
Feb 232015

mauro pala







Prof Mauro Pala, Full Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari, will be at the Trinity Long Room Hub (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) from January to March 2015 as a Visiting Research Fellow in collaboration with the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.

Prof Pala has published extensively on European Romanticism, Critical theory, Cultural studies and Postcolonial studies. The title of his current research project is ‘For a Gramscian Reading of National Identities in Irish Literary Modernism’. In the Trinity Long Room Hub he will give a lecture titled ‘Gramsci and the Great Community: Subalternity, Hegemony and Autonomy in Irish Literature and Culture’. 

Nov 182014



Il Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e mobilità della Direzione Ricerca e Territorio, in collaborazione con APRE (Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea) organizza due giornate formative per illustrare il nuovo Programma integrato della Commissione europea HORIZON2020 destinato alle attività di ricerca e innovazione.


 Le giornate formative saranno così articolate:


20 NOVEMBRE 2014: tema HEALTH
Sala congressi Presidenza della Facolta’ di Medicina e Chirurgia
Cittadella universitaria – Monserrato

Obiettivo della giornata formativa è approfondire gli elementi chiave del nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell’Unione Europea nel tema della SALUTE con particolare attenzione ai nuovi bandi 2014-2015: sistemi sanitari e assistenziali di alta qualità ed economicamente sostenibili nonché opportunità di nuovi posti di lavoro e di crescita costituiscono infatti gli obiettivi di sostegno alla ricerca e all’innovazione in Horizon 2020.

Programma della giornata




Aula Magna “Maria Lai” Facolta’ di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche
Via Nicolodi  – Cagliari

Obiettivo della giornata formativa è approfondire gli elementi chiave del nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell’Unione Europea con particolare attenzione agli strumenti per migliorare e strutturare proposte di progetto vincenti: in Europa infatti non basta scrivere una buona proposta, occorre scrivere una proposta eccellente in cui si prendano in considerazione tutti i criteri di valutazione partendo dall’eccellenza scientifica senza trascurare le ricadute e l’impatto del progetto come anche un’accurata gestione del management.

 Programma della giornata


I corsi saranno tenuti dalla Dottoressa Caterina BUONOCORE, National Contact Point per la  H2020 – Health , wellbeing , Demographic change (SC1) e Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE)


Per ulteriori informazioni:
Tiziana Cubeddu – Sandra Angioni – Ester Maria Loi
Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e Mobilità – EURAXESS Service Centre
tel. +39 070 675 8442/8440/8547 email:

 Scritto da in 18 Novembre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 20/21 Novembre 2014: Giornate formative HORIZON2020 – HEALTH/ELEMENTI DI UNA PROPOSTA DI SUCCESSO
Nov 042014

RoliFabio Roli is Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari and he is also Director of PRALab.

As Visiting Professor he is going to Huazhong University of Science & Technologies (HUST) University.







Ott 172014

Daria Parkhomenko






Daria Parkhomenko,
Senior Lecturer from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR).

I’m working at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics, giving lectures in Russian and in English as well.

I’m visiting the Department of Psychology, Pedagogics and Phylosopy of the University of Cagliari, in particular the speciality “Scienze della Comunicazione” directed by Elisabetta Gola.

I have already been to the University of Cagliari in June 2014 during a 10-day visit of stage and experience exchange in the field of e-learning and implementing ICT in the process of education.

 BSUIR presentation

Ott 152014




Il DAAD (Servizio tedesco per lo scambio accademico) in collaborazione con il Settore Programmi Internazionali di Ricerca e Mobilità- EURAXESS Service Centre, organizza un incontro informativo per illustrare il sistema universitario tedesco, le attuali prospettive per lo scambio scientifico tra la Germania e l’Italia, le opportunità di Borse di ricerca e studio fornite dal DAAD e da altri enti e fondazioni tedeschi.

L’incontro si terrà il 22 OTTOBRE 2014 alle ore 11.00 presso la Direzione per la Ricerca e il Territorio – Teatro Anatomico – via Ospedale, 121.

