CV Seyed Alireza Hosseini-Kakhak



Research Interests:

Hormonal response and adaptation to exercise training

Physical fitness testing and evaluation

Doping, Drug, Supplements and ergogenic aids substances

Optimization resistance training

Exercise training in elderly people

Vascular occlusion training

Post-Activation Potentiation

Physical activity / Exercise training in children


Testing in exercise physiology

Sports nutrition

Exercise protocols in laboratory animals

Doping in sports

Exercise physiology laboratory

Neuromuscular adaptation in sport


Soccer, Futsal, Table tennis and Physical fitness, Weight training



Vice Chancellor for Education (2014- Present) Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2003-2007, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology, 2003 – 2007, Department of Exercise physiology, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran                                                    

Dissertation: “Effect of Exercise Training on Tissue and Plasma Concentration of Agouti-Related Protein in rats” 

1998 – 2001, M.Sc., Physical Education and Sport Sciences,  Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Thesis: “The Study of Prevalence of Ergogenic Aids Substance in Elite Bodybuilers of Mashhad and Tehran’s Gyms” 

1993 -1997, B.Sc., Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran



Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology – (08/2007-present)

Associated Professor of Exercise Physiology – (2011-present) Faculty of Sport Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

Vice Chancellor for Research (2009-2014) – Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran



Director- in-Chief and Editorial Board, Sport in Biomotor Sciences (an Iranian journal in the field of exercise science), 08/2009-present

Physical education teacher in Iran, 1995 – 2005

Vice Chancellor for Research at Iranian National Olympic and Paralympic Academy, 2007 – 2009


Journal reviewer for more than 8 Iranian scientific journals, named as: 

  • Iranian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism
  • Daneshvar (Medicine) Shahed University
  • Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences
  • Journal of Tehran University, Harkat
  • Ofogh-e-Danesh. GMUHS Journal
  • Journal of Research on Sport Sciences
  • TUMJ, Tehran University Medical Journal
  • Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders


Selected Published Articles (peer reviewed journals):

