Euraxess Network
EURAXESS is the network of more than 200 Service Centres and Local Contact Points situated in 40 Countries, which has been founded by the European Commission to promote and support international researchers’ mobility.
EURAXESS ITALY is organised in a network of 7 Service Centres and 10 Local Contact Points located at universities and privateinstitutions.
The mission of the EURAXESS Service Centres and Local Contact Points is to provide free and personalised assistance to researchers and their families when moving to foreign countries, such as: visa, permit of stay, accommodation, legal issues, social security, medical care, pension rights, taxes, family support, schooling, day care, language courses, research funding, social and cultural aspects.
EURAXESS Services Network is constantly working to improve the services’ standards. Researchers will be always treated with courtesy and respect, and services are always provided to all researchers on the right to equal treatment.
Wherever they go, mobile researchers will always find the EURAXESS network to make easier their experience abroad.
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Euraxess Services