
  • IQSA – International Quantum Structures Association: IQSA is a society for the advancement and dissemination of structures based on quantum mechanics, in its physical, mathematical, philosophical, applied and interdisciplinary aspects, including the relevant aspects of: convex structures, logico-algebraic structures, orthomodular structures, quantum logics, empirical logics, operational structures, realistic structures, quantum measurement, quantum geometry, quantum statistics, quantum probability, quantum topology, quantum space time, quantum set theory, quantum information, quantum communication, quantum computation, fuzzy quantum logics.
  • Center Leo Apostel (CLEA) for Interdisciplinary Studies: CLEA was founded in 1995 as a transdisciplinary research department. It is situated at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), but its scientific council is composed of members of different Flemish universities. The center’s aim is the development of world views that integrate the results of different scientific and cultural disciplines. CLEA in particular tries to bridge the gap between the natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities.
  • nLab: a wiki for research-level notes, expositions and collaborative work, including original research, in mathematics, physics, and philosophy, with a focus on methods from category theory and homotopy theory.
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