Events Archive

Nov 042015

Euraxess Roadshow banner


We take your research further

The European Commission launched on 5th October 2015 in Brussels a pan-European information campaign to help researchers find career advice and work through the Euraxess initiative. The Euraxess tour is visiting 34 European cities in 16 countries showing how European research and innovation contributes to growth and job creation in Europe.

The two Euraxess buses, yellow and blue, provide students and young researchers with direct access to the services offered by Euraxess.

The yellow bus arrives in Cagliari on 12th November 2015 at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in Piazza d’Armi.

Find here the complete Programme and the media invitation (italian version)

Get in and go far with your research career!

Mag 072015




Il DAAD (Servizio tedesco per lo scambio accademico) in collaborazione con il Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e Mobilità organizza un incontro informativo per illustrare le attuali prospettive per lo scambio scientifico tra la Germania e l’Italia, le opportunità di Borse di ricerca e i finanziamenti per le Università.

L’incontro si terrà lunedì 11 MAGGIO 2015 alle ore 10.00 presso la Direzione per la Ricerca e il Territorio, Teatro Anatomico, in via Ospedale 121.

L’invito è esteso a tutti i Professori, Ricercatori e Dottorandi di ricerca di tutte le Facoltà dell’Ateneo.

Saranno presenti all’incontro la Prof.ssa Franca Ortu, responsabile per la lingua Tedesca nella Facoltà di Studi Umanistici e il Dott. Max Schlenker Lettore DAAD che risponderà alle domande degli intervenuti.

Locandina dell’evento

Please notice, this is an invitation to a conference for DAAD Fellowships in Germany to be held in town. So, just for those residing in Cagliari and nearby.

 Scritto da in 7 Maggio 2015  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 11 Maggio 2015: Giornata DAAD – Opportunità di studio e ricerca in Germania
Nov 182014



Il Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e mobilità della Direzione Ricerca e Territorio, in collaborazione con APRE (Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea) organizza due giornate formative per illustrare il nuovo Programma integrato della Commissione europea HORIZON2020 destinato alle attività di ricerca e innovazione.


 Le giornate formative saranno così articolate:


20 NOVEMBRE 2014: tema HEALTH
Sala congressi Presidenza della Facolta’ di Medicina e Chirurgia
Cittadella universitaria – Monserrato

Obiettivo della giornata formativa è approfondire gli elementi chiave del nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell’Unione Europea nel tema della SALUTE con particolare attenzione ai nuovi bandi 2014-2015: sistemi sanitari e assistenziali di alta qualità ed economicamente sostenibili nonché opportunità di nuovi posti di lavoro e di crescita costituiscono infatti gli obiettivi di sostegno alla ricerca e all’innovazione in Horizon 2020.

Programma della giornata




Aula Magna “Maria Lai” Facolta’ di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche
Via Nicolodi  – Cagliari

Obiettivo della giornata formativa è approfondire gli elementi chiave del nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell’Unione Europea con particolare attenzione agli strumenti per migliorare e strutturare proposte di progetto vincenti: in Europa infatti non basta scrivere una buona proposta, occorre scrivere una proposta eccellente in cui si prendano in considerazione tutti i criteri di valutazione partendo dall’eccellenza scientifica senza trascurare le ricadute e l’impatto del progetto come anche un’accurata gestione del management.

 Programma della giornata


I corsi saranno tenuti dalla Dottoressa Caterina BUONOCORE, National Contact Point per la  H2020 – Health , wellbeing , Demographic change (SC1) e Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE)


Per ulteriori informazioni:
Tiziana Cubeddu – Sandra Angioni – Ester Maria Loi
Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e Mobilità – EURAXESS Service Centre
tel. +39 070 675 8442/8440/8547 email:

 Scritto da in 18 Novembre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 20/21 Novembre 2014: Giornate formative HORIZON2020 – HEALTH/ELEMENTI DI UNA PROPOSTA DI SUCCESSO
Ott 152014




Il DAAD (Servizio tedesco per lo scambio accademico) in collaborazione con il Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e Mobilità- EURAXESS Service Centre, organizza un incontro informativo per illustrare il sistema universitario tedesco, le attuali prospettive per lo scambio scientifico tra la Germania e l’Italia, le opportunità di Borse di ricerca e studio fornite dal DAAD e da altri enti e fondazioni tedeschi.

L’incontro si terrà il 22 OTTOBRE 2014 alle ore 11.00 presso la Direzione per la Ricerca e il Territorio – Teatro Anatomico – via Ospedale, 121.

L’invito è esteso a tutti i Professori, Ricercatori, Dottorandi di ricerca e Studenti di tutte le Facoltà dell’Ateneo.

