Master di II livello in Informazione Geografica e Supporto alla Pianificazione territoriale e ambientale (Geographic Information and Environmental Planning Support) e (titolo duale) US Master of Science Degree in Geography and Cartography (Master in Geografia e Cartografia).
Metodi e strumenti della pianificazione territoriale e ambientale (Spatial and environmental planning methods and tools) – Syllabus
Course information
Course number: to be attributed
Course title: Metodi e strumenti della pianificazione territoriale e ambientale (Spatial and environmental planning methods and tools).
Term: First semester (Oct-Feb)
Class meetings: Tuesday, 9-12; Wednesday, 16-19
Professor contact Information
Professor: Andrea De Montis (Associate Professor)
Office: Aula “Clemente”, Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, Sezione Urbanistica, via Marengo 2, Cagliari.
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 11-13 (during class semester); by appointment (in other terms)
Office phone: +39 070 6755210
Home page:
Course Description
This course presents methodological and operational issues regarding spatial and environmental planning. In this course, students are confronted with a variety of methods and approaches that aid analysts and professionals in contemporary planning practice. Theoretical materials are further explained with the presentation of case studies drawn mainly, but not exclusively, from Italian national and local experiences. The course program comprehends take home assignments, Mid-Term and Final written exams. Students’ overall attainment is evaluated according to the criteria weighted as reported below.
Required Textbook.
No specifically required textbook. Readings and presentations distributed via course website.
Grading policy
The final grade is attributed according to a weighted summation of the student performance assessed through four criteria, as described in the following list.
Assignments ………………… 20%
Class participation ………….. 20%
Mid-Term Exam ……………. 30%
Final Exam ……………….…. 30%
Course Program
Section 1 – Introduction
Section 2 – Spatial and Environmental Planning (SEP): rationale and approaches
Section 3 – SEP: operational analysis and tools
Mid-Term Exam
Section 4 – SEP in Italy/Europe: theory
Section 5 – SEP in Italy/Europe: practical examples
Final Exam
Note, descriptions are subject to change at the discretion of the professor.
Grading conversion
Marks are expressed at UniCA in grade points according to the Italian system and correspond to marks expressed in letters according to the USA and UK systems, as detailed below.
Marks in grade points (Italian System)
Marks in letters (USA and UK system)
30/30 cum laude
From 29/30 to 30/30
From 24/30 to 26/30
From 18/30 to 23/30
Less than 18/30
Attendance is expected and required.
Late assignments
Assignments should be submitted by the due date. Late assignments are accepted up to 4 days late with a penalty equal to 1% of the weight attributed to Assignments.
First Assignment: due January 16 2013.
The First Assignment has been presented on November 28 2012 and is due on January 16 2013. Text and materials are available here: 1st Assignment.
Second Assignment: due January 30 2013.
The Second Assignment is being presented on December 19 2012 and is due on January 30 2013. Text is available here: 2nd Assignment SEPMT. Note deadline has been extended and fixed on February 6 2013.
Examinations schedule
Exams will consist in written short answers and essays (with possibility of skipping some questions) about the arguments developed during the educational activities.
Mid term Exam: January 23 2013
Final Exam: Febbruary 13 2013
Picture Gallery
Architype Table
- Great examples of modern spatial planning and design: synopsis of the main features.
- Prof. De Montis and MS students behind the scheme on modern urban design.
- MS students with course tutor dott. ing. Daniele Trogu during a revision of the 1st Assignment.
- Regional spatial planning regulation: key parts.
- Evaluation in planning: a scheme.
- Regional spatial planning regulations in Italy
- The three layers of spatial planning in Italy
- The three stages of landscape planning in Italy