CV Jordi Crespo Saumell



PhD fellowship in the Department of Philosophy, Psychology, and Pedagogy at Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. (2014)

Communication “The concept of pneuma in the Anonymous Londinensis” at Colloquium on Papyrology organized by Complutense University and Pastor Foundation for Classical Studies, Madrid (2013)
M.A. in Ancient Philosophy, University College Dublin, UCD. (2013)
Finalist in the Archimedes University Contest Introduction to Scientific Research. (2012)
M.A. in Classics (Philology), Complutense University of Madrid, UCM. (2012)
International Symposium on Greek Philosophy, Palma de Mallorca. (2012)
International Symposium “Myth and Magic in Greece and Rome”, University Ramon Llull of Barcelona, URLl. (2012)
Seminar “New advances in Classic Linguistics and their applications in classroom” at Pastor Foundation for Classical Studies, Madrid. (2011)
Redactor and collaborator in Hermes Review of Classics, University Autonomous of Madrid, UAM. (2011)
Member of the Sociedad Ibérica de Filosofía Griega. (2011)
Diploma “Teacher of Spanish Language for Foreigners”, International House Barcelona, IHB. (2011)
Diploma Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB. (2009)
Monthly Seminar on Coptic language at the Egyptian Museum, Barcelona. Lectures taught by Drs. J. Montserrat and A. Quevedo. (2009-10)
Seminar on “ The Gospel of Judas” organized by Catalan Faculty of Theology with Drs J. Montserrat, L. Painchaud, A. Piñero, and A. Quevedo. (2008)
M.A. in History of Religions, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB. (2005)
Pedagogic Aptitude Certificate, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB. (2003)
B.A. in Philosophy, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB. (2003)


Master First Prize in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities for the thesis “Translation of the commentary on Aristotle´s Categories in the Archimedes Palimpsest” awarded by Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. (2012)

Special Prize Distinction “Stay in a Research Centre ascribed to the Superior Council for the Scientific Research” in the Archimedes University Contest awarded by Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. (2012)


Certificate Advanced English, Cambridge ESOL (C1). (2013)
English Advanced Certificate, Official School of Languages (B2). (2009)
Intensive French Course, Alliance Française Institute, AF, Paris. (2009)
French language first level, Official School of Languages (A2). (2009)
Sanskrit language basic course, Avinabhagupta Research Library, Varanasi, India. (2007)
Chinese language basic course, School of Modern Languages, University of Barcelona, UB. (2006)
Coptic language course taught in Master in Egyptology, Clos Archaeological Foundation, Barcelona. (2005-6)


The Anonymi Londinensis in the Review of History of Medicine and Science Asclepio (in progress)
Book reviews for Hermes. Revista de Clásicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. (2012)
Article on Gnosticism in Dialogal Seasonal Review n. 24 (2007).

Publication Data: (CIF A58620121, ISSN 1579-5179, LD B.8145-2002



Primary School teacher, Martí Poch and Mare de Déu dels Torrents public schools. (2007-2011)
Full time teacher during four courses in two public schools ascribed to the Catalan Education Department.
Teacher of English, Secondary School Level, Joan Amigó public High-School. (2010)
English language reinforcement, during two terms, on initiative of the Spanish Education Ministry.
Speaker on Gnosticism in the seminar “Sacred Books”, Círculo de Amigos de la Unesco, Barcelona. (2010)
Speech on the subject dealt in obtaining Diploma Advanced Studies. Seminar composed of different conferences and promoted by the Unesco.
Scriptwriter and lay-out designer for Mil.lenium TV program on channel 33. (2007)
Scriptwriter for “Mil.lenium”, cultural program on Catalan Public Television, whenever it entailed religious, philosophic or scientific contents.
Speeches and roundtables-colloquia on “Philosophy and Science” and “Hannah Arendt”. (2005)
Invited speaker to a public colloquium on H. Arendt held at “Barcelona´s Book Fair”. Layout scriptwriter in the colloquium taking place therein entitled “Religion and Science”.
Secondary and pre-University level teacher, Santa María de los Apóstoles Private School, Barcelona. (2004-5)
Support teacher for two years. Subjects and modules related to Humanities and Religion at pre-university level.
Primary school teacher, Els Horts public school, Barcelona. (2004)
Reinforcement tasks for pupils with learning difficulties and social problematic.

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