New tools for Metabolomics from Mestrelab Research

 Web Tools for Metabolomics  Commenti disabilitati su New tools for Metabolomics from Mestrelab Research
Set 042014

Mestrelab is a company operating in the field of spectroscopy software for a long time. They are the authors of Mnova a powerful tool for the NMR and mass spectrometry analysis platform independent and widely diffused. For the users of Mnova (like me) I report about the next course Mnova NMR Boot Camp  in Zurich and Frankfurt, October 2014. Courses are organized as 2-days training (basic and advanced) in the morning and additionally dedicated workshops in the evening. Practical sessions will make use of Mnova software as principal software for spectra analysis.

Another important resource from Mesterlab about Mnova is YOUTUBE!!! Yes, really interesting tutorials about the innovative functionalities are available on the channel web youtube Mnova  authored by  Santi Dominguez, Manuel Perez Pacheco and the other guys in Mestrelab with ideas and comments from the several workshops about Mnova all over the world. Subscribe to the channel and get notified of new videos by Mestrelab.

I have found these webinars very useful…don’t  miss the webinar on global spectral deconvoloution alghoritm and the mass spectrometry plugins in Mnova (Mnova MS: predicting the MS spectrum & comparing)


Luigi Barberini

Omic tools from the Web

 Web Tools for Metabolomics  Commenti disabilitati su Omic tools from the Web
Lug 072014

Scientific community, especially the informaticists and bioinformaticists, is giving a strong pulse to the development of the Omic sciences with the releasing of Data Analysis Web Tools. There are, at the moment, a great amount of web-based products for the data analysis in metabolomics and in the others Omic sciences and it is really difficult to have a complete view to search, find and test the proper tool for our needs and requirements.

For this reason I would like to report  this web site, Omic Tools, where it is possible to find Tools, News, Reviews and Info for the Omics researchers. Products reported are both freely available and commercial tools. It is really interesting that programs, databases or links to literature can be submitted to  the readers attention. 

Luigi Barberini

Metabolomica…on the web

 Web Tools for Metabolomics  Commenti disabilitati su Metabolomica…on the web
Apr 082014

Da poco è diventata operativa la versione 4.0 di MetaboAnalyst, una suite, disponibile on line, per l’analisi dati in metabolomica. Molto interessante il modulo di analisi dei pathway che include il calcolo delle reti metaboliche attivate caratterizzandole con due misure di centralità e modularità:Schermata 2013-04-17 a 12.37.42

Basic Course in Metabolomics, Milan 4-5 November 2013

 Web Tools for Metabolomics  Commenti disabilitati su Basic Course in Metabolomics, Milan 4-5 November 2013
Ott 032013

I colleghi di R4R, research for rent, terranno un corso di base sulla Metabolomica basate sull’NMR. Il corso è rivolto a spettroscopisti in NMR che approdano alle metabolomica ed hanno la necessità di acquisire i concetti di base. Durante il corso i partecipanti faranno uso di diversi software commerciali, come ad esempio MNova e Chenomx, che abbiamo introdotto e diffuso fin dagli inizi della Metabolomica a Cagliari. Sono strumenti di lavoro molto potenti di cui però in genere, i metabolomici non sfruttano a pieno le potenzialità se non sotto la guida di esperti di analisi dati.

Il link per le info sul corso è

R4R, Basic Course in Metabolomics, Milan 4-5 November 2013

Suggerisco anche di esplorare il sito di R4R, una company nata dall’esperienza in ricerca della Dot.ssa Silvia Mari della Dort.ssa Carla Marchioro e che offre servizi per lo sviluppo di progettualità in ambito metabolomico.

Luigi Barberini


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