
Luisa Simonutti, University of Ferrara, Italy
Locke on Personal Identity, Immortality and Bodily Resurrection
Cecilia Muratori, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
“Nothing Can Become Manifest to Itself Without Contrariety or Opposition:” God’s Division and Nature’s Life According to Jakob Böhme
Aula Verde
Luc Brisson, CNRS, Paris and Francesco Fronterotta, University of Salento/Sapienza University of Roma
La conception du principe premier chez Plotin et dans le Néoplatonisme II
Luc Brisson, CNRS, Paris
Les rapports de l’Intellect avec l’Un chez Plotin : l’Intellects ensé et l’Intellect ivre, d’après le Traité 38 [VI 7], 35, 19-27
Francesco Fronterotta, University of Salento/La Sapienza University of Rome
En quel sens l’Un est-il le Bien? Plotin critique d’Aristote dans le Traité 38 [VI 7], 25 et 27
Thomas Vidart, Lycée Champollion à Grenoble
‘The One which is Beyond:’ the Link between the One and the Unity of the Intellect According to Plotinus
Maria Carmen De Vita, University of Salerno
Il Bene/Sole nell’esegesi neoplatonica: dalle Enneadi all’inno di Giuliano A Helios re