

Visa application for non-EU Researchers should be submitted well in advance before moving to Italy because the procedure can take a long time.

Before your arrival in Italy you should contact our Euraxess Service Centre, we support you during the whole application procedure for your visa.

Our service is free of charge

It is very important that visa application is well prepared. Our office on behalf of the University of Cagliari has already helped hundred of foreign researchers to submit successful visa applications, and we are here to help you as well! We follow a standard procedure for visa applications, so for you the application procedure will be as smooth and quick as possible. We give you all the information you need to submit your application, but it is extremely important that you strictly follow our instructions.

You should immediately inform us if you have already studied or worked in Italy, and if you already have an Italian fiscal code (Codice Fiscale – C.F.).

To start the application we send an official request letter for your visa to the Italian Embassy which is closest to your town of residence. The request contains all the standard declarations needed for visa.

Depending on your profile, you will need a Study Visa or a Visa for Scientific Research.

Applying for a Visa for Scientific Research is a more complex and longer procedure which involves several offices (Embassy, University, Prefettura, Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro, Police Headquarter).

If you stay less than three months in Italy, you can easily apply on your own for a Tourist Visa because the application procedure is simpler. Moreover you do not need a permit of stay.

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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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