Ciclo di seminari “Quantum Information Theory and geometry of Quantum Information”

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Jan 102019

Si comunica che dal 28 gennaio al 4 febbraio, presso il Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia, la Prof.ssa Paola Verrucchi (CNR-Firenze) terrà un ciclo di seminari intitolato  “Quantum Information Theory and geometry of Quantum Information“. Il dettaglio degli incontri è presente in coda. Coloro i quali siano interessati a partecipare sono pregati di segnalarlo entro il 21 gennaio all’indirizzo di posta

L’aula verrà fissata in base al numero di partecipanti.

Il ciclo di seminari è finanziato dalla Fondazione di Sardegna, in seno al progetto “Science and it’s Logics, the Representation’s Dilemma”.


  • 28 gennaio ore 11.00-13 (Aula 3B) Classical entropy and information;
  • 29 gennaio ore 11.00-13 (Aula 2B) Conditional entropy and the Shannon information;
  • 30 gennaio ore 11.00-13 (Aula 3B) Quantum entropy and information quantities;
  • 31 gennaio ore 11.00-13 (Aula 2B) Density matrices and entropies;
  • 4 febbraio ore 11.00-13 (Aula 2B) The quantum measurement process: projective operator-valued measure;
  • 5 febbraio ore 11.00-13(Aula 2B)  Statistical discrimination between quantum states.

1st World Logic Day (01-14-2019)

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Jan 092019

The A.LO.PH.I.S. research group is proud to announce that, in the framework of the 1st World Logic Day falling on 01/14/2019, the workshop “New frontiers of Logic: Algebraic and Physical perspectives” has been organized in order to make the point on foundational and applicational perspectives of quantum logics in their present and future development. Please, click here to download the final program of the event. Updates and variations will be eventually communicated on the A.LO.PH.I.S. website.

ALOPHIS Seminars on Consciousness and Learning

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May 072018

The ALOPHIS Group is proud to announce next seminars on “Consciousness and Learning” supported by the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy – University of Cagliari. Posters of the conferences can be found below:

Day I

Day II

Further details and/or changes will be announced on this website.





AsubL (Take 6) – Algebra and substructural Logics – Cagliari, 11th – 13th June 2018

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Sep 292017

The ALOPHIS Group is proud to announce that University of Cagliari will host the next Asubl (Take 6) workshop on Algebra and substructural Logics that will take place on 11th – 13th June, 2018. The venue of the event will be Polo Umanistico “Sa Duchessa” (Cagliari). For further information and updated news please visit our official web page.


Register to the conference

New papers of our group members at arXiv

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Feb 252016

Two papers, published by the members of our group in International Journal of Theoretical Physics, have been posted to ArXiv preprint archive. Everybody is encouraged to read them at A Quantum Computational Semantics for Epistemic Logical Operators. Part I: Epistemic Structures and  A Quantum Computational Semantics for Epistemic Logical Operators. Part II: Semantics.

Informal Workshop on Quantum Computation and Pattern Recognition

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Mar 102015

The members of ALOPHIS invite everyone interested to attend the informal workshop on “Quantum Computation and Pattern Recognition” which will take place in the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy, from April the 8th to April the 17th.

Among the confirmed workshop participants are:  R. Giuntini, L. Didaci, G. Sergioli, J. Miszczak and E. Santucci.

The workshop is strictly connected to “Quantum Computational structures and Pattern Recognition” project.

The dates and times of the meetings will be announced soon.

Computer algebra in quantum computing and quantum information theory

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Feb 032015

Computer algebra in quantum computing and quantum information theory is a special special session at the 21st International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra 2015 (ACA2015), July 20-23, 2015, Kalamata, Greece.

Aims and scope

Quantum information processing provides a plethora of new problems and research topics suitable for tackling using computer algebra systems. This includes the problems of characterizing multipartite entanglement, generation and optimization of quantum computational circuits and analysis of quantum walks and quantum automata. In the reverse direction, quantum algorithms which outperform their classical counterparts may be of use in symbolic calculations (e.g. Grobner Bases).

The aims of this session are to exchange recent results and ideas concerning the application of numerical, symbolic and algebraic methods in quantum information processing and quantum mechanics. Topics to be considered include (but are not limited to):

  • simulation and modeling of quantum computation;
  • symbolic and numerical methods applied to solving the Schrödinger equation;
  • algebraic and geometric analysis of quantum algorithms and protocols;
  • methods for constructing and optimizing quantum computational circuits;
  • algebraic methods in quantum cryptography;
  • quantifying quantum entanglement;
  • quantum walks and their utilization for modeling quantum networks;
  • quantum automata and algebraic groups;
  • logic and algebraic structures from quantum computation;
  • quantum programming languages.


Vladimir Gerdt <gerdt[at]>
Laboratory of Information Technologies
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Dubna, Russia

Michael Mc Gettrick <michael.mcgettrick[at]>
De Brun Centre for Computational Algebra
School of Mathematics
National University of Ireland
Galway, Ireland

Jaroslaw Adam Miszczak <miszczak[at]>
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Gliwice, Poland
University of Cagliari
Cagliari, Italy

Arkadiusz Orlowski <arkadiusz_orlowski[at]>
and Alexander Prokopenya <alexander_prokopenya[at]>
Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Warsaw, Poland


If you are interested in giving a presentation at this session, please email an abstract to one of the organizers. The duration of a talk is to be 30 minutes including time for discussion. Tentative deadline for talk submissions is 15th of May, 2015. More information at

Birkhoff – von Neumann prize 2014

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Jul 022014

The Birkhoff-von Neumann Prize 2014 has been awarded to

The Birkhoff-von Neumann Prize prize is awarded once every two years during the award ceremony held at the bi-annual conference of the International Quantum Structures Association (IQSA). The candidates for the prize are selected by the IQSA prize committee for their outstanding scientific achievements in the field of quantum structures and the impact their work has on the research in quantum logic and quantum foundations.

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