Joseph Oyetola Oyekale




PhD Program in Industrial Engineering

Curriculum Vitae




Having had my entire education career in my country of origin (Nigeria), I had developed over the years, a very keen passion and enthusiasm for overseas research experience. From my little years of experience as an academic researcher, I have known and appreciated the importance of international mobility to attaining greatness in this field of human endeavour. There are two major factors that dictated my choice of University of Cagliari: (i) Outstanding campaign and facilitation of international research mobility amongst its students and staff, and (ii) Presence of a very strong Energy Research Group, with excellent industrial outlook, domiciled in the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University.

I first knew about Co-tutelle de these (Joint supervision of thesis) and Doctor Europaeus award possibilities from the PhD website of the University. Apart from different schemes designed to attract foreign researchers to the University of Cagliari, PhD students of the University are also strongly encouraged to spend time abroad, with good reward for undertaking research stay up to 18 months in any other country of their choice. Isn’t that amazing?

On a personal ground, my research is focused on “Sustainable energy systems for electricity and heat generation and storage”. I am to carry out the research project between the Industrial Engineering (Energy Stream) PhD Programme of the University, and the Centre for Energy Technology (ZET), University of Bayreuth, Germany. Combining the advanced energy expertise of Italy and Germany is undoubtedly a great enlightenment for me, and this opportunity is about the best thing I’ve so far experienced in my career as an academic researcher.

Since I came here, the reception has been awesome, and the little space I have here won’t be sufficient to describe how hospitable and helpