Apr 232014

It’s my great pleasure to report to you the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB 2014, Beijing, China, on September 19-21). iCBEB Conference provides a great opportunity to meet, into an international contest, the most recent advances in some important fields like biomedical engineering, biomaterials, bioinformatics and computational biology, biomedical imaging and signal processing, biomechanical engineering and biotechnology. Conference proceedings will be published by Journal-Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering (indexed by SCI Expanded/EI Compendex/Scopus) and you can find the 2013 conference proceedings published in Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering.
All the information about the Conference can be reached at the link ICBE2014.
It is great opportunity to submit papers in the fields of interest of the Conference. Let me indicate to you the Workshops of iCBEB2014 .
particularly (for the research fields of interest of my group)
Workshop 2: International Workshop on Computer Applications in Biology and Medicine (CABM2014)
Workshop 6: International Workshop on Medical Imaging (IWMI2014)
Luigi Barberini

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