Modern Clinical Metabolomics in UNICA. The team


Many years passed since I introduced the study of Metabolomics at the University of Cagliari. The Metabolomics itself has undergone major changes in methods. It has become a powerful research tool for Systems Biology. Metabolomics has today a strong computational character, and this allowed us to better develop the information processes of the metabolome.

The  Members of the Cagliari Clinical Metabolomics group are: Dr. L. Barberini, Dr. C. Fattuoni.

Our skills are the Medical, Physics and Chemistry with specialization in NMR analysis, GC-MS and in Computational Metabolomics. The sectors of the clinic involving us are Toxicology, Neonatology, Neurology, Cardiology, Forensic Medicine and Anesthesiology.

The activities of the Group also collaborate with Professors, Researchers and Technical staff from various scientific disciplinary sectors.

We currently have an Agilent-VARIAN INOVA500 magnetic resonance spectrometer equipped with an inverse Probe and 50-place autosampler and an HP5989A gas mass. The data are analyzed at the Computational Metabolomics Laboratory.

VARIAN INOVA500 spectrometer with autosampler robot for automatic sample management.























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