Paoli Francesco



1. Education

I graduated in Philosophy from the University of Florence (1990), under the supervision of Ettore Casari, and took my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Milan (1999).

2. Employment

2000-2002: Postdoctoral researcher, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.

2002-2005: Assistant professor of Logic, Department of Education, University of Cagliari.

2005-2015: Associate professor of Logic, Department of Education (later: Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy), University of Cagliari.

2009: Visiting professor, Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA).

2015-present: Full professor of Logic, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari.

3. National Scientific Qualifications (ASN)

2013: Full professor, Logic and Philosophy of Science.

2014: Full professor, Mathematical Logic and Complementary Mathematics.

4. Editorial Boards and Committees

2012-2014: Member of the steering committee, Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science (SILFS).

2002-present: Member of the editorial board of the online journal Logic and Philosophy of Science (

2006-present: Associate Editor of the journals Studia Logica (Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York) and Logica Universalis (Birkhauser).

5. Teaching

Undergraduate teaching (Cagliari): Basic Mathematics, Mathematics Education (Teacher Training Programme), Logic and Philosophy of Science (Psychology Programme), Introduction to Logic, Philosophy of Science (Philosophy Programme), Mathematical Logic (Mathematics and Computer Science Programmes), Critical Thinking (Communication Studies Programme)

Graduate teaching (Cagliari): Logic, Universal Algebra, History of Logic (Philosophy Programme)

Undergraduate teaching (Vanderbilt): Linear Algebra, Mathematical Logic (Dept. of Mathematics).

Supervisor of about 120 undergraduate dissertations, 7 PhD dissertations.

7. Administration

2010-2011: Coordinator of the Teacher Training Programme, University of Cagliari.

2002-present: member of several committees (curriculum design, quality processes, internships, career monitoring, admission exams, self-assessment, student advising), Teacher Training Programme and Philosophy Programme, University of Cagliari.

2013-2015: member of the departmental committee, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari.

2014-present: member of the Academic Senate, University of Cagliari.

8. In-House Teacher Training

2006-present: coordinator of training courses in mathematics education for teachers (level: K-5) in several schools of Sardinia.

2007-2009: coordinator of a project against early school leaving in secondary schools, centred on critical thinking competences.

  Research Interests

– Nonclassical logics (substructural logics, quantum logics, many-valued logics)

– Abstract algebraic logic

– Universal algebra

– Philosophy of logic


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Lista pubblicazioni aggiornata 02.07.2020

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