Amitash Ojha PostDoc Fellow


Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy







I did my PhD in Cognitive Science from IIIT, Hyderabad, India in 2013. But my research association with University of Cagliari started when I first came here to attend a conference in 2011. Fortunately, this association continued and turned into a major collaboration when I came to Cagliari again for another conference in 2014. Finally, I joined the university in 2016 as a research fellow. And I must say, Cagliari, then, and still, is one of the best cities with most kind hearted people.

In my research, I study underlying cognitive mechanisms associated with multimodal metaphors, creativity and intelligence, which includes behavioural and brain imaging studies. The welcoming and interdisciplinary nature of academia in University of Cagliari is the perfect place to do this kind of research. As a cognitive scientist, I get a chance to discuss interesting issues with researchers from Psychology, Philosophy, Language and other related domains in the university. The visiting professors’ program provides further interaction and productive collaborations. I also got a chance to interact with students while I was teaching a course. I found students very responsive and eager to learn new topics. It was really a good teaching as well as learning experience.

Currently I am working on a project entitled “persuasive effect of metaphor in argumentation”. The overall aim of the project is to design and conduct experiments determining the role of verbal and multimodal metaphors in persuasive scenarios and in argumentation. The project is supported by the regional government.

Apart from academic activities, Cagliari has its own charm with beautiful water. I find myself fortunate to be here. I should also thank Tiziana and Ester for their help and support.


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