Saturday 23 June


Aula Verde
Later Neoplatonists II

Ilaria Ramelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
The Philosophical Roots and Impact of Origen’s Notion of Hypostasis

Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch, University of Copenhagen, Center for Neo-Platonic Virtue Ethics
The Influence of Gregory of Nyssa’s Polemical Thought on the Development of His Mature Views on Ethics

Andrei Timotin, Romanian Academy, Bucharest/EPHE-LEM, Paris
The Hierarchy of Interpretations in Proclus’ Hermeneutics of Myths

Aula Rossa
Francesca Maria Crasta, University of Cagliari and Laura Follesa, University of Cagliari 
Platonism and Neoplatonism in Early Modern Metaphysical Systems III

Silvia Parigi, Independent scholar, Italy
Il neoplatonismo e l’azione a distanza: il caso delle cure magnetiche

Francesco Piro, University of Salerno, Italy
Plato vs the Neoplatonists? Leibniz on the Legacy of Platonism

Laura Follesa, University of Cagliari, Italy
‘Lebendige Materie’? Platone e Schelling: dal commento al Timeo al Von der Weltseele

Aula Bianca
Religious Platonism

Vasco Baptista Marques, Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon
Beyond the Negative: Appropriation and Overcoming of the Negative Theology Tradition in Vladimir Jankélévitch’s Philosophie Première

Eleni Pachoumi, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Religious and Philosophical Assimilations of Helios in Magical Texts of Late Antiquity and the Concept of Diversity and Unity of Their Contemporary Neo-Platonists

Sarah Jane Boss, Roehampton University
Creation, Incarnation and Ecology: An Approach from Christian Platonism

10:45-11:10: COFFEE BREAK


Aula Rossa
Robert Berchman, Dowling College
Thinking on Thinking

Robert M. Berchman, Dowling College/Bard College
A Principle of Continuity in Plotinus and Leibniz

John Hendrix, Roger Williams University
Intellect and the Structuring of Reality in Plotinus and Averroes

Francois Lortie, Université Laval/ÉcolePratique des Hautes Études
L’imagination comme intellection dans le commentarisme néoplatonicien

Mark J. Nyvlt, Dominican University College
Heavenly Movement: Aristotle, Plotinus, and a Few Words on Hegel

Aula Bianca
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni, The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism IV

Leo Catana, Centre for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics, University of Copenhagen
The Dethronement of the Renaissance Tradition of General Biographies: Heumann’s Census of Porphyry’s Life of Plotinus (1715)

Eva Del Soldato, University of Warwick,
The Renaissance Circulation of the Letter of Lysis to Hypparchus

Jozef Matula, Palacky University
Cardinal Bessarion and His Reading of Plato’s Arguments on the Soul

Paula Oliveira e Silva, Universidade do Porto
Neoplatonism in Francisco de Holanda’s Theory of the Origin of Ideas in the Mind

Aula Lussu
Pierpaolo Ciccarelli, University of Cagliari
Platonic Influence on the Hermeneutical Critique of Modernity I

Andrea Le Moli, University of Palermo
Image and Copy in Derrida’s Deconstruction of Platonism

Carmine Di Martino, University of Milan
Le origini platoniche del ‘logocentrismo’ nella ‘decostruzione’ di Jacques Derrida

Arnold A. Oberhammer, University of Hildesheim
Derridas Dekonstruktioneines ‘Platonischen Idealismus’ und Platons διαλεκιτκὴ τέχνη im Sophistes

Pierpaolo Ciccarelli, University of Cagliari
Linguisticità della doxa e dottrina delle idee. Sulla ‘riattivazione’ o ‘ripetizione’ fenomenologica dei dialoghi platonici in Leo Strauss

13:30-14:30: LUNCH


Aula Verde
Dylan Burns, Copenhagen University and Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete, LabEx HASTEC/CNRS-Centre Jean Pépin, Paris
Neoplatonism and Gnosticism

Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete, LabEx HASTEC/CNRS-Centre Jean Pépin, Paris
Philosophie et christianismes: base de données et repertoire bibliographique

Adrian Mihai, EPHE/UdeM, Paris/Montreal
Le concept de tolma chez Plotin et les gnostiques

Izabela Jurasz, Centre Leon Robin (UMR 8061), Paris
Courants philosophiques dans les Discours contre Bardesane d’Ephrem le Syrien

John D. Turner, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Prenoetic and Hypernoetic Interhypostatic Processes in the Metaphysics of the Chaldaean Oracles and Select Gnostic Sources

Aula Rossa
Sarah Klitenic Wear, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Christina-Panagiota Manolea, University of the Peloponnese/Hellenic Open University, and Carl O’Brien, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
The Phaedrus and Neoplatonic Psychology

Carl O’ Brien, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
The Phaedrus and Neoplatonic Psychology in the Thought of St Gregory of Nyssa

Christina-Panagiota Manolea, University of the Peloponnese/Hellenic Open University
The Figure of Socrates and its Psychological Dimensions in the In Phaedrum

Robert Zaborowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Some Neglected Details in Plato’s Charioteer Allegory

Aula Bianca
Andrea Orsucci
Platonism and Neoplatonism in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Philosophy

Andrea Orsucci, University of Cagliari, Italy
Oltre Platone: il problema del mito tra Hegel, Creuzer e Feuerbach

Andrea Bellantone, Institut Catholique de Paris/ Université de Turin
Le néoplatonisme en France au dix-neuvièmesiècle: moments

16:50-17:15: COFFEE BREAK


Aula Verde
Elisabetta Cattanei, University of Cagliari and Alessia Ferrari, University of Barcelona
Platonic and Neo-platonic Conceptions of Number and Geometry III

Alessia Ferrari, University of Barcelona
L’invisibile e l’indivisibile in Platone, Fedone 78 B 4-80 B 7, e nell’interpretazione di Olimpiodoro

Federico Maria Petrucci, University of Pisa
Unity and Numbers in Theon’s Expositio: Academic Legacy and Middle-Platonic Ontology

Claudia Maggi, Independent Scholar
The Derivation of Numbers and Forms in Plotinus’s Treatise On Numbers

Aula Rossa
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism V

Diego Pirillo, University of California, Berkeley
Italian Neoplatonism in Stuart England: Tommaso Campanella’s Manuscript Circulation Between Occultism and Reason of State

Pasquale Terracciano, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa
Origen, Francesco Zorzi and the Censorship

James A.T. Lancaster, The Warburg Institute
The Reception of Renaissance Platonism in the Nature of Francis Bacon’s Religion

Aula Bianca
Pierpaolo Ciccarelli, University of Cagliari
Platonic Influence on the Hermeneutical Critique of Modernity II

Laura Candiotto, University Ca’ Foscari of Venezia
Cura di sé e politica. Il compito della filosofia in Michel Foucault

Twyla Gibson, University of Toronto/Harvard University, and Stuart J. Murray, Carleton University
Authenticity and Khrēsis in Michel Foucault’s Reading of Alcibiades I

Albert Joosse, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Foucault’s Subject and Plato’s Mind