L’invito è esteso a tutti i Professori, Ricercatori, Dottorandi di ricerca e Studenti di tutte le Facoltà dell’Ateneo.

Saranno presenti all’incontro il Dott. Tobias BARGMANN, Direttore del Centro Informazioni DAAD di Roma, la Prof.ssa Franca Ortu, Responsabile per la lingua Tedesca nella Facoltà di Studi Umanistici e il Dott. Max Schlenker, Lettore DAAD, che risponderà alle domande degli intervenuti.


Locandina dell’evento

Slides dell’evento

Please notice, this is an invitation to a conference for DAAD Fellowships in Germany to be held in town. So, just for those residing in Cagliari and nearby.

 Scritto da in 15 Ottobre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 22 Ottobre 2014: Giornata DAAD – Opportunità di studio e ricerca in Germania
Set 172014

Professor Roberto Puxeddu, Director of the Division of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Cagliari, will visit the Falck Medical in Vladivostok from 18 to 20 September 2014. Professor Puxeddu will give a number of lectures on ‘Laser lithotripsy of salivary stones’, ‘Conservative approach to laryngotracheal stenosis’, and ‘Transoral approach to precancerous and cancerous lesions of the glottis’. He will be available to discuss difficult medical cases.

In this occasion a bilateral agreement of cooperation has been signed between the Department of Surgical Sciences and the Falck Medical Vladivostok, LLC.

Prof. Puxedddu_2Prof. Puxeddu_3

The Department and Falck Medical will carry out jointly or alternatively programs of study, research and exchanges on matters of common interest.

His main area of interest is head and neck cancer surgery, Professor Puxeddu has an international reputation and works between the United Kingdom and Italy. He has lectured in Moscow previously and hosts Russian surgeons at his surgical clinic in Italy as well as ‘streaming’ surgery live to educational meetings.

 Streaming live surgery 

Set 052014

DICAAR Architettura of the University of Cagliari and DADU Architettura Design Urbanistica of the University of Sassari organise the third edition of the International Summer School of Architecture “Sardinia. The territory of places” from 4th to 13th September 2014 which gathers in Cagliari architects, artists and personalities of the international cultural scene to discuss about the candidature of Cagliari for the “European Capital of Culture 2019”, in order to device the process that Cagliari has started to conquer this goal.

The activities of the School will include seminars, conferences and studio work organized in different study groups followed by one or more teachers and tutors.

The official languages of the seminar are Italian and English.

 Scritto da in 5 Settembre 2014  Events Archive  Commenti disabilitati su September, 4-13 2014 – 3. International Summer School of Architecture
Ago 012014









Zuzanna Rudnicka comes from Cracow (Poland). She studies Foreign Languages at Jagiellonian University and has just completed a practical placement from 1th July to 1th August 2014 at the International Research and Mobility Program Office of the Universtiy of Cagliari. The office is also Euraxess Service Centre for Sardinia.

Her tasks included dealing with the Euraxess Centre activities and with the normal routine of the Office; monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists. She has developed competences in Italian and English languages, interpersonal communication, work in the normal office functions, and work in an international environment.

Lug 292014

For the academic year 2014-2015 the University of Cagliari announces public competition for 17 fully-funded PhD positions (XXX cycle) reserved for foreign candidates with university degree achieved abroad.

Admission is also open to students who will graduate by and not later than 31th October 2014.

Such candidates will be admitted conditionally.

The deadline for

the submission of applications is 

12 September 2014 at 12a.m. local time

For full details please visit the University of Cagliari website.

Giu 192014



This summer the Direzione per la Didattica e l’Orientamento and the Language Centre of the University of Cagliari provide 40-hour Italian courses for foreign students. A full immersion in June and July with qualified teachers.


If you would like to improve your Italian, fill in the application form  and send it to


choose the date: 30 June-11 July at 9am-1pm or 14-25 July at 9am-1pm

and select your level: A1 or A2

The courses cost € 120, but they are completely free of charge for PhD students (except Marie Curie fellows).

For more information click here

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