IN & OUT Archive

Lug 292015


My name is Michał Szalast – Dao Quy, and I come from Cracow (Poland). I study International Relations at Jagiellonian University and between from 29th June to 18th September 2015 I am doing practical placement at the International Research and Mobility Program Office of the University of Cagliari. The office is also Euraxess Service Centre for Sardinia.

My tasks include dealing with the Euraxess Centre activities, monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists. I have the opportunity to participate in appointments with candidates for foreign PhD fellows and researchers at the University of Cagliari where all the administrative issues are being done.

First reason why I have chosen Cagliari for summer internship were many positive recommendation about the city and whole island I was given by my friends from Poland and Italian people who I had met in Poland. I also wanted to try my hand at work in university environment and here I have a great opportunity to fulfill it. What is more, Sardegna is also a perfect place to get to know local culture and customs and improve my Italian skills. Since I have arrived here, I am delighted with excellent weather and delicious food. I am sure that this is not my last visit in Sardegna.

 Scritto da in 29 Luglio 2015  IN & OUT Archive  Commenti disabilitati su IN: Michał Szalast – Dao Quy – coming from Jagiellonian University, Poland
Feb 232015

mauro pala







Prof Mauro Pala, Full Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari, will be at the Trinity Long Room Hub (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) from January to March 2015 as a Visiting Research Fellow in collaboration with the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.

Prof Pala has published extensively on European Romanticism, Critical theory, Cultural studies and Postcolonial studies. The title of his current research project is ‘For a Gramscian Reading of National Identities in Irish Literary Modernism’. In the Trinity Long Room Hub he will give a lecture titled ‘Gramsci and the Great Community: Subalternity, Hegemony and Autonomy in Irish Literature and Culture’. 

Nov 042014

RoliFabio Roli is Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari and he is also Director of PRALab.

As Visiting Professor he is going to Huazhong University of Science & Technologies (HUST) University.







Ott 172014

Daria Parkhomenko






Daria Parkhomenko,
Senior Lecturer from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR).

I’m working at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics, giving lectures in Russian and in English as well.

I’m visiting the Department of Psychology, Pedagogics and Phylosopy of the University of Cagliari, in particular the speciality “Scienze della Comunicazione” directed by Elisabetta Gola.

I have already been to the University of Cagliari in June 2014 during a 10-day visit of stage and experience exchange in the field of e-learning and implementing ICT in the process of education.

 BSUIR presentation

Set 172014

Professor Roberto Puxeddu, Director of the Division of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Cagliari, will visit the Falck Medical in Vladivostok from 18 to 20 September 2014. Professor Puxeddu will give a number of lectures on ‘Laser lithotripsy of salivary stones’, ‘Conservative approach to laryngotracheal stenosis’, and ‘Transoral approach to precancerous and cancerous lesions of the glottis’. He will be available to discuss difficult medical cases.

In this occasion a bilateral agreement of cooperation has been signed between the Department of Surgical Sciences and the Falck Medical Vladivostok, LLC.

Prof. Puxedddu_2Prof. Puxeddu_3

The Department and Falck Medical will carry out jointly or alternatively programs of study, research and exchanges on matters of common interest.

His main area of interest is head and neck cancer surgery, Professor Puxeddu has an international reputation and works between the United Kingdom and Italy. He has lectured in Moscow previously and hosts Russian surgeons at his surgical clinic in Italy as well as ‘streaming’ surgery live to educational meetings.

 Streaming live surgery 

Ago 012014









Zuzanna Rudnicka comes from Cracow (Poland). She studies Foreign Languages at Jagiellonian University and has just completed a practical placement from 1th July to 1th August 2014 at the International Research and Mobility Program Office of the Universtiy of Cagliari. The office is also Euraxess Service Centre for Sardinia.

Her tasks included dealing with the Euraxess Centre activities and with the normal routine of the Office; monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists. She has developed competences in Italian and English languages, interpersonal communication, work in the normal office functions, and work in an international environment.

Giu 112014



César Luis García, PhD, is a professor and researcher from the Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina.

He is visiting the research group directed by Prof. Roberto Deidda  at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – Sezione Idraulica of the University of Cagliari.

As a fellow he will spend six months from April to October 2014 doing collaborative research on the project ‘Application of satellite information and hydrological modeling to assess current and future water dynamics in mountain regions of Sardinia and Central Argentina’.

His visit has been granted by the Erasmus Mundus LAMENITEC programme under a postdoctoral mobility agreement.

 Scritto da in 11 Giugno 2014  IN & OUT Archive  Commenti disabilitati su IN: César Luis García – coming from Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina
Giu 092014



Agata Pilecka studies Economics at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She is going to spend three months from June to the beginning of September 2014 at the International Research and Mobility Programs Office at the University of Cagliari under the student exchange mobility programme Erasmus.

As EURAXESS Service Centre for Sardinia the International Office provides services for international researchers in mobility.

Agata Pilecka will be involved in an international environment and in the normal office functions. She deals with the Euraxess Centre activities monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists.

Moreover she has made a valuable contribution to the Office’s leaflets and blog with her graphic skills.

This experience will prove extremely useful for improving her language skills in Italian and English, and developing interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Mag 142014







Amir Mohammad Amiri is at the Department of Engineering and Design, London South Bank University (LSBU)  since 15 May for research visit. This visit is based on the research collaboration between Department of Engineering and Design at LSBU and IASC group at Department Electronic and Electrical Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari. The topic of the research is investigation of Biomedical diagnostic systems using UWB technology for telehealthcare monitoring applications.

 Scritto da in 14 Maggio 2014  IN & OUT Archive  Commenti disabilitati su OUT: Amir Mohammad Amiri – going to London South Bank University, United Kingdom
Apr 222014

Philip Baldi, PhD, Professor (emeritus) of Linguistics and Classics at Penn State University (USA), will spend two months working on the Project Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell’identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica under the sponsorship of the PROGRAMMI DI RICERCA SCIENTIFICA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE.

Prof. Baldi is visiting the Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics at the University of Cagliari (Prof. Ignazio E. Putzu, Head of Department).  He will present a paper with Prof. Pierluigi Cuzzolin (University of Bergamo) in late April, and will also be giving a series of lectures on Language Universals in mid-late May, 2014.

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