Alberto Angioni


Department of Life and Environmental Sciences  

Telephone:  +39 070 6758615

Mobile: +39 347 3741132


Personal webpage: here

Main areas of expertise: Food quality and safety; Development and applications of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of natural and synthetic compounds; Functional foods and Nutraceutics; Food and environmental toxicology; Metabolomics.


Key publications:

  1. M. Campus, P. Sedda, E. Cauli, F. Piras, R. Comunian, A. Paba, E. Daga, S. Schirru, A. Angioni, R. Zurru, G. Bandino. Evaluation of a single strain starter culture, a selected inoculums enrichment, and natural microflora in the processing of Tonda di Cagliari natural table olives: Impact on chemical, microbiological, sensory and texture quality. LWT – Food Science and Technology 64 (2015) 671-677.
  2. Fadda A, Pace B, Angioni A, Barberis A, Cefola M. Suitability for ready-to-eat processing and preservation of six-green and red baby leaves cultivars and evaluation of their antioxidant value during storage and after the expiration rate. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 40 (2016), 550-558.
  3. Alberto Angioni, Marinella Melis, Maria Teresa Russo, Salvatore D’Aquino, Mario Schirra. Postharvest Applications of Clove essential Oils on Dry Seeds Under Simulated Warehouse Conditions. JEOR 1 (2016) 15-21.
  4. Gabriele Serreli, Alessandra Incani, Angela Atzeri, Alberto Angioni, Marco Campus, Emanuele Cauli, Roberto Zurru, Monica Deiana. Antioxidant Effect of Natural Table Olives Phenolic Extract Against Oxidative Stress and Membrane Damage in Enterocyte-Like Cells. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017
  5. Campus, M., Cauli, E., Scano, E., Piras, F., Comunian, R., Paba, A., Daga, E., Di Salvo, R., Sedda, P., Angioni, A., Zurru, R. Towards Controlled Fermentation of Table Olives: LAB Starter Driven Process in an Automatic Pilot Processing Plant. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10, Issue 6, 1 June 2017, Pages 1063-1073
  6. D’Aquino, S., Suming, D., Deng, Z., Gentile, A., Angioni, A., De Pau, L., Palma, A. A sequential treatment with sodium hypochlorite and a reduced dose of imazalil heated at 50 oc effectively control decay of individually film-wrapped lemons stored at 20 oc. Postharvest Biology and TechnologyVolume 124, 1 February 2017, Pages 75-84
  7. Valentina Coroneo, Valentina Carraro, Barbara Marras, Alessandro Marrucci, Sara Succa, Barbara Meloni, Antonella Pinna, Alberto Angioni, Adriana Sanna & Marco Schintu. 2017. Presence of Trihalomethanes in ready-to-eat vegetables disinfected with chlorine. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 34:12, 2111-2117, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2017.1382723
  8. Prato, E, Fanelli, G., Angioni, A, Biandolino, F., Parlapiano, I., Papa, L., Denti, G., Secci, M., Chiantore, M., Kelly, M.S., Ferranti, M.P., Addis, P. 2018. Influence of a prepared diet and a macroalga (Ulva sp.) on the growth, nutritional and sensory qualities of gonads of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Aquaculture, Volume 493, Pages 240-250
  9. Michelina Pusceddu, Ignazio Floris, Alessandra Mura, Panagiotis Theodorou, Giorgia Cirotto, Giovanna Piluzza, Simonetta Bullitta, Alberto Angioni, Alberto Satta. 2018. The effects of raw propolis on Varroa-infested honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers. Parasitology Research Volume 117, Issue 11, Pages 3527-3535
  10. Asma Ben Salem, Hanene Chaabane, Pierluigi Caboni, Alberto Angioni, Rachid Salghi & Sami Fattouch. 2019. Environmental Fate of Two Organophosphorus Insecticides in Soil Microcosms under Mediterranean Conditions and Their Effect on Soil Microbial Communities, Soil and Sediment Contamination: Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 285-303, DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2018.1564733
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