Wednesday 20 June

08:30-10:00: REGISTRATION


Aula Verde
Anna Corrias, The Warburg Institute/University of Cagliari and Guido Giglioni, The Warburg Institute
Renaissance Neoplatonism I: Marsilio Ficino

Guido Giglioni, The Warburg Institute
Philosophy and the Reasonableness of Theurgic Devotion: Marsilio Ficino’s Paraphrasis of Iamblichus’s De Mysteriis Aegyptiorum

Denis Robichaud, University of Notre Dame
Marsilio Ficino: the Style of Plotinus and the Bible

Mikolaj Antczak, University of Warsaw
Scholastic Humanism: on Marsilio Ficino’s Writing Style

Aula Rossa
John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
Conceptions of the Soul in Plato, Aristotle, and the Platonic Tradition II

Anna Motta, University of Salerno, Italy
«Nella pianura della verità e nel prato delle Idee divine…»
L’anima superiore di Platone e la sua missione soteriologica

Daniela P. Taormina, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
L’anima in relazione e l’anima in coordinazione. Il giovane Proclo di fronte al problema della metensomatosi da uomo ad animale

Simon Fortier, Université Laval
Human Souls in Animal Bodies: the Theodorean Solution

Aula Bianca
David Butorac, Fatih University
Neoplatonism and Aristotle’s Organon I

Michele Anik Stanbury, University of Notre Dame
Aristotle and Plotinus on Dialectic and the Principle of Non-Contradiction

David Butorac, Fatih University
Aristotle Imitating the Parmenides’ Method? Proclus and Prior Analytics I 27

Thomasz Tiuryn, University of Warsaw
Problems with Substantial Form in Alexander of Aphrodisias

13:00-15:00: LUNCH


Aula Verde
John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
Conceptions of the Soul in Plato, Aristotle, and the Platonic Tradition I

John M. Dillon, Trinity College Dublin
Plutarch, Plotinus and the Zoroastrian Concept of the Fravashi

Lloyd P. Gerson, University of Toronto
Rational Souls in Plato and Plotinus

Peter Lautner, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Γνωστικώς and/or ὐλικῶς:  Philoponus’ Account of the Material Aspects of Sense-perception

Aula Rossa
Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., Boston College and Suzanne Stern-Gillet, University of Bolton (Philosophy)/University of Manchester (Classics and Ancient History)
The Moral Life, the Philosophical Life and the Ideal of God-likeness I

Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., Boston College
Evils Must Necessarily Haunt This Region

Dimitrios Vasilakis, King’s College London
Love and Myth in Plotinus’ Enneads III.5

Matthias Vorwerk, Catholic University of America
“If There is a ‘Demon-Itself’, Then He also is a God.” (Enn. III.5 [50] 6.20). Some Reflections on Plotinus’ Demonology

Aula Bianca
Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College
Philosophy and Salvation in Greek Religion I

Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College
Tragedies of Self and Polis: Sophoclean Elements in the Republic

Francisco David Corrales Cordón, University of Barcelona
Rhetoric and Soteriology in Later Neoplatonism

16:45-17:10: COFFEE BREAK

Aula Verde
Francesca Maria Crasta, University of Cagliari and Laura Follesa, University of Cagliari 
Platonism and Neoplatonism in Early Modern Metaphysical Systems I

Sarah Hutton, Aberystwyth University, UK
Plotinus, Descartes and Henry More’s Conception of ‘Person’

Brunello Lotti, University of Udine, Italy
The Theory of Ideal Objects and Relations in the Cambridge Platonists (Rust, More and Cudworth)

Martine Pécharman, CNRS, Maison Française d’ Oxford (MFO)
Plotinus’s Sympatheia in Cudworth’s True Intellectual System of the Universe: Whatkind of Legacy?

Aula Rossa
Sandra and Bernard Collette-Dučić
The Artists and Plato: A Study of Plato’s Reception in the Works of Poets and other Creators in Renaissance and Romanticism

Bernard Collette-Dučić, Université Laval, Canada
Reading Plato in Shelley’s Defence of Poetry

Sandra Collette-Dučić, Independent Researcher, Canada
The Idea of Beauty and the Spirit of Love in Raphael

Michail Maiatsky, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Lе platonisme du Cercle de George en tant qu’idéologie de sa Kulturpolitik

Aula Bianca
Writing, Thinking, Creating

José Baracat Jr., Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
How and for Whom did Plotinus Write?

Rasius Makselis, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute
Plotinus on the Life of the Intellect

John Phillips, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Middle Platonists and Neoplatonists on the ‘Art’ of Creation

19:00-22:00: WINE RECEPTION