Sergioli Giuseppe
Short Biography
I was born in Siracusa (Sicily), in 1979. I studied Theoretical Physics at the University of Catania and I got my Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia). I’m currently researching on the context of Quantum Computing and Quantum Logic.
- phone: +39-070-6757330
- e-mail:
- skype: giuseppesergioli
Research Interests
- Quantum Computation
- Quantum Communication
- Quantum Logic
- History and Philosophy of Science
- Game Theory
- Argumentation Theory
- G. Sergioli, H. Freytes (2017). Fuzzy approach to Quantum Fredkin Gate. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION, ISSN 0955-792X, Oxford Academic (to appear).
- G. Sergioli, G.M. Bosyk, E. Santucci, R. Giuntini (2017). A quantum-inspired version of the classification problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, ISSN: 0020-7748, Vol. 56, N. 12, pp. 3880-3888. Springer.
- R. Venkatrama, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Leporini (2017). Fredkin and Toffoli quantum gates: fuzzy representations and comparison. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Physical, Philosophical and Logical Perspectives, World Scientific (to appear).
- E. Santucci, G. Sergioli (2017). Classification Problem in a Quantum Framework. Proceedings of the Vaxjo Conference “Quantum and Beyond 2016”, Springer (to appear).
- R. Venkatrama, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Leporini (2017). Fuzzy type representation of the Fredkin gate in quantum computation with mixed states. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, ISSN: 0020-7748, Springer (doi: 10.1007/s10773-017-3362-2, to appear).
- F. Holik, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, A. Plastino (2017). Pattern Recognition in non- Kolmogorovian Structures. FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE, ISSN: 1233-1821, Springer (to appear).
- G.M. Bosyk, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, F. Holik, G. Bellomo (2016). Approximate transformations of bipartite pure-state entanglement from the majorization lattice. PHYSICA A, ISSN: 0378-4371, Elsevier (, to appear).
- F. Holik, G. Sergioli, H. Freytes, R. Giuntini, A. Plastino (2016). Toffoli gate and quantum correlations: a geometrical approach. QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING, ISSN: 1570-0755, Springer (doi:10.1007/s11128-016-1509-3, to appear).
- M.L. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, G. Sergioli, R. Leporini (2016). A many-valued approach to quantum computational logics. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, ISSN: 0165-0114, Elsevier (, to appear).
- G. Sergioli, E. Santucci, L. Didaci, J. Miszczak, R. Giuntini (2016). A Quantum-inspired version of the Nearest Mean Classifier. SOFT COMPUTING, ISSN: 1432-7643, Springer (doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2478-2, to appear).
More on publications
Referee activity
- “Fuzzy Sets and Systems” – Elsevier; “International Journal of Theoretical Physics” – Springer; “Information Science” – Elsevier; “Soft Computing” – Springer; “Quantum Information Processing” – Springer; “Foundations of Physics” – Springer; “Theoretical Computer Science” – Elsevier; “Frontiers in Physics“; “Aphex (Analytical and Philosophical Explanation)”; “Philosophical Transactions A” – Royal Society Publishing; “Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computer & Electronics) – Springer”; Conference proceedings by LNCS (CIE-2013, Computability in Europe) – Springer Verlag; “Philosophy Study” (David Publishing Company); “Argumenta” (Journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy); “RoAM” International Conference; “SILFS2014” International Conference”; Reviewer for “Mathematical Reviews” (American Mathematical Society); Reviewer for “Annals of Physics” – Elsevier; Reviewer for “ZbMath” (Zentralblatt MATH) – Springer; Reviewer for the Research Fund Flanders (FWO) Foundation (Brussel). Reviewer for the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and Research) for the evaluation of the quality of the research.
- 2005: Member of S.I.F. (Italian Physics Society).
- 2008: Member of I.Q.S.A. (International Quantum Structures Association).
- 2009: Member of the Alophis research group (Applied Logics, Philosophy and History of Science, University of Cagliari).
- 2010: Member of S.I.L.F.S. (Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science).
- 2012 : Member of S.I.F.A. (Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy).
- 2005: I was awarded with the prize S. Notarrigo, by S.I.F. (Italian Physics Society) for my master thesis: “Historical and Epistemological aspects of Quantum Mechanics and “Non-locality” consequences”.
- 2017: Winner of the “funding of basic research activities” (Ffabr).