Sergioli Giuseppe



Short Biography

I was born in Siracusa (Sicily), in 1979. I studied Theoretical Physics at the University of Catania and I got my Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia). I’m currently researching on the context of Quantum Computing and Quantum Logic.


  • phone: +39-070-6757330
  • e-mail:
  • skype: giuseppesergioli

Research Interests

  • Quantum Computation
  • Quantum Communication
  • Quantum Logic
  • History and Philosophy of Science
  • Game Theory
  • Argumentation Theory


  1. G. Sergioli, H. Freytes (2017). Fuzzy approach to Quantum Fredkin Gate. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION, ISSN 0955-792X, Oxford Academic (to appear).
  2. G. Sergioli, G.M. Bosyk, E. Santucci, R. Giuntini (2017). A quantum-inspired version of the classification problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, ISSN: 0020-7748, Vol. 56, N. 12, pp. 3880-3888. Springer.
  3. R. Venkatrama, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Leporini (2017). Fredkin and Toffoli quantum gates: fuzzy representations and comparison. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Physical, Philosophical and Logical Perspectives, World Scientific (to appear).
  4. E. Santucci, G. Sergioli (2017). Classification Problem in a Quantum Framework. Proceedings of the Vaxjo Conference “Quantum and Beyond 2016”, Springer (to appear).
  5. R. Venkatrama, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Leporini (2017). Fuzzy type representation of the Fredkin gate in quantum computation with mixed states. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, ISSN: 0020-7748, Springer (doi: 10.1007/s10773-017-3362-2, to appear).
  6. F. Holik, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, A. Plastino (2017). Pattern Recognition in non- Kolmogorovian Structures. FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE, ISSN: 1233-1821, Springer (to appear).
  7. G.M. Bosyk, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, F. Holik, G. Bellomo (2016). Approximate transformations of bipartite pure-state entanglement from the majorization lattice. PHYSICA A, ISSN: 0378-4371, Elsevier (, to appear).
  8. F. Holik, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Giuntini, A. Plastino (2016). Toffoli gate and quantum correlations: a geometrical approach. QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING, ISSN: 1570-0755, Springer (doi:10.1007/s11128-016-1509-3, to appear).
  9. M.L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, G. Sergioli, R. Leporini (2016). A many-valued approach to quantum computational logics. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, ISSN: 0165-0114, Elsevier (, to appear).
  10. G. Sergioli, E. Santucci, L. Didaci, J. Miszczak, R. Giuntini (2016). A Quantum-inspired version of the Nearest Mean Classifier. SOFT COMPUTING, ISSN: 1432-7643, Springer (doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2478-2, to appear).

More on publications


Referee activity 

  • “Fuzzy Sets and Systems” – Elsevier; “International Journal of Theoretical Physics” – Springer; “Information Science” – Elsevier; “Soft Computing” – Springer; “Quantum Information Processing” – Springer; “Foundations of Physics” – Springer; “Theoretical Computer Science” – Elsevier; “Frontiers in Physics“; “Aphex (Analytical and Philosophical Explanation)”; “Philosophical Transactions A” – Royal Society Publishing; “Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computer & Electronics) – Springer”; Conference proceedings by LNCS (CIE-2013, Computability in Europe) – Springer Verlag; “Philosophy Study” (David Publishing Company); “Argumenta” (Journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy); “RoAM” International Conference; “SILFS2014” International Conference”; Reviewer for “Mathematical Reviews” (American Mathematical Society); Reviewer for “Annals of Physics” – Elsevier; Reviewer for “ZbMath” (Zentralblatt MATH) – Springer; Reviewer for the Research Fund Flanders (FWO) Foundation (Brussel). Reviewer for the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) for the evaluation of the quality of the research.


  • 2005: Member of S.I.F. (Italian Physics Society).
  • 2008: Member of I.Q.S.A. (International Quantum Structures Association).
  • 2009: Member of the Alophis research group (Applied Logics, Philosophy and History of Science, University of Cagliari).
  • 2010: Member of S.I.L.F.S. (Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science).
  • 2012 : Member of S.I.F.A. (Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy).


  • 2005: I was awarded with the prize S. Notarrigo, by S.I.F. (Italian Physics Society) for my master thesis: “Historical and Epistemological aspects of Quantum Mechanics and “Non-locality” consequences”.
  • 2017: Winner of the “funding of basic research activities” (Ffabr).

See the full CV

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