Current teaching activities


Scheduled classes for 2022/2023 academic year:

All the classes will be held in person. Attendees will be informed of the the time and the room for each seminar via email. At the end of each class, students will be invited to fill out a evaluation form. 


Gabriele Serreli Immunoblotting nello studio del signalling intracellulare 01/04/2022
Gabriele Serreli Immunoblotting nello studio del signalling intracellulare 08/04/2022
Cristina Piras Tecniche di Analisi Statistica Multivariata 15/04/2022
Cristina Piras Applicazioni dell’Analisi Statistica Multivariata in campo clinico 29/04/2022
Sebastiano Banni Nutritional homeostatic regulation of the body composition 06/05/2022
Sebastiano Banni Metabolic flexibility and physiological body composition. The role of dietary fat 13/05/2022
Eleonora Loi Organoids as research models for cancer studies 20/05/2022
Ana Florencia Vega-Benedetti Disease modeling using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC)-derived brain organoids 20/05/2022
Sebastiano Banni Metabolic flexibility and physiological body composition. The role of dietary fat 27/05/2022
Henry Erlich Lecture 1. History of PCR : Application to Hemoglobinopathies  01/06/2022
Henry Erlich Lecture 2. Analysis of HLA Polymorphism: Disease Susceptibility and Anthropological Genetics 06/06/2022
Henry Erlich Lecture 3. Genetics for Justice:  Application of PCR to Forensics 07/06/2022
Patrizia Zavattari Alterazioni della metilazione del DNA nel cancro 24/06/2022
Eleonora Loi Bioinformatics 1 01/07/2022
Eleonora Loi Bioinformatics 2 08/07/2022
Masayuki Yamamoto   The KEAP1-NRF2 System in Cancer Biology and Medicine 15/07/2022
Malgorzata Radwan-Oczko   Oral lichen planus preneoplastic or neoplastic disease? From bedside to bench 28/09/2022
Irena Duś-Ilnicka  Application of molecular biology techniques in oral pathology research  28/09/2022
André Marette  Dietary protein catabolism by the gut microbiome and it’s impact on metabolic heath  19/10/2022
Alessandro Weisz Deciphering estrogen signaling in breast cancer: From biology to the clinic 22/06/2023
Carlos Dotti On the mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits in the elderly (mouse). 23/06/2023
Raffaella Origa Beta Thalassemia. Between ineffective erythropoiesis and iron overload. 14/07/2023
Ana Florencia Vega-Benedetti Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC), a valuable resource for patient-specific disease modeling  TBD
Eleonora Loi Epigenetic alterations in human diseases: from identification to evaluation of their functional effects in cellular models  TBD
Sandro Muntoni Meccanismi molecolari emergenti e nuovi approcci terapeutici nella aterosclerosi 19/10/23 e 20/10/23
Gabriele Serreli Immunoblotting nello studio del signalling intracellulare  TBD


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