News Archive

Lug 302018

For the academic year 2018/2019 (34th Cycle) the University of Cagliari announces public competitions for 16 fully-funded PhD positions reserved for foreign candidates with university degree achieved abroad.


For full details please visit the University of Cagliari website


The deadline for the submission of applications is 27/08/2018

Feb 092017

UNIVERSITY OF CAGLIARI invites applications for one Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellowship for a PhD study funded as part of the Marie Curie European Training Networks, under the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme.

The recruited ESR will join the CAPICE project: “Childhood and Adolescence Psychopathology: unravelling the complex etiology by a large Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Europe” (with a 3-year Marie Curie fellowship). In this ambitious and inspiring network, 12 Early Stage Researches (ESRs; PhD-level training) will be trained in the broad field of psychiatric genomics, investigating the role of genetics and epigenetics, and their interplay with the environment, in the development and persistence of childhood and adolescent psychopathology. Through biological pathway analyses, drug target validation and the building of prediction models, these results will ultimately be translated to the clinic.  Analyses will be performed in large international collaborations, making use of the wealth of data available across a range of European birth and adolescent cohorts.

The project at the University of Cagliari is part of the CAPICE consortium, coordinated by the VU University in Amsterdam. The candidate will be work at and hired by the University of Cagliari.

Project “Building a sustainable facility for multi-site analyses and trandlating the results to the clinic”

There has been a clear shift from researchers conducting studies in their own labs to large-scale collaborative studies in consortia. This will remain the rule in (epi)geneticas well as in other kind of analyses. To perform these multi-site analyses most efficiently, the aim is to build a facility that allows analyzing all data available over sites without necessarily having access to the raw data.

Another aim is to summarize the results of (epi)genetic and transcriptomic analyses, obtained both in CAPICE and other projects, and explaining the relevance of these findings to the clinic.

More information: Euraxess Job&Funding


 Scritto da in 9 Febbraio 2017  News Archive  Commenti disabilitati su 1Early Stage Researcher Position (for PhD studies) for MSCA-ITN Project “CAPICE”
Feb 032017

The Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Cagliari and ISMOKA office has launched a Call for the Italian language programs. Courses are available at the following levels: A1, A2, B1, B2.

These programs are designed to involve every aspect of language: grammar, phonetics and vocabulary; with the aim of developing the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.


The Deadline for application and payment is 27th February 2017


For more information:

Lug 292016

For the academic year 2016/2017 (32nd Cycle) the University of Cagliari announces public competitions for 16 fully-funded PhD positions reserved for foreign candidates with university degree achieved abroad.

For full details please visit the University of Cagliari website and Euraxess Fellowhip & Grant Section

The deadline for the submission of applications is 26/08/2016

Giu 252015

For the academic year 2015/2016 (31st Cycle) the University of Cagliari announces public competitions for 17 fully-funded PhD positions reserved for foreign candidates with university degree achieved abroad.

For full details please visit the University of Cagliari website.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 31/07/2015


Mar 042015

The University of Cagliari has launched the Call 2015 for Visiting Professors for long and short visits.


Positions are available in the following areas:

-Engineering and Earth Sciences

-Social Sciences and Humanities

-Life Sciences

-Mathematics, Physical and Chemical Sciences

-Law, Economics, and Political Sciences


The deadline for the submission of applications is 16th March 2015 (2 p.m.).

For further information please visit the Visiting Professors Program website.

Lug 292014

For the academic year 2014-2015 the University of Cagliari announces public competition for 17 fully-funded PhD positions (XXX cycle) reserved for foreign candidates with university degree achieved abroad.

Admission is also open to students who will graduate by and not later than 31th October 2014.

Such candidates will be admitted conditionally.

The deadline for

the submission of applications is 

12 September 2014 at 12a.m. local time

For full details please visit the University of Cagliari website.

Giu 192014



This summer the Direzione per la Didattica e l’Orientamento and the Language Centre of the University of Cagliari provide 40-hour Italian courses for foreign students. A full immersion in June and July with qualified teachers.


If you would like to improve your Italian, fill in the application form  and send it to


choose the date: 30 June-11 July at 9am-1pm or 14-25 July at 9am-1pm

and select your level: A1 or A2

The courses cost € 120, but they are completely free of charge for PhD students (except Marie Curie fellows).

For more information click here

Dic 162013

The EU has invited researchers to apply for the first part of its biggest-ever research funding programme, Horizon 2020, marking a major milestone for Europe as it seeks to create the jobs it needs to grow its way out of the financial crisis.

The EU is offering EUR 15 billion of the nearly EUR 80 billion funding programme over the next two years, covering areas such as health, developing new sources of renewable energy, and greener transport.

Horizon 2020 is meant to create new jobs by supporting small companies, funding blue-sky research, and by helping to solve some of society’s biggest challenges, such as the need for sustainable clean energy and coping with Europe’s ageing populations.

Successful applicants for funding will have to show how their research is able to deliver the types of ‘expected impacts’ which have been identified, such as coming up with new ways to treat chronic diseases like diabetes, and developing sophisticated climate prediction systems. The calls for funding include ambitious ideas, such as developing technology that could be used to deflect an asteroid on a collision course with earth, or using nanotechnology to 3D print material that can be used in electronics.

Funding is available for things like making science attractive to young people and encouraging young women to take up careers in research.

It also contains money to bolster Europe’s research infrastructure, for example by setting up a pan-European computer network that will help researchers to manage and analyse extremely large sets of data, such as that gathered through genome sequencing.

Innovative small companies will play a central part in generating the growth that will lift Europe out of the financial crisis, and the calls set aside EUR 500 million to help smaller companies get funding over the next two years.

For more details you could visit the new Participant portal.

 Scritto da in 16 Dicembre 2013  News Archive  Commenti disabilitati su HORIZON 2020: EU offers 15 billion to fund research in 2014, 2015
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