Program outline


The training program of the PhD provides teaching and research training.


The teaching program, planned and managed by the PhD Faculty Board, is organized in educational credits (CFU), for a total number of 18 CFU/3 years. The knowledge acquired in each course will be verified through a final test.

♦ First year

  1. Formulation of the research project and assignment to a Supervisor (Faculty member)
  2. Research activity
  3. Educational activities (seminars and courses) related to the topic of the thesis (research project) and the general themes of the Ph.D. program, including participation to seminars(*) held by Faculty members and invited speakers, participation to scientific conferences, critical analysis of the scientific literature
  4. Presentation to the Academic Board of the Graduate School and the Department of the research activities carried out and the results obtained during the first year (Progress Report, in the form of seminars)
  5. Drafting of annual report (in English)

♦ Second year

  1. Research activity
  2. Educational activities (seminars and courses) related to the topic of the thesis (research project) and the general themes of the Ph.D. program, including participation to seminars(*) held by Faculty members and invited speakers, participation to scientific conferences, critical analysis of the scientific literature
  3. Stage abroad
  4. Presentation to the Academic Board of the Graduate School and the Department of the research activities carried out and the results obtained in the second year (Progress Report, in the form of seminars)
  5. Processing of the data obtained and preparation of drafts of scientific papers based on the results of the project
  6. Drafting of annual report (in English)
  7. Teaching-supporting activities directed to both undergraduate students collaborating with the research group (organizing and supervising lab training activities, assistance during the preparation of graduation theses) and Professors (assistance during exams)

♦ Third year

  1. Research activity
  2. Educational activities (seminars and courses) related to the topic of the thesis (research project) and the general themes of the Ph.D. program, including participation to seminars(*) held by Faculty members and invited speakers, participation to scientific conferences, critical analysis of the scientific literature
  3. Stage abroad
  4. Presentation to the Academic Board of the Graduate School and the Department of the research activities carried out and the results obtained in the three years of graduate course (Final Report, in the form of seminars)
  5. Processing of the data obtained and preparation of drafts of scientific papers based on the results of the project
  6. Teaching-supporting activities directed to both undergraduate students collaborating with the research group (organizing and supervising lab training activities, assistance during the preparation of graduation theses) and Professors (assistance during exams)
  7. Writing of the final thesis (in English)
  8. Discussion of the thesis (in English, if the Commission includes foreign members)


For the final evaluation of the course and final examinations, the Academic Board of the GraduateSchool will consider the following parameters:

  1. Number and quality of scientific publications, and/or communications at conferences
  2. Individual contribution to the advancement of the research project
  3. Degree of autonomy achieved in carrying out research activities
  4. Critical skills gained regarding the analysis of the results
  5. Ability to process and present the results in an organic way, even in English
  6. Ability to develop scientific publications and research projects in English


* Note: lectures and seminars held by Faculty members on issues relevant to oncology, genetics, molecular biology, microbiology and virology, epidemiology, pharmacology, biochemistry. Cycles of seminars pertaining statistics, bioinformatics, biophysics, computational sciences and ‘omics’ held by either Faculty members or other UNICA scientists with specific expertises, as well as seminars aimed at educating students on skills related to patent laws and the regional and national requirements for the creation of start-ups (including spin-offs). The UNICA Language Centre will organize English courses for all UNICA Ph.D. students, while courses on the ‘Management of research, knowledge of research systems and funding systems’ will be organized (at the UNICA central level) by the delegate responsible for European Research (Office for Research and the Territory).



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