Saranno presenti all’incontro il Dott. Tobias BARGMANN, Direttore del Centro Informazioni DAAD di Roma, la Prof.ssa Franca Ortu, Responsabile per la lingua Tedesca nella Facoltà di Studi Umanistici e il Dott. Max Schlenker, Lettore DAAD, che risponderà alle domande degli intervenuti.


Locandina dell’evento

Slides dell’evento

Please notice, this is an invitation to a conference for DAAD Fellowships in Germany to be held in town. So, just for those residing in Cagliari and nearby.

 Scritto da in 15 Ottobre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 22 Ottobre 2014: Giornata DAAD – Opportunità di studio e ricerca in Germania
Set 052014

DICAAR Architettura of the University of Cagliari and DADU Architettura Design Urbanistica of the University of Sassari organise the third edition of the International Summer School of Architecture “Sardinia. The territory of places” from 4th to 13th September 2014 which gathers in Cagliari architects, artists and personalities of the international cultural scene to discuss about the candidature of Cagliari for the “European Capital of Culture 2019”, in order to device the process that Cagliari has started to conquer this goal.

The activities of the School will include seminars, conferences and studio work organized in different study groups followed by one or more teachers and tutors.

The official languages of the seminar are Italian and English.

 Scritto da in 5 Settembre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su September, 4-13 2014 – 3. International Summer School of Architecture
Mag 222014




“Exploring potential benefits and risks of using cannabinoids for Huntington’s disease”


Eileen M Denovan-Wright, PhD

Department of Pharmacology

Dalhousie University

Halifax, Canada


Cittadella Universitaria – Monserrato AULA 1, Asse Didattico E

Cagliari, Italy 23 maggio 2014 Ore 12.30

Event Poster


0.15 credits will be awarded to students of PhD Neuroscience

 Scritto da in 22 Maggio 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su May, 23 2014 – Seminar: “Exploring potential benefits and risks of using cannabinoids for Huntington’s disease”
Mag 192014

Department of Environmental Engineering 

Short Course on

“Fundamental and Advanced Topics

in Hydrogeology and Hydrological Simulation”

Cagliari – Italy July, 21st to 25th 2014


Deadline June 30, 2014

Lecturer: Prof. Claudio Paniconi,  INRS-ETE, University of Quebec, Quebec City, Canada

Course Description: The hydrological cycle is characterized by continuous interactions between the atmosphere (rainfall and evaporation), the land surface (overland and channel flow), and the subsurface (soil infiltration and aquifer recharge). Reliable observation and modeling of these interlinked processes is critical to sustainable water management in the face of increasing resource degradation and societal conflicts arising from population, land use, and climate changes. The challenges in monitoring and simulating hydrological processes can be attributed to several factors, not least of which the sheer complexity of these interactions, the spatio-temporal heterogeneity that characterizes natural systems, the difficulty in measuring key parameters and state variables, and the knowledge gaps and uncertainties in the models we use to study hydrological dynamics. These challenges are being addressed by continual advances in several domains, including: computer technology (in support of observation networks, data analysis, and process simulation); hydrological observation (on the ground, airborne, and from space); numerical algorithms (to deal more effectively and efficiently with scale, nonlinearity, and other complexities); and evolving methodologies for model calibration, parameter estimation, and data assimilation (so that simulation models and observation data can be integrated in a physically consistent manner).

This intensive 5-day course will review fundamental and practical aspects of hydrological theory and modeling. The primary focus will be on the subsurface (groundwater and soil water), and special attention will be devoted to advanced topics such as:

  • Modeling coupled phenomena (e.g., water flow and contaminant transport; atmosphere–surface–subsurface interactions);
  • Matching models and complexity (e.g., 1D models for infiltration; quasi-2D models for hillslopes; 2D models for recharge–discharge analysis; analytical solutions for well response to pumping and for simple reactive transport);
  • Principles and applications of data assimilation and remote sensing for hydrology.

The course will be structured as a series of lectures, mostly in the morning sessions, followed by afternoon sessions devoted to hands-on simulation code demonstrations and exercises. The lectures will cover, in addition to the advanced topics mentioned above, the following theoretical and applied elements of hydrology, hydrogeology, and numerical modeling: basic definitions, concepts, and parameters in porous media flow and transport; Darcy’s law, conservation of mass, and Richards’ equation; Dupuit, Boussinesq, and other approximations; advection, dispersion, and mass transfer; first-order, equilibrium, and kinetic reactions; finite difference and finite element discretization; geostatistics, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty estimation. The demos will allow participants to experiment directly with a number of simplified models (Matlab codes that solve the 1D Richards, hillslope-scale Boussinesq, analytical advection–dispersion–reaction, and steady state groundwater flow equations) and to work with more general and detailed models such as the integrated surface water–groundwater CATHY (CATchment HYdrology) simulator.

