
  • In preparation:

    Special Issue of the Journal of Transport Geography (eds: Andrea De Montis, Aura Reggiani e Gebhard Wulfhorst) on Accessibility and Socio-Economic Activities

    Special Issue of Cities (eds: Andrea De Montis e Aura Reggiani) on Analysis and Planning of Urban Settlemnts: the Role of Accessibility.

    Special Issue of Computer, Environment and Urban Systems (eds: Andrea De Montis e Aura Reggiani) on Accessibility Modelling.

    CASCHILI S, DE MONTIS A (sotto review). Accessibility in commuting U.S. network. CITIES, ISSN: 0264-2751

    DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A (sotto review). Commuter networks and community detection: planning productive districts in Sardinia. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. APPLIED PHYSICS, ISSN: 1286-0042



    International Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD), Volume 13 – Issue 1/2 – 2010

    Special Issue on Innovation and Creativity in Urban Management

    Guest Editors: Luigi Fusco Girard, Andrea De Montis and Peter Nijkamp (link)


    List of publications:

    DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S (2012). Nuraghes and Landscape Planning: Coupling Viewshed with Complex Network Analysis. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, ISSN: 0169-2046, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.01.005

    DE MONTIS A (in stampa). Recensione del libro: Globalization and Urban Implosion. Creating New Competitive Advantage (Ed. Remo Della Longa). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. SR SCIENZE REGIONALI, vol. 1/2012, ISSN: 1720-3929

    DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A (2011). Spatial Complex Network Analysis and Accessibility Indicators: the case of municipal commuting in Sardinia, Italy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, vol. 11(4), p. 405-419, ISSN: 1567-7141

    DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A (2011). Time Evolution of Complex Networks: Commuting Systems in Insular Italy. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS, vol. 13(1), p. 49-65, ISSN: 1435-5930, doi: 10.1007/s10109-010-0130-8

    DE MONTIS A (2010). Book review. LAND USE POLICY, vol. 27(3), p. 994-995, ISSN: 0264-8377, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.10.009

    DE MONTIS A, CHESSA A, CAMPAGNA M, CASCHILI S, DEPLANO G (2010). Modeling commuting systems through a complex network analysis. A study of the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE, vol. 2, p. 39-55, ISSN: 1938-7849

    DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A, CAMPAGNA M (2010). Urban management in the face of complexity: commuting networks in insular Italy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, vol. 13, p. 185-199, ISSN: 0960-1406

    DE MONTIS A, ZOPPI C (2009). Contingent Valuation of renewable energy innovations: vegetal biomass in Italy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 11, p. 218-233, ISSN: 1466-2132

    DE MONTIS A., CASCHILI S., CAMPAGNA M., CHESSA A., DEPLANO G. (2008). Time Evolution of Complex Networks: Commuting Systems in Insular Italy. The 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association 27-31 August 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Abstract) (Paper)

    DE MONTIS A., CASCHILI S., CAMPAGNA M., CHESSA A., DEPLANO G. (2008). Accessibility in commuting systems network based performance indicators. NECTAR Meeting The Future of Accessibility 27-28 June 2008, Las Palmas, Spain (Working Paper)

    DE MONTIS A., DE MONTIS V. (2008). Planners in the face of mining cultural heritage: tourist development at L’Argentiera, Italy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. vol. 10(1), pp. 128-146 ISSN: 1460-6720. Invitato a numero speciale su “Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development”, curatori: Fusco Girard L, De Montis A. e Nijkamp P. (link to IJSTM Issue)

    FUSCO GIRARD L, DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2008). Cultural tourism and sustainable development. Editorial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. vol. 10(1), pp. 1-7 ISSN: 1460-6720. (link to IJSTM Issue)

    CAMPAGNA M, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A, DE MONTIS A., DEPLANO G. (2007). Grouping Complex Systems: A Weighted Network Comparative Analysis. Joint Congress of the ERSA (47th) and ASRDLF (44th). August 29th – September 2nd, 2007. CD-ROM. (Abstract) (Paper)

    CAMPAGNA M, CASCHILI S, CHESSA A, DE MONTIS A., DEPLANO G. (2007). Modeling commuters dynamics as a complex network: the influence of space. 10th International Computers in Urban Planning and  Urban Management Conference (CUPUM). 11-13 luglio 2007. (Abstract)

    DE MONTIS A. (2007). Il progetto di piano in Italia: verso una revisione teorica e pratica del dimensionamento. ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI. vol. 88, anno XXXVIII, pp. 95-109 ISSN: 0004-0177.

