Kazumasa Suzuki – PhD Student



Kazumasa SUZUKI photo


PhD School in Chemical Sciences and Technologies (UniCA-UniSS)


Curriculum vitae


My name is Kazu. I’m from Yokohama (Kanagawa), grew up in Kashiwa (Chiba), Ikebukuro (Tokyo), and Sakai (Osaka), Japan. I received my bachelor and master degrees in Engineering from Osaka Prefecture University in Japan. My research interest is mainly sol-gel science. Using sol-gel processing, I would like to develop the new smart materials. When I was a master’s student, I visited here for a few months due to collaborating research. At that time I learned the importance of collaborating action across border, because everyone thinks, sees, acts differently, especially internationally. Therefore we can learn a lot of things each other. So I decided to come to the University of Cagliari. I am looking forward to get a lot of collaborating opportunities all over the world.

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