Friday 22 June


Aula Verde
Dionysius and Hierotheus

Filipa Afonso, Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon
Lux and lumen: Eriugena’s Translation of Dionysius’s Phos

Graciela L. Ritacco de Gayoso, CONICET- Universidad del Salvador
Thearquia: Entre Damascio y Dionisio del Areópago

Tuomo Lankila, Universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä
The Figure of Hierotheus in the Corpus Areopagiticum and its Proclean Context

Aula Rossa
Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College
Philosophy and Salvation in Greek Religion II

John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
Iamblichus, Theurgy, and the Soul’s Ascent

Alexis Pinchard, CNRS
The Salvific Function of Memory in Archaic Poetry, in the Orphic Gold Tablets and in Plato: Which Continuity, Which Break?

Svetla Slaveva-Griffin, The Florida State University
Trial by Fire: The Hymn to Demeter and Plato’s Phaedo on Mor(t)ality and Immor(t)ality

Aula Bianca
David Butorac Fatih University
Neoplatonism and Aristotle’s Organon II

Scott Austin, Texas A&M University
Some Eleatic Features of Platonic and Neoplatonic Method: Aristotle Imitating the Parmenides’ Method? Proclus and Prior Analytics I 27

Daniele Granata, University of Catania
Κοινόν and κοινωνία: a Particular Case of μέθεξις in John Philoponus

Aula Lussu
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni, The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism III: Marsilio Ficino

Angelo Maria Vitale, University of Salerno
A Neoplatonic Light Metaphysics Between St. Augustine and Ficino:  Girolamo Seripando’s Quaestiones CIX  de re philosophico-theologica.

Federica Signoriello, University College London
Free will and Salvation:  Luigi Pulci Inspired by Marsilio Ficino’s Philosophy

10:15-10:40: COFFEE BREAK


Aula Verde
Kevin Corrigan and Jean-Marc Narbonne
Plotinus and the Gnostics

Zeke Mazur, Université Laval
Plato’s Sophist in Platonizing Sethian Gnostic Interpretation

Kevin Corrigan, Emory State University and John Turner, Lincoln University
Plotinus and the Gnostics: the Peculiar Impact of the Tripartite Tractate and Later Works

Jean-Marc Narbonne, Université Laval
Why is Treatise 33 followed by Treatise 34 on Number? Some Exploratory Remarks

Lorenzo Ferroni, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brasil
Le Traité 33 [II.9] de Plotin: quelques réflexions textuelles

Aula Rossa
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni, The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism III

Garth Green, McGill University
Reason(s) and Revelation(s): The Contexts of Nicholas of Cusa’s De quaerendo Deum

Davide Monaco, University of Salerno
Monadologia e prospettivismo nel pensiero di Nicolò Cusano

Nick Holland, Independent Scholar, London
Neoplatonism and Dreams in the Writings of Niccolò Leonico Tomeo

Gabriela Kurylewicz, University of Warsaw
Metaphysical Philosophy of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Aula Bianca
Claudia D’Amico, Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Universidad de Buenos Aires
La recepción del Neoplatonismo en la Edad Media II

Angelo Tavolaro, dottorando FITMU – University of Salerno
Il neoplatonismo cristiano dello pseudo-Dionigi Aeropagita

José María Nieva, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán – UNSTA
Lexis en Dionisio Areopagita

Oscar Federico Bauchwitz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
El mal según Eriúgena

Luiz Fernando Fontes-Teixeira, Doctorando en Filosofía – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil/University College Cork
La vía negativa del neoplatonismo medievale

Aula Lussu
Jean-Michel Charrue
Neoplatonism, Freedom, Providence and Fate II

Haud Gueguen, Prag au Conservatoire national des arts et metiers, Paris
Le rôle de l’accident et de la puissance dans le refus aristotélicien du destin

Danielle A. Layne, Georgia Southern University
Socrates’ Foreknowledge and Alcibiades’ Freedom in Proclus

Alain Lernould, CNRS, Université de Lille III
Le Cycle Triadique de la Causalité Démiurgique:  Bonté, Vouloir, Providence, L’Interpretación Proclienne de Timée 29E1-30C 2

Laetitia Monteils-Laeng, ATER en philosophie
Le paradoxe de ‘l’immortalité limitée’ chez les stoïciens. Le destine exceptionnel du sage en contexte naturaliste


20:30-23:30: BANQUET