Pubblicazioni Scientifiche


Pubblicazioni su riviste in peer-review negli ultimi anni:

  1. Field tests for mechanical efficiency evaluation in matching volleyball players. Laconi P., Melis F., Crisafulli A., Sollai R., Lai C., Concu A. Int. J. Sports Med. 1998,19: 52-55.
  2. hemodinamic during a postexertional asystolia in a healthy athlete: a case study. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Orrù V., Lener R., Lai C., Concu A. Med. Sci. Sport Exerc. 2000, 32 (1): 4-9.
  3. Oscillation in stroke volume and cardiac output arising from oscillatory ventilation. Davies L.C., Francis D.P., Crisafulli A., Concu A., Coats A.J.S., Piepoli M. F. Exp. Physiol. 2000, 85: 857-862.
  4. IMPEDANCE CARDIOGRAPHY FOR NON-INVASIVE ASSESSMENT OF SYSTOLIC TIME INTERVALS DURING EXERCISE. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Orrù V., Lener R., Lai C., Concu A. Sports Med. Training and Rehab. 2001, 10: 13-27.
  5. HAEMODYNAMIC DURING A COMPLETE EXERCISE-INDUCED ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCK. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Lai A.C., Orrù V., Lai C., Concu A. Br. J. Sports Med. 2002, 36: 69-70.
  6. EXTERNAL MECHANICAL WORK VERSUS OXIDATIVE ENERGY CONSUPTION RATIO DURING A BASKETBALL FIELD TEST. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Tocco F., Laconi P., Lai C., Concu A. J. Sports Med. Phys. Fit. 2002, 42: 409-417.
  7. Muscle metaboreflex-induced increases in stroke volume. Crisafulli A., Scott AC., Wensel R., Davos C.H., Francis D.P., Pagliaro P., Coats A.J.S., Concu A., Piepoli M.F. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2003, 35: 221-228.
  8. HEMODYNAMICS DURING ACTIVE AND PASSIVE RECOVERY FROM A SINGLE BOUT OF SUPRAMAXIMAL EXERCISE. Crisafulli A., Orrù V. Melis F., Tocco F., Concu A. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2003, 89: 209-216.
  10. Exercise-induced and nitroglycerin-induced myocardial preconditioning improves hemodynamics in patients with angina. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Tocco F., Santoboni U., Lai C., Angioy G. Lorrai L., Pittau G., Concu A., Pagliaro P. Am. J. Physiol. (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 2004, 287: H235-H242.
  11. ENDOTHELIAL CYTOCHROME P450 CONTRIBUTES TO THE ACETYLCHOLINE-INDUCED CARDIODEPRESSION IN ISOLATED RAT HEARTS. Pagliaro P., Penna C., Rastaldo R., Mancardi D., Crisafulli A., Losano G., Gattullo D. Acta Physiol. Scan. 2004, 182: 11-20.
  12. HEMODYNAMIC RESPONSES FOLLOWING INTERMITTENT SUPRAMAXIMAL EXERCISE IN ATHELETES. Crisafulli A., Carta C., Melis F., Tocco F., Frongia F., Santoboni U.M., Pagliaro P., Concu A. Exp. Physiol. 2004, 89: 665-674.
  13. RESPONSIVENESS OF HUMAN NATURAL KILLER CELLS DURING ACUTE, INCREMENTAL EXERCISE UP TO EXHAUSTION. Del Giacco S., Tocco F., Melis F., Crisafulli A., Gessa M., Santoboni U., Del Giacco S.G., Concu A. Sport Sci. For Health 2004, 1: 36-40.
  14. Anaerobic Threshold and the Oxygen Consumption/Cardiac Output relationship during exercise. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Tocco F., Santoboni U.M., Frongia F., Carta C., Caddeo M., Concu A. Sport Sci. For Health 2005, 2: 75-80.
  15. POOR RELIABILITY OF HEART RATE MONITORING TO ASSESS OXYGEN CONSUMPTION DURING FIELD TRAINING. Crisafulli A., Pittau G., Lorrai L., Cominu M., Tocco F., Melis F., Concu A. Int. J. Sport Med. 2006, 27: 55-59.
