Armita Abolghasemi


PhD Program in Molecular and Translational Medicine 


Curriculum Vitae




My hometown, Sari, is located in the north of Iran, near the Caspian Sea. I have received my bachelor’s degree in animal science from Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources university during 2008-2012, then because of my interest to knowing about body I decided to continue my education in physiology at the same university, so I started my master in Animal Physiology in 2013 and finished it on January of 2016.

I was really enthusiastic to continue my education, and to reach the new experiments I decided to do that abroad. So I could be successful and accepted in University of Cagliari for their 32th cycle of PhD course in 2016. Here, I study the Molecular and Translational Medicine in Biomedical department under the supervision of Prof. Banni.

I get familiar with this university and choosing to apply here because I have read lots of paper around my master thesis from Prof. Banni and I was aware that he is one of the best professors in the field that I have worked. Also after searching I have found that this university is so potent in medical sciences. So, they encouraged me to choosing the University of Cagliari and It was a big chance for me to study in this university.

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