Daniele Trogu is a PhD student in Cagliari University.
He received his master degree in Land Engineering and Urban Planning at University of Cagliari in July 2010. His thesis (Complementarietà tra Pianificazione Territoriale e Pianificazione Energetica: il caso delle biomasse vegetali in Sardegna) surveys the relationship between these two kind of plans. In addition to this, thesis present also a simulation in GIS environment as a planning support system to detect location for biomass plant with the least transport cost. Currently his research is spatial autocorrelation for urban phenomena.
From October 2011he will be a teaching assistant for the Spatial Planning course at the Faculty of Engineering in Cagliari.
Contacts: daniele.trogu (at) unica.it
Who is Simone Caschili
Simone Caschili, enviromental engineer, received his Ph.D. in Ingegneria del Territorio (Land Engineering and Urban Planning) at University of Cagliari (IT) in February 2010. His thesis (Complex Networks and Spatial Analysis: an Integrated Approach for Community Detection) explores the linkages between Complex Network Theory and Spatial Planning proposing a contribution to the issue of “regionalization”. His research interests are the modelling of urban and regional systems as complex networks, the inclusion of time-space features in network modelling and policy evaluation for planning in both urban and environmental governance. He developed the GIS tool ComplexNetGIS, an ArcGIS® integrated tool. It provides several network functions and indices taken from Complex Network Theory and transport analysis.
Since 2007 he has been a teaching assistant for the Spatial Planning course at the Faculty of Engineering in Cagliari.
From August 2006 to September 2010 he worked as a consultant at the Urban Planning Office of the Autonomous Administration of Sardinia and supported the maintenance of the regional landscape plan.Since Octobre 2010 he has been appointed at Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis – University College London – as Research Associate for the ENFOLD-ing Project.
Email: simon.caschili at gmail.com
Blog @ UCL: http://simone.blogweb.casa.ucl.ac.uk/
List of Invited Talks
George Mason University, invited lecture on Landscape Planning in Italy, 29 April 2009
List of Publications
Journal articles
1. De Montis A., Chessa A., Campagna M., Caschili S., Deplano G., 2010, ” Modeling commuting systems through a complex network analysis: a Comparative Study”, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2: 3/4, pp. 39-55. (link)
2. De Montis A., Caschili S., Campagna M, Chessa A., 2010, “Urban Management in the Face of Complexity: Commuting Networks in Insular Italy”, International Journal of Sustainable Development, 13:1/2, pp. 185-199. (link)
3. De Montis A., Caschili S., Chessa A., forthcoming, “Time Evolution of Complex Networks: Commuting Systems in Insular Italy”, accepted for the Journal of Geographical Systems.
Book chapters
4. Carter H., Caschili S., Koole R., 2007, “Urbanology”, in Local Identity and Globalisation, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Helsinki (FI), 110-114. ISBN: 978-951-22-9078-9 (link)
5. De Montis A., Campagna M., Chessa A., Caschili S., Deplano G., 2009, “Complex Network Analysis of Commuting: Recent Advances and a Research Agenda”, in Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity, edts Reggiani A. and Nijkamp P., New York, 239-256. ISBN: 978-3-642-01553-3 (link)
6. Caschili S., De Montis A., Chessa A., Deplano G., 2009, “Weighted Networks and Community Detection: Planning Productive Districts in Sardinia”, in Planning, Complexity and New ICT, Rabino G. and Caglioni M. Eds., Alinea, Perugia, 27-36. ISBN 978-88-6055-415-4.
7. Caschili S., 2010, “ComplexNetGIS: a tool for the analysis of complex spatial networks”, in Informatica e Pianificazione Urbana e Territoriale Vol 2, Las Casas G., Potrandolfi P. and Murgante B. Eds, Libria, Melfi, 233-242. ISBN: 978-88-96067-46-8.
8. De Montis A., Caschili S., Belfiori M, 2010, “Nuraghes and landscape planning: coupling viewshed with complex network analysis”, in Informatica e Pianificazione Urbana e Territoriale Vol 1, Las Casas G., Potrandolfi P. and Murgante B. Eds, Libria, Melfi, 211-220. ISBN: 978-88-96067-46-1.
Talks in international conferences, workshops, poster sections
9. Caschili S., De Montis A., Manca G., Deplano G., 2009, “Accessibility in Commuting U.S. Network”, 1st Transatlantic NECTAR Conference – Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research in the USA, 18-20 June 2009, Arlington, VA, USA
10. De Montis A., Caschili S., Campagna M., Chessa A., Deplano G., 2008, “Time Evolution of Complex Networks: Commuting Systems in Insular Italy”, The 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) 27-31 August 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Abstract) (Paper)
11. Caschili S., 2008, ” Spatial planning through complex network theory”, AESOP Workshop, Jotunheimen National Park, Norway, 15-18 June 2008 (Paper)
12. Caschili S., 2008, “Modeling people mobility as complex network: the study of commuter systems”, TRA poster section (YEAR2008), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21-24 April 2008. (Link) (Abstract)
13. Deplano G., Campagna M., Caschili S., De Montis A., Chessa A., 2007, “Modeling Commuters Dynamics as Complex Networks”, Complex Networks: from Biology to Information Technology – Poster Section, Pula (IT). (Link)
Talks in national conferences
14. Caschili S., De Montis A., Chessa A., Deplano G., 2009, “Weighted networks and Community Detection: Planning Productive Districts in Sardinia”, Conferenza Nazionale in Informatica e Pianificazione Urbana e Territoriale (INPUT ’08), Lecco 4-6 March 2009
15. Caschili S., 2008, ” Analisi di sistemi territoriali attraverso il paradigma delle reti complesse: il caso del pendolarismo in Sardegna e Sicilia”, Convegno: Rete Interdottorato in Urbanistica e Pianificazione Territoriale, 26-28 ottobre 2008, Torino. (Link)
Papers in conference proceeding
16. De Montis A., Caschili S., Campagna M., Chessa A., Deplano G., 2008, “Accessibility in commuting systems Network based performance indicators”, 2008 NECTAR WORKSHOP “The Future of Accessibility: New Methodological Developments” – Workshop D2.1. Faculty of Economics, 27-28 June 2008. (Working paper)
17. De Montis A., Chessa A., Campagna M., Caschili S., Deplano G., 2007, “Complex networks theory for policy making and planning: a research agenda”, IPL – Workshop on Complexity, evolution and learning: in search of implicity, Lochem/Barchen (NL). (Abstract)
18. De Montis A., Chessa A., Campagna M., Caschili S., Deplano G., 2007, “Grouping complex systems: a weighted network comparative analysis”, ERSA 2007, Paris (FR). (Abstract) (Paper)
19. Campagna M., Caschili S., Chessa A., De Montis A., Deplano G., 2007, “Modeling commuters dynamics as complex network: the influence of the space”, CUPUM 2007, Iguassu Falls (BR). (Abstract)
20. Campagna M., Caschili S., Chessa A., De Montis A., Deplano G., 2007, “Inspecting the influence of space on a real complex network”, NET 2007: Networks, topology and dynamics , Urbino (IT). (Abstract)