  16. DETECTION OF LACTATE THRESHOLD BY INCLUDING HAEMODYNAMIC AND OXYGEN EXTRACTION DATA. Crisafulli A., Tocco F., Pittau G., Caria M., Lorrai L., Melis F., Concu A. Physiol. Meas. 2006, 27: 85-97.
  17. EFFECT OF DIFFERENCES IN POST-EXERCISE LACTATE ACCUMULATION IN ATHLETHES’ HEMODYNAMICS. Crisafulli A., Tocco F., Pittau G., Lorrai L., Porru C., Salis E., Pagliaro P., Melis F., Concu A. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 2006, 31: 423-431.
  18. EXERCISE AND ISCHEMIC PRECONDITIONING (review). Crisafulli A. Current Cardiol. Rev. 2006, 2: 153-162.
  19. MODULATION OF CARDIAC CONTRACTILITY BY MUSCLE METABOREFLEX FOLLOWING EFFORTS OF DIFFERENT INTENSITIES IN HUMANS. Crisafulli A., Salis E., PittauG., Lorrai L., Tocco F., MelisF., Pagliaro P., Concu A. Am. J. Physiol. (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 2006, 291: H3035-H3042.
  20. EXERCISE CAPACITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES IN PATIENTS WITH THALASSEMIA MAJOR. Tocco F., Crisafulli A., MelisF., Loviselli A., Lai C., Concu A. Clin. Physiol. Funct. Imag. 2006, 26: 319-322.
  22. Quantification of spinning® bike performance during a standard 50-minute class. Caria M.A., Tangianu F., Concu A., Crisafulli A., Mameli O. J. Sports Sci. 2007, 25: 421-429.
  23. Delayed preconditioning-mimetic action of exercise or nitroglycerin do not affect hemodynamics and exercise performance in both trained and sedentary individuals. Crisafulli A., Melis F., Tocco F., Pittau G., Lorrai L., Gori T., Mancardi D., Concu A., Pagliaro P. J. Sports Sci. 2007, 25: 1393-1401.
  24. IMPAIRED CENTRAL HEMODYNAMIC RESPONSE AND EXAGGERATED VASOCONSTRICTION DURING MUSCLE METABOREFLEX ACTIVATION IN HEART FAILURE PATIENTS. Crisafulli A., Salis E., Tocco F., Melis F., Milia R., Pittau G., Caria M.A., Solinas R., Meloni L., Pagliaro P., Concu A. Am. J. Physiol. (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 2007, 292: 2988-2996.
  25. ESTIMATING STROKE VOLUME FROM OXYGEN PULSE DURING EXERCISE. Crisafulli A., Piras F., Chiappori P., Vitelli S., Caria M.A., Lobina A., Milia R., Tocco F., Concu A., Melis F. Physiol. Meas. 2007, 28: 1201-1212.
  26. Hemodynamic effect of metaboreflex activation in men after running above and below the velocity of the anaerobic threshold. Crisafulli A., Milia R., Lobina A., Caddeo M., Tocco F., Concu A., Melis F. Exp. Physiol. 2008, 93: 447-457.
  27. Cardiovascular and ventilatory control during exercise in chronic heart failure: role of muscle reflexes. (review). Piepoli M., Dimopoulos K., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Int. J. Cardiol. 2008, 130: 3-10.
  28. Omega 3 has a beneficial effect on ischemia/reperfusion injury, but cannot reverse the effect of stressful forced exercise. Mancardi D., Tullio F., Crisafulli A., Rastaldo R., Folino A., Penna C., Pagliaro P. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. 2009, 19: 20-26.
  29. Physiological responses and energy cost during a simulation of a Muay Thai boxing match. Crisafulli A., Vitelli S., Cappai I., Milia R., Tocco F., Melis F., Concu A. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 2009, 34: 143-150.
  30. Hemodynamic Responses To Metaboreflex Activation: Insights From Spinal Cord-Injured humans. Crisafulli A., Milia R., Vitelli S., Caddeo M, Tocco F., Melis F., Concu A. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2009, 106: 525-533.
