Fellowships & Funding


A given number of fellowships to support students enrolled in the Molecular and Translational Medicine Ph.D. program @UNICA will be available each year. Fellowships will be assigned on the basis of  the comparative evaluation of the admission tests by the Board of Examiners and the resulting ranking. Fellowships are granted to students whose annual gross income does not exceed the amount of Euro 13.752,00

 The fellowship covers the entire time duration of three years Ph.D. program. The gross annual amount of the fellowship is Euro 15.343,28 (before social welfare charges (INPS)), and shall be increased by 50%  for periods abroad.

♦ There are no tuition fees for the Ph.D. students holding a fellowship. However an annual fee of Euro 16,00 is required for insurance and revenue tax


The Molecular and Translational Medicine Ph.D. program @UNICA welcomes proposals by both public and private parties concerning the sponsorization of a 3-year fellowship to support doctoral studies in its multidisciplinary environment. For any questions, please refer to our Contacts


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