    DE MONTIS A. (2007). Participative and Inter-active Evaluation: a Review of the Methodologies. In: DEAKIN M., MITCHELL G., NIJKAMP P., VREEKER R. EDS. Sustainable Urban Development: the Environmental Assessment Methods. (pp. 473-491). : Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group (UNITED KINGDOM).(Paper)

    DE MONTIS A., BARTHELEMY M, CHESSA A, VESPIGNANI A. (2007). The Structure of Inter-urban Traffic: A Weighted Network Analysis. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN. vol. 34(5), pp. 905-924 ISSN: 0265-8135. (Abstract)

    DE MONTIS A., CAMPAGNA M, CHESSA A, CASCHILI S, DEPLANO, G. (2007). Inspecting the influence of space on a complex real network. Net2007: Networks: Topology and Dynamics. 17-19 Maggio 2007. (Abstract)

    DE MONTIS A., CHESSA A, CAMPAGNA M, CASCHILI S, DEPLANO G. (2007). Complex networks theory for policy making and planning: a research agenda. Institute Para Limes – Workshop on Complexity, evolution and learning: in search of simplicity. 20-22 September 2007. (Abstract)

    CAMPAGNA M, DE MONTIS A., DEPLANO G. (2006). PSS design: a general framework perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. vol. 1/2, pp. 163-179 ISSN: 1466-2132. Numero speciale su “Decision and Planning Support Systems for Environmental Management” a cura di A. De Montis e P. Nijkamp. (link to IJETM Issue)

    DE MONTIS A., LAI S. (2006). Analisi multicriteri e supporto al piano: una sperimentazione riferita ad un`area protetta della Sardegna. In: GORLA G, CAMAGNI R A CURA DI. Valutazione economica e valutazione strategica di programmi e progetti territoriali. (pp. 153-174). MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2006). Editorial Overview, Decision and Planning Support Systems for Environmental Management. Di MALCEWSKI J, JANSSENN R, VAN HERWEINEN M, MUNDA G, DE MONTIS A, NIJKAMP P, VREEKER R, BRUINSMA F, VAN LEEUWEN E, KLOSTERMANN R, FABBRI K, BOHENER C, LEUNG PS, DEPLANO G, CAMPAGNA M. (vol. 1/2, pp. 1-4). ISBN: 1466-2132. Numero speciale su “Decision and Planning Support Systems for Environmental Management”. : Inderscience (UNITED KINGDOM). (link to IJETM Issue)

    DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2006). Environmental planning and multicriteria evaluation in a collaborative perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. pp. 40-64 ISSN: 1466-2132. Numero speciale su “Decision and Planning Support Systems for Environmental Management” a cura di A. De Montis e P. Nijkamp. (link to IJETM Issue)

    DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2006). Tourism and the Political Agenda: Towards an Integrated Web-based Multicriteria Framework for Conflicts Resolution. In: GIAOUTZI, M. E P. NJIKAMP EDS. Tourism and Regional Development: New Pathways. (pp. 177-201). ALDERSHOT HANTS: Ahsgate Publishing Ltd. (UNITED KINGDOM). (Paper)

    DE MONTIS A. (2005). The rise of Cyber-planning: some theoretical insights. In: CAMPAGNA M. ED. GIS for Sustainable Development. (pp. 23-35). ISBN: 0-8493-3051-3. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA: CRC-Press, Taylor & Francis Group (UNITED STATES).(link to CRC Press)

    DE MONTIS A., BARTHELEMY M., CAMPAGNA M., CHESSA A., VESPIGNANI A. (2005). Spatial properties of weighted complex networks: a real world case study. 9th International Computers in Urban Planning and Urban  Management Conference (CUPUM). London, June 29th – July 2nd, 2005.

    DE MONTIS A., BARTHELEMY M., CAMPAGNA M., CHESSA A., VESPIGNANI A. (2005). Topological and dynamic properties emerging in a real inter-municipal commuting network: perspectives for policy-making and planning. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. 23-27 August 2005, Free University of Amsterdam. Proceedings on CD-ROM.

    DE MONTIS A., BARTHELEMY M., CHESSA A., VESPIGNANI A. (2005). The structure of inter-urban traffic: a weighted network approach. Physics Archive. 18 luglio 2005. (vol. 0507106). website

    DE MONTIS A., DE MONTIS S., NIJKAMP P. (2005). “Cyber planning” e sistemi interattivi di supporto al piano (SISP): classificazioni e pratiche. SR SCIENZE REGIONALI. vol. 3/2005, pp. 97-119 ISSN: 1720-3929.