  31. Ischemic preconditioning of the muscle improves maximal exercise performance but not maximal oxygen uptake in humans. Crisafulli A., Tangianu F., Tocco F., Concu A., Mameli O., Mulliri G., Caria M.A. J. Appl. Physiol. 2011, 111: 530-536.
  32. Role of Heart Rate and Stroke Volume during Muscle Metaboreflex-induced Cardiac Output increase: differences between activation during and after exercise. Crisafulli A., Piras F., Filippi M., Piredda C., Chiappori P., Melis F., Milia R., Tocco F., Concu A. J. Physiol. Sci. 2011, 61: 385-394.
  33. Cardiovascular phenotype in extremely low birth weight infants: long term consequences. Bassareo P., Fanos V., Crisafulli A., Mura R., Mercuro G. J. Matern. Fetal. Neonatal. Med. 2011, 24(S2): 3-5.
  34. Cardiovascular adjustments in breath-hold diving: comparison between divers and non-divers in simulated dynamic apnea. Tocco F., Crisafulli A., Melis F., Porru C., Pittau G., Milia R., Concu A. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2012, 112: 543-554.
  35. An inflatable pneumatic system for blood pressure recovery. Manuello Bertetto A., Meili S., Concu A. , Crisafulli A. Mec. Bas. Des. Struct. And Mach. 2012, 40: 506-518.
  36. Altered hemodynamics during muscle metaboreflex in young, type 1 diabetes patients. Roberto S., Marongiu E., Pinna M., Angius L., Olla S., Bassareo P., Tocco F., Concu A., Milia R., Crisafulli A. J. Appl. Physiol. 2012, 113: 1323-1331.
  37. Cuore e nuove tecniche di palestra: la selezione dei pazienti e i carichi di lavoro. Caria M.A., Tangianu F., Crisafulli A., Gazale G. G. Ital. Cardiol. 2012, 13: 133S-138S.
  38. Assessment of the specificity of cardiopulmonary response during tethered swimming using a new snorkel device. Pinna M., Milia R., Roberto S., Marongiu E., Olla S., Loi A., Ortu M., Migliaccio G.M., Tocco F., Concu A., Crisafulli A. J. Physiol. Sci. 2012 (at press).
  39. Physiological responses and match analysis of Muay Thai fighting. Cappai I., Pierantozzi E., Tam E., Tocco F., Angius L., Milia R., Squatrito S., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Int. J. Perform. Analysis Sport 2012, 12: 507-516.
  40. Assessment of circulatory adjustments during underwater apnoea in elite divers by means of a portable device. Tocco F., Marongiu E., Pinna M., Roberto S., Pusceddu M., Angius L., Migliaccio G.M., Milia R., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Acta Physiol. 2012 (at press).
  41. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity of adult and young professional soccer players. Angius L., Olla S., Pinna M., Mura R., Marongiu E., Roberto S., Piras F., Corona F., Milia R., Tocco F., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Sport Sci. For Health 2012 (at press).
  42. Progressive improvement in hemodynamic response to muscle metaboreflex in heart transplant recipients. Crisafulli A., Tocco F., Milia R., Angius L., Pinna M., Olla S.1, Roberto S., Marongiu E., Porcu M., Concu A. J. Appl. Physiol. 2012 (at press).

Pubblicazioni su proceedings di congressi internazionali negli ultimi anni:

  1. Kalb A, Melis F, Crisafulli A, Orrù V, Lener R, Sollai R, Lai C, Concu A (1998), Cardiodynamic changes induced by driving motocycles at high speed obtained by a device for telemetric transmission of TEB signals. Procee­dings of the 10th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance. Barcelona, 5-9 April, pp. 295-297.
  2. Crisafulli A. Melis F. Orrù V., Lener R., Lai C., Concu A. (1999), Impedance cardiography for easily assess systolic time intervals during exercise. Procee­dings of the European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference “EMBEC’99”, Vienna, November 4-7, pp. 1261-62.
