The Program

The dual degree masters graduate program will last two years and be based upon successful completion of 48 US credits, equivalent to 144 EU credits. The educational plan of the program is detailed below.
First year (1st and 2nd semester) at George Mason University, USA

Courses are aimed at transferring knowledge and skills about GIS and its application especially in environmental analysis followed by a thesis. Teaching will be managed according to the US system and all modules will be taught in English. Theory will be taught via class work, while applications will be developed in laboratories, where advanced computer hardware and software will be available. A web based education tool is used for the modules allows the students to be updated, in regard to the knowledge process, to enhance the communication student to student, and faculty to students. The evaluation of all courses will be via written exams, and final project. The non English speaking students will attend the course in ENGL613 Technical and Scientific Writing, while the English speaking students will attend the ITAL330, Technical and Scientific Italian, in order to improve the capability to read and to understand the foreign articles.

Courses Credits Hours Instructor Level
GGS 553 Geographic Information Systems 3 9 39 Kevin Curtin Associate Professor
GGS 579 Remote Sensing 3 9 39 Barry Haack Professor
GGS 560 Quantitative Methods 3 9 39 Nigel Waters Professor
GGS 689 Seminar in Thought and Methodology 3 9 39 Allan Falconer Professor
GGS 590 GIS for the Environment 3 9 39 Germana Manca Assistant Professor
ITAL330 Technical and Scientific Italian ENGL613 Technical and Scientific Writing 3 9 39 Kristina Olson TBA Associate Professor
GGS 799 Thesis 5 15
Total 23 69 234
Please refer to the GMU syllabus for more details of the above courses.


Second year, 1st semester at the University of Cagliari, Italy

Courses are aimed at transferring knowledge and skills about planning theory and support with an emphasis on the suitability of GIS methods and analysis for aiding processes of environmental, strategic and impact assessment in planning, followed by a thesis. Teaching will be managed according to the Italian system and all modules will be taught in English. Theory will be taught via lectures and seminars, where applications will be developed and tutored. Evaluation of all modules will occur via a written (or oral) mid-term exam and a final oral exam.

Courses Credits Hours Instructor Level
Spatial and environmental planning methods and tools 2 6 40 Andrea De Montis Associate professor
Environmental assessment and planning 1 3 20 Corrado Zoppi Associate professor
Planning support systems 2 6 40 Michele Campagna Assistant professor
Internship 3 9
Thesis in Planning 2 6
Total 10 30 100
Please refer to the UniCA syllabus for more details of the above courses.


Second year, 2nd semester at the University of London, UK

Courses are aimed at improving technical knowledge of GIS and applying the skills and knowledge in a wide range of areas from retail and planning support systems. Teaching will be managed according to the University of London (UK) system and all modules will be taught in English. Theory will be presented in lectures while applications will be developed in laboratories, where advanced computer hardware and software will be available. Evaluation will occur via assessment of coursework (e.g. essays, projects, practical work, etc.) and exams, following assessment regulations from the University of London.

Courses Credits Contact Hours Instructor Rank
Introduction to GIS programming 5 15 30 60 Maurizio Gibin and Shino Shiode Lecturers
GVIS Geovisualization 5 15 30 60 Maurizio Gibin Lecturer
Geocomputation 5 15 30 60 Joana Barros Lecturer
Total 15 45 90 180


Summary table of the contribution and role of each institution in the delivery of the dual degree program.
Partners Schedule Educational workload
Credits Hours Thesis Internship
Year Semester USA ECTS
George Mason University 1 1 and 2 23 69 234 Yes No
University of Cagliari 2 1 10 30 100 Yes Yes
Birkbeck, University of London 2 2 15 45 450 No No
Total 48 144 784