  1. Ghanbari-Niaki A, Mehdi Khabbazian B, Hosseini-Kakhak S.A.R, Rahbarizadeh F, and Hedayati M. Treadmill exercise enhances ABCA1 expression in rat liver. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2007, 361(4): 841-6.
  2. Ghanbari-Niaki A, Abednazari H, Tayebi SM, Mehdi Khabbazian B, Hosseini-Kakhak A.R, and Kreamer R. Treadmill training enhances rat agouti-related protein in plasma and reduces ghrelin levels in plasma and soleus muscle. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 2009, 58: 1747- 1752.
  3. Ghanbari-Niaki A,  Fathi R,  Hossaini Kakhak SAR,  Farshidi Z,  Barmaki S,  Rahbarizadeh F, and  Kraemer RR. Treadmill exercise’s reduction of agouti-related protein expression in rat liver. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 2009, 19: 473-484.
  4. Hossaini Kakhak SAR, Ghanbari Niaki A, Rahbarizade F, Mohagheghi MA, Mehdi Khabazian B, Fathi R, Hedayati M. The effect of treadmill running on plasma and muscle agouti-related protein (AGRP) concentration in male rats. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism 2009; 11 (4). [Article in Persian]
  5. Hamedinia M, Davarzani Z, Hosseini kakhk A. The effect of one session of swimming and running training on hunger rate and ghrelin, insulin and cortisol hormones of the plasma in the healthy girls. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 13 (1). [Article in Persian]
  6. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Khademosharie M, Shiargar M, Hamedinia MR, Haghighi AH, Rahbarizadeh F. Evaluation of lipoprotein lipase gene expression and activity following a session of endurance exercise in muscle tissue and plasma of rat. Daneshvar (Medicine) Shahed University 2011; 93. [Article in Persian]
  7. Attarzadeh Hosseini SR, Hojati Oshtovani Z, Soltani H, Hossein Kakhk SA.  Changes in pulmonary function and peak oxygen consumption in response to interval aerobic training in sedentary girls. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences 2012; 19 (1). [Article in Persian]
  8. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Jaberi Shahraki M, Hamedinia MR. The acute effects of two resistance exercise protocols with moderate intensity, equal volume and slow and fast movements on some anabolic and catabolic hormones. Sport Biosciences 2014, 6 (2): 2015-218. [Article in Persian]
  9. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Attarnejad Z, Hamedinia MR. A comparison of the effects of two aquatic exercise sessions with different volumes on adiponectin and insulin resistance in women with type 2 diabetes. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences 2013-2014, 20 (4): 572
  10. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Khademosharie M, Amiri-Parsa T, Davarzani Z. Response of leptin and C-reactive protein to a single session circuit resistance exercise in over weight student girls. Ofogh-e-Danesh. GMUHS Journal 2012; 18(3). [Article in Persian]
  11. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Rahnama H, Hamedinia MR, Razmyar H, Hamboushi L. The effect of six weeks of selected aerobic training on some related markers of bipolar 1 disorders. Olympics Journal 2011;19(1). [Article in Persian]
  12. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Amiri Parsa T, Azarnive M, Hamedinia MR The effect of resistance training, aerobic training and detraining on the lipid profile and CRP in obese girls. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Science 2011; 18(3). [Article in Persian]
  13. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Khademosharie M, Shiargar M, Hamedinia MR, Haghighi AH, Rahbarizade F. Evaluation of lipoprotein lipase gene expression and Activity following a session of endurance exercise in muscle tissue and plasma of rats. Journal of Shahed University (Daneshvar Medicine 2011); 93. [Article in Persian]
  14. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Khademosharie M, Hamedinia MR, Amiri Parsa T. Measuring protein levels and leptin gene expression in response to acute endurance exercise in rats. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Science 2011-2012; 18(4). [Article in Persian]
  15. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Safari M, Hemadinia MR. Health-related physical factors in physical fitness in 12-14 year-old male adolescents in Sabzevar, Iran. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Science 2011; 18(1). [Article in Persian]
  16. Gharekhanlou R, Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Rajabi H. The antropometric, body composition, physical fitness and motor skills profile of 10-20 year-old boys and championship capacities of selected cities of Iran. Journal of Research on Sport Sciences 2010; 25. [Article in Persian]
  17. Hamedinia MR,Yarahmadi H, Hosseini-Kakhk SAR. The effect of one session moderate and heavy resistance exercise on the NPY of the serum in healthy men. Journal of Olympic  2011; 19(2). [Article in Persian]
  18. Azarnive M, Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Hamedinia MR, Amiri-Parsa T, Chamari M, Hedayati M. Aerobic training does not have any effect on plasma homocysteine. Journal of Olympic 2011; 19(1). [Article in Persian]
  19. Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Amiri-Parsa T, Haghighi AH, Askari R, Chamari M, Hedayati M. The effect of resistance training on hs-CRP and cystatin C concentration in obese girls. Journal of Shahed University (Daneshvar Medicine 2010); 85. [Article in Persian]
  20. Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Zamand P, Haghighi AH, Khademosharie Comparison of hormonal responses to strength training with and without blood flow restriction. Sport Biosciences 2015, 7 (3): 391-405. [Article in Persian]
  21. Haghighi AH, Yaghoubi M, Hosseini kakhk SAR. The effect of eight weeks aerobic training and green tea supplementation on body fat percentage and serum lipid profiles in obese and overweight women. Medical Journal of Mashad, University of Medical Sciences 013, 56 (4): 211-218. [Article in Persian]
  22. Khademosharie M, Amiri Parsa T, Hamedinia MR, Azarnive M, Hosseini Kakhk SAR. Effects of two aerobic training protocols on Vaspin, Chemerin and lipid profile in women with type 2 diabetes. ISMJ 2014; 17(4): 571-581. [Article in Persian]
  23. Khademosharie M, Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Hamedinia MR, Amiri Parsa T. The effect of acute exercise on adipose tissue LPL gene expression and LPL activity in rats. ISMJ 2014; 17(2): 120-129. [Article in Persian]
  24. Jahangard A, Hamedinia M, Hosseini kakhk A, Jafari A, Salehzadeh K. Effect of short-term garlic extract supplementation on oxidative stress indices during rest and induced-exercise exhaustion in male soccer players. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2013, 15 (1): 117. [Article in Persian]
  25. Haghighi AH, Heshmati Kia A, Hosseini Kakhk SAR. The effect of caffeine and ephedrine supplement and their combination on maximal stregnth and muscular endurance in male bodybuilders. Sport Biosciences 2013 5 (4): 89-107
  26. Anabestani M, Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Hamedinia MR. Comparison of combined training with and without vascular occlusion on selected physical fitness components in postmenopausal women. Sport Physiology 2014, No 21. [Article in Persian]
  27. Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Azarnive MS, Amiri Parsa T, Haghgighi AH, Khademolsharieh M. Effect of strength training and detraining on total Homocysteine and B vitamins group in obese girls. Quarterly of the Horizon of Medical Sciences 2013, 18 (4): 171-177. [Article in Persian]
  28. Ghodrati N, Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Hamediniya MR. Effect of two types of respiratory muscles exercises on physical and pulmonary function of patients with asthma.Quarterly of the Horizon of Medical Sciences 2015 , 21 (3): 37-43. [Article in Persian]
  29. Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Khaleghzadeh H, Nematy M, Hamedinia The effect of combined aerobic- resistance training on lipid profile and liver enzymes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver under nutrition diet. Sport Physiology 2015, 7 (27): 65-84. [Article in Persian]
  30. Haghighi AH, Zaferanieh A, Hosseini Kakhk SAR. The effect of caffeine consumption on some skill indicators and motor fitness of elite table tennis players. Journal of Practical Studies of Biosciences in Sport 2015, 3 (5): 44. [Article in Persian]
  31. Javani M , Hamedinia MR, Hosseini Kakhk AR. Endurance and sprint performance analysis of soccer players at IRAN’s premier league in Season of 2012-2013. International Journal of Sport Studies. Vol., 5 (3), 255-262, 2015
  32. Haghighi, AH, Ghabdian T, Damavandi M,  Hosseini Kakhk SAR,  Yousefnia Darzi  Effect of selected trainings on muscle function and body composition in girls with mental retardation. Journal of Paramedical Science and Rehabilitation 2015, 4 (1): 83-91. [Article in Persian]



Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Ghanbari-Niaki A. “Design of animal Exercise protocols”, Hakim Sabzevary University Publication, 1st edition, 2011

Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Sharifi-Moghadam A. “Sudden Death in athletes”, under publication (2016), Hakim Sabzevary University Publication

Askari R, Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Ildarabadi A. “Sport Nutrition, Fat and Protein Metabolism”, under publication (2016), Hakim Sabzevary University Publication



Hosseini-Kakhk A, Ghanbari-Niaki A. Plasma Agouti-Related Protein (AGRP) and hormonal responses to a single circuit-resistance exercise in male college students. The 8th Scandinavian Congress of Medicine and Science in Sports. Finland 2006.

Hosseini-Kakhk A. Olympic from the view of ethical-cultural matter. 12th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students. Greece 2004.

Key Speaker in 2nd national congress of Iranian association of sport and exercise medicine (IASEM), Jan 13 -15 2016, Tehran- Iran



I’ve been designer and conductor some different workshops as follows:

Design of animal Exercise protocols, Hakim Sabzevary University, 2012, 2015

Doping and ergogenic substances in sport, Hakim Sabzevary University, 2012



Soccer, Futsal, Table tennis, Physical Fitness and Bodybuilding Coach

Soccer referee

Member of university taekwondo, Soccer and Futsal team

University futsal team coach (from 2012 to present)



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