About Alophis


ALOPHIS (Applied LOgic, Philosophy and HIstory of Science) is a registered research group at the University of Cagliari. Its aim is to bring together and integrate in a fruitful research interaction people coming from diversified academic backgrounds, including philosophy, mathematics, physics, computer science and engineering. The focal points of  the scientific activity of ALOPHIS include but are not confined to:

  • non-classical logics;
  • quantum computation;
  • foundations of physics;
  • dynamical systems;
  • universal algebra;
  • abstract algebraic logic;
  • pattern recognition;
  • educational technologies;
  • history of modern physics.

Distinctive traits of ALOPHIS are teamwork practice and cooperative research. Members of ALOPHIS typically work elbow-to-elbow in joint sessions and mostly publish co-authored papers. Regular meetings are scheduled to plan future activities and to share ideas.


contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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