Corpina Fabio


  Short Biography

I was born in Sicily (1985), at the foot of Nebrodi Mountains and opposite the Aeolian Islands.

I am graduated in Philosophy and History of Ideas at the University of Palermo (2011). I received my Ph.D in History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science from University of Cagliari (2017), under the supervision of Francesco Paoli. Time, tenses and modalities. Diodorus’  kurieuon, Prior’s Master Argument and his heritage is the title of my thesis. I visited the Université de Genève under Paolo Crivelli (2013), and the Aalborg University under Peter Øhrstrøm (2014, 2017). I am following the Virtual Lab for A. Prior Studies, a joint project between the University of Copenhagen and the Aalborg University. Moreover, I am interested in didactics and I am teaching history and philosophy at high school (liceo classico Siotto – Cagliari).




Skype: fabio.corpina

Research Interests

  • History of logic
  • Megarics and Stoics
  • Philosophy
  • Diodorus Cronus
  • Arthur N. Prior
  • Temporal logics
  • Modal logics


  1. F. Corpina and P. Øhrstrøm, “The Diodorean approach to time and modality from a historical and a philosophical perspective”, in Logic and Philosophy of Time: Themes from Prior (eds. P. Hasle, et al.), ISBN 978-87-7112-674-7, pp. 83-101.
  2. F. Corpina, The Ancient Master Argument and some examples of tense logic, in Argumenta, The Journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA), 2016, 1 (2), ISSN: 2465- 2334, pp. 245-258.
  3. F. Corpina and L. Marongiu, “Dialogo urbano e beffardo. Ha senso studiare la filosofia?”, Niente che non sia umano. Otto motivi per studiare discipline umanistiche (eds. C. Farci and G. Melis), ISBN 978-88-548-9214-9, pp. 103-112.
  4. (Review to) G. Ventimiglia, «To be o esse?» La questione dell’essere nel tomismo analitico, Carocci, Roma 2012, pp.391, Giornale di Metafisica, n. 2, 2012, Tilgher, ISSN: 0017-0372, pp. 202-204.

Referee activity

  • Reviewer for APhEx Network Journal of Analytic Philosophy ISSN 2036-9972 (


  • SILFS – Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science

See the full CV

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