    DE MONTIS A., DE TORO P, DROSTE-FRANKE B, OMANN I, STAGL, S. (2005). Criteria for Quality Assessment of MCDA Methods. In: GETZENER M., SPASH C., STAGL S. EDS. Alternatives for Valuing Nature. (pp. 99-133). ISBN: 04-1531-012-1. LONDRA: ROUTLEDGE. (Paper)

    DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2005). Valutazione multicriteri e pianificazione ambientale: una procedura istituzionale sull’attitudine territoriale al turismo integrato. In: FUSCO GIRARD L., NIJKAMP P. A CURA DI. Energia, bellezza, partecipazione: la sfida della sostenibilità. Valutazioni integrate tra conservazione e sviluppo. (pp. 289-308). ISBN: 88-464-6252-1. MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A., DE MONTIS S. (2004). Mandatory and spontaneous processes of impact assessment: A comparative study referred to Sardinia, Italy. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL. vol. VI – October 2004 ISSN: 1682-1130.

    DE MONTIS A., NIJKAMP P. (2004). New Perspectives on Space-Time Sustainability Evaluation in the Context of Multicriteria Decision-Making. In: DEPLANO G. Politiche e strumenti per il recupero urbano. (pp. 181-203). ISBN: 88-867-2953-7. GORIZIA: Edicom (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A. (2003). Il concetto di ecological footprint e le sue implicazioni per la valutazione della sostenibilità territoriale e urbana. In:
    ZOPPI C., GARANO M. A CURA DI. La valutazione ambientale strategica nella pianificazione territoriale. Nuove prospettive per la gestione delle trasformazioni urbanistiche. (pp. 47-63). ISBN: 88-492-0387-X. ROMA: Gangemi Editore (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A. (2003). Stili di pianificazione e tecniche di valutazione: la V.A.S. e i nuovi orizzonti del piano strategico. In: ZOPPI C., GARANO M. A CURA DI. La valutazione ambientale strategica nella pianificazione territoriale. Nuove prospettive per la gestione delle trasformazioni urbanistiche. (pp. 37-46). ISBN: 88-492-0387-X. ROMA: Gangemi Editore (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A. (2003). Valutazione e tecnica urbanistica. Riflessioni, applicazioni, ricerche. ISBN: 88-492-0526-0. ROMA: GANGEMI EDITORE (ITALY).

    DE MONTIS A. (2002). Il territorio, la misura, il piano, Valutazioni collaborative in una prospettiva digitale. ISBN: 88-492-0536-8. ROMA:  Gangemi Editore (ITALY).

    CAMPAGNA M., DE MONTIS A. (2001). Geographic Spaces/ Digital Places: Towards a Communicative Approach for Urban and Regional Planning. 4th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Brno, Check Republic, April 19-21, 2001.

    DE MONTIS A. (2001). Analisi multicriteri e valutazione per la pianificazione territoriale. Metodologie e integrazioni di ricerca. ISBN: 88-8467-029-2. CAGLIARI: CUEC (ITALY).

    DEPLANO G, CAMPAGNA M, DE MONTIS A. (2001). L’applicazione delle tecnologie dell’informazione spaziale nel processo di recupero del centro storico di cagliari: ricerca e applicazioni. ARCHI @ MEDIA. vol. 3, pp. 22-42 ISSN: 1129-8197. Alinea Editrice, Firenze.

    DEPLANO G., CAMPAGNA M., DE MONTIS A. (2000). Managing Urban Historical Renewal in Italy: New Perspectives of GIS/MCA Architectures for Web Based Collaborative Planning. In: ESPOSITO M.A. ED.,. Histocity Book, The best of 1998-2000 Network Research on The Historical Cities Sustainable Development using GIS. (pp. 143-149). ISBN: 88-8125-178-7. FIRENZE: Alinea Editrice (ITALY).

    NIJKAMP P., DE MONTIS A. (2000). Nuove prospettive sull’analisi della sostenibilità  urbana: Valutazioni spazio-tempo nel contesto della pratica decisionale multicriteri. In: FORTE B., FUSCO GIRARD L. A CURA DI. Città  sostenibile e sviluppo umano. Dalla città  nomade alla città  felice. (pp. 217-236). ISBN: 88-464-2255-4. MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).