  3. Piga C, Kalb A, Bernardini A, Melis F, Crisafulli A, Tocco A, Concu G, Concu A (2002), A non invasive, portable impedance spirometer. 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference “EMBEC’02”, Vienna, December 4-8, pp. 126-127.
  4. Migliaccio GM, Degortes N, Concu A, Melis F, Crisafulli A, Milia R, Vitelli S, Tocco F (2007), Middle distance runners: a study of cardiometabolic recovery after exercise performed on workloads at higher and lower anaerobic threshold. 2007’ ICCE Global Coach Conference, Beijing (China), August 31 – September 3.

Abstracts su atti di congressi internazionali negli ultimi anni:

  1. Del Giacco S, Manca E, Ambrosini B, Ghiani A, Concu A, Crisafulli A,  Manconi PE, Del Giacco GS (2000), Modification of immunological parameters in athletes during acute physical exercise. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Lisbona, 1-5 July. Eur. J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 55:69, Abstract 207.
  2. Aloe L, Ambrosini B, Berlutti G, Bonini M, Bonini S, Caldarone G, Colombo G, Concu A, Del Giacco GS, Del Giacco SR, Ghiani A, Graziano R, Lai M, Lambiase A, Lapucci G, Manca E, Manconi PE, Matricoli PM, Pamich T, Rasi G, Rumi C, Todaro A, Torre A: X AIDA Study Group (2000) Allergy and infections in italian athletes selected for the Sydney olympics. XVII International Congress of Allergology snd Clinical Immunology ICACI XVII, Sydney, 15-20 October, Abstract P-357.
  3.  S.R. Del Giacco, M. Scorcu, E. Manca, B. Ambrosini, A. Ghiani,  A.  Concu, A. Crisafulli, P.E. Manconi, G.S. Del Giacco (2001), Does exercise modify immune parameters? A study on italian professional soccer players. 57th Annual Meting of the American Accademy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, New Orleans, March 16-20. J. Allergy  & Clin. Immunol., 107: Abstract  913.
  4. S.R. Del Giacco, M. Scorcu, E. Manca, B. Ambrosini, A. Ghiani, A. Concu, P.E. Manconi (2001), Differences between modifications of immunological parameters during acute and chronic exercise. European Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Berlin, 9-13 May. Eur. J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 56:133-134, Abstract 399.
  5. SR Del Giacco, P Serra, M Torrazza, MP Barca, MN Mura, F Argiolas, M Scorcu, A Concu, PE Manconi, GS Del Giacco (2002), Intracellular cytokines profile in professional athletes: implication on allergic disorders, XXI Congres of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Naples, 1-5- June. Eur. J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 57:19, Abstract 38.
  6. SR Del Giacco, P Serra, M Torrazza, MP Barca, MN Mura, F Argiolas, M Scorcu, G. Piludu, A. Concu,  PE Manconi, GS Del Giacco (2002), May allergic disorders be influenced by a correct training program? Remarks from immunologic studies on professional athletes. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, San Francisco, June 28 – July 1. Clin Immunol., 103:S46, Abstract 141.
  7. Crisafulli A, F. Tocco, F. Melis, A. C. Scott, R. Wensel, C. Davos, D. P. Francis, A. J.S. Coats, M. F. Piepoli, and A. Concu (2002), Cardiovascular adjustment during post exercise regional circulatory occlusion. 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens, 24-28 July. Abstract.
  8. Crisafulli A, Melis F, Tocco F, Santoboni U, Lorrai L, Pittau GL, Caddeo M, Lai C, Concu A (2003),  Hemodinamic changes during both active and passive recovery from a supramaximal exercise. 3dh FEPS Congress – Federation of European Physiological Societies. Acropolis, Nice, 28 June – 2 July. Abstract, P18-14.
  9. Lai A, Santoboni U, Melis F, Crisafulli A, Tocco F, Lorrai L, Velluzzi F, Rombi S, Concu A, Loviselli A (2004), Importance of obiectively evaluated controlled physical activity in the ultidisciplinary treatment of Obesity. J Endocrinol Invest , vol 27, suppl to n.5, Abstract, p. 132.
