Dic 112013



The International Research and Mobility Programs Office in collaboration with Job Placement Office  are pleased to invite you to the information session on study and research opportunities offered by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on 20th  December 2013 at 11.00 am, at Direzione per la Ricerca e il Territorio, Teatro Anatomico, via Ospedale n. 121, Cagliari.

Samuele Lilliu PhD, Researcher at Masdar OPV (Masdar Institute), will give comprehensive information on vacancies at Masdar Institute.


Please fill in the form to attend the information session.




The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology offers open positions with scholarships for Master students and PhD students, Post-Doctoral Researchers, Interns in Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics:




Knowledge of English language is an essential prerequisite for application

Masdar OPV at Masdar Institute is the first laboratory in the United Arab Emirates which works exclusively on organic electronics. Research focuses on improving the performance of organic/hybrid bulk heterojunction (BHJ) photodetectors, both solar cells (OPVs) and photodiodes (OPDs), anad on the efficiency enhancement, lifetime lengthening, and fabrication cost reduction of OPV/OPD devices.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a primary partner and stakeholder in the creation of Masdar Institute (MI). PhD students at Masdar Institute can spend up to two semesters at MIT.


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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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