Short Course website

There is no registration or tuition fee for the course, but participants must cover their own travel and subsistence costs.

 Scritto da in 19 Maggio 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su July, 21-25 2014: Short Course on Fundamental and Advanced Topics in Hydrogeology and Hydrological Simulation
Mag 162014

“SWAT 2014 International Summer School”

2nd International Summer School on

Soil and Water Assessment Tool

Pula, Cagliari – Italy September 22th to 26th, 2014


Submission deadline September 1st
Registration deadline September 12th

The course is opened to Master and Phd students, postdocs, degree students, scientists and environmental engineers, hydrologists, ecologists, consultants, water resource managers, planners and decision makers in public and private bodies interested on the use of the hydrological SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), in order to investigate hydrologic dynamics and water quality issues in watersheds and rivers.

The course, divided into 2 sessions (beginners and advanced), combines theory and practical exercises and gives the students the opportunity to use their own data and the chance to be teached by the developers of the model.

SWAT 2014 Website

Promotional materials




 Scritto da in 16 Maggio 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su September, 22-26 2014 – SWAT 2014: 2nd International Summer School on Soil and Water Assessment Tool
Mag 142014



4th International Workshop on

Transverse Polarisation Phenomena in Hard Processes

Chia, Cagliari, Italy – June 9-13 2014


 Deadline June 2, 2014



Transversity and transverse-spin effects in high-energy hadronic collisions are of ever-growing theoretical and experimental interest within the particle physics community. Modern developments in hadron physics emphasise the role of parton intrinsic motion and spin, and their correlations, which are crucial to our full understanding of the nucleon structure in terms of the quark and gluon degrees of freedom in QCD, beyond the collinear approximation.
The main aim of the workshop is to provide an environment in which present theoretical and experimental knowledge in the field of transversity, transverse-momentum dependent distribution and fragmentation functions as well as generalised parton distribution functions will be presented and discussed in depth, together with new theoretical ideas and experimental perspectives.
This thus represents a valuable opportunity to gather the spin physics community, with a broad participation of theorists, as well as of experimentalists working in international collaborations at BNL, CERN, DESY and JLab, all deeply involved in this area of research. The workshop will also be a unique occasion for young researchers to form a detailed and up-to-date perspective on this fast-developing research field, and to present and discuss their own work and projects in a highly stimulating and reactive context.

The workshop follows those held in 2005 on Lake Como (Italy), 2008 in Ferrara (Italy) and 2011 in Lošinj (Croatia), organised within the framework of an Italian Ministry-funded inter-university Research Project of National Interest (PRIN).



  • Transversity and transverse momentum dependent (TMD) PDFs and FFs: universality, factorisation, evolution, nonperturbative models, parametrisations, …
  • Partonic intrinsic transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum, parton angular momentum operators in QCD, three-dimensional structure of the nucleon
  • Lattice calculations, phenomenological extractions of TMDs and global analysis
  • Measurements of transverse spin/momentum effects at COMPASS, HERMES, JLab, RHIC, LHC experiments, in hadron-hadron Drell-Yan and exclusive processes, and in e+e- –> hadrons: status and perspectives
  • Deeply virtual Compton scattering, generalised parton distributions and their relation with TMDs
  • Future programmes: plans of Laboratories and experiments


 Transversity 2014 website




 Scritto da in 14 Maggio 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su June, 9-13 2014 – TRANSVERSITY 2014: 4th International Workshop on Transverse Polarisation Phenomena in Hard Processes
Mag 142014

3rd Summer School on Computer Security and Privacy
Cagliari, Italy, September 16-19 2014


Deadline June 1, 2014


  • Targeted Attacks Analysis and Investigation
  • Botnets
  • Threat Modeling with PASTA™ (Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis)
  • Automatic Vulnerability Discovery
  • Usable Security
  • Secure Deletion of Sensitive Data
  • Privacy in the Era of Internet-based Intelligence


  • Marco Balduzzi, TrendMicro
  • Matteo Bonfanti, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
  • Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Marco Morana, OWASP London chapter, UK
  • Karen Renaud, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Konrad Rieck, University of Göttingen, Germany
  • Stefano Zanero, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

SCHOOL FEE:  The school fee will not exceed 400 Euros (200 Euros for students of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari) and will include coffee breaks, lunches, and the social dinner.

School web site  


Giorgio Giacinto, Davide Ariu, Igino Corona – University of Cagliari, Italy

 Scritto da in 14 Maggio 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su September, 16-19 2014: 3rd Summer School on Computer Security and Privacy “Building trust in the Information age”
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