  10. Tocco F, Melis F, Crisafulli A, Pittau GL, Porru C, Concu A (2005), Cardiovascular changes to “Diving reflex”; comparison between divers and non-divers in dynamic apnea. Blue 2005 – Human behaviour and limits in underwater environment. Pisa, 1-4 Dicember. pp. 151.
  11. Crisafulli A, Milia R, Vitelli S, Tocco F, Melis F, Marongiu E, Concu A (2009). Hemodynamic responses to metaboreflex activation in spinal cord-injured humans. XXXVIth International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS), Kyoto, Japan, July 27- August 1. Abstract No: 01030.
  12. Manuello Bertetto A., Meili S., Concu A., Crisafulli A. (2011) Flexible pneumatic actuation for blood pressure recovery. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics  “MUSME” Valencia, Spain, 25-28 October 2011.
  13. Marongiu E., Tocco F., Pinna M., Crisafulli A., Concu A. (2012) Reliability of functional evaluation tests to predict performance during ironman competition. In Proceedings of the XXXII World congress of Sports Medicine, Roma, Italy, 27-30 September 2012.
  14. Collu G., Roberto S., Pinna M., Milia R., Migliaccio G., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Effect of HIIT hydrobike training on parameters of aerobic capacity in triathletes vs. detraining effects. In Proceedings of the XXXII World congress of Sports Medicine, Roma, Italy, 27-30 September 2012.
  15. Olla S., Angius L., Piras F., Mura R., Ibba G., Todde F., Cominu M., Pinna M., Tocco F., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Lack of correlation between laboratory indexes of aerobic and anaerobic lactic capacities and repeated sprint ability in young professional soccer players. In Proceedings of the XXXII World congress of Sports Medicine, Roma, Italy, 27-30 September 2012.
  16. Roberto S., Tocco F., Marongiu E., Pinna M., Pusceddu M., Angius L., Migliaccio G., Milia R., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Assessment of circulatory adjustments during real underwater apnoea. In Proceedings of the XXXII World congress of Sports Medicine, Roma, Italy, 27-30 September 2012.
  17. Angius L., Olla S., Pinna M., Marongiu E., Roberto S., Corona F., Piras F., Mura R., Scorcu M., Milia R., Tocco F., Concu A., Crisafulli A. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity of adult and young elite soccer players. In Proceedings of the XXXII World congress of Sports Medicine, Roma, Italy, 27-30 September 2012.

Articoli su libri internazionali negli ultimi anni:

  1. Del Giacco SG, Concu A, Del Giacco SR, (2003) Exercise-induced asthma and immune system. Impact on allergic disorders. In: Asthma: From Genes to Clinical Management, Ed., R. Sepiashvili, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy, pp 117-119.
  2. Del Giacco SR, Serra P, Torrazza M, Barca MP, Mura MN, Argiolas F, Scorcu M, Concu A, Manconi PE, Del Giacco GS, (2003) Intracellular cytokine profile in professional athletes: implications for allergic disorders. In: Clinical Immunology and Allergy in Medicine, Marrone G. ed., JGC Editions, Naples, Italy, pp 241-243.
  3. Crisafulli A., Concu A (2006), Eexercise-induced cardiovascular adjustments by muscle receptors stimulation. in: Focus on Exercise and Health Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, chapter VII, pp. 181-201.
  4. Concu A. (2007). Cardiovascular adjustments during exercise: Points and counterpoints. In: New Insight into Cardiovascular Apparatus during Exercise. Physiological and Physio-pathological Aspects, Eds: Crisafulli A, Concu A. Research Signpost, Transworld Reseach Network, Kerala, India. PP 61-83.
  5. Crisafulli A. (2007). Cardiovascular changes during recovery from dynamic exercise. In: New Insight into Cardiovascular Apparatus during Exercise. Physiological and Physio-pathological Aspects, Eds: Crisafulli A, Concu A. Research Signpost, Transworld Reseach Network, Kerala, India. PP 85-100.
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