Permit of Stay


Before your arrival, contact us and we arrange an appointment at our office to start the administrative procedures. Application for your permit of stay should be submitted within eight days after your arrival in Italy.

At our Euraxess Service Centre you will receive complete assistance during the whole procedure of application, and we will provide you with necessary documents and information you need to move to Cagliari. Our services are always free of charge

For period of less than three months the permit of stay is not required.



Depending on your profile, you will need a Study Permit of Stay or a Permit of Stay for Scientific Research.


At our office

To start the application procedure for your study permit of stay, we arrange an appointment at our office. Together we fill in the application forms, and include all the documents required. Bring with you all your documents related to your study period in Cagliari in particular your passport with visa to Italy.


At our office

The procedure for the permit for scientific research is more complex and longer. To start the application procedure for your permit of stay for scientific research, we arrange an appointment at our office to collect all the documents needed and to schedule next steps  of the procedure. You should bring with you all your documents related to your research period in Cagliari in particular your passport with visa to Italy.

At the Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro – DPL

For the application procedure of your permit of stay for scientific research we closely collaborate with the Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro of Cagliari to prepare all the documents required. The Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro provides the application forms that you have to collect there in person and you have to send to the Post Office.

Application procedures are different only for the first steps. Next steps are common to both types of permit of stay.

At the Post Office

At the Post Office you have to send the application for your permit of stay.

Due to Italian laws, you have to pay the application fee to Italian Government.

They will give you two postal receipts as proof of your application. They are your temporary permit of stay. Keep them safe always with your passport.

They will give you also a convocation letter to the Police Headquarter – Immigration  Office.

In any way and for any reason whatsoever this appointment cannot be postponed.

If you are waiting for the permit of stay to be issued for the first time, and you have only the temporary permit of stay (postal receipts), you are allowed to travel only from Italy to your country of origin.

At the Police Headquarter – Immigration Office

At the Police Headquarter – Immigration Office bring with you the original documents you included in your permit application and four photos (passport size, identical, in colour, taken against a white background; do not wear glasses or hat).

Arrive at 8.45am at the Police Headquarter – Immigration Office: it does not matter what is on the convocation letter, you must be there before they open the gate. If you have the appointment in the afternoon, you must arrive before 3pm. They check the list of names and give you queue number. Check the screen and wait for your turn.

You must submit to the fingerprinting. Fingerprints are taken only in certain days; so if the appointment for the application has been arranged in different days they will book you another appointment for your fingerprints to be taken. It is a compulsory procedure and you cannot miss it.

Remember that you should buy an Italian SIM card. The Police Headquarter will send you a message on your mobile to arrange an appointment to get the permit of stay card. Do not change your Italian mobile number otherwise the Police cannot contact you.

When you have to renew your permit of stay, you must apply at least two months before its expiry date.

Do not forget to keep always your permit of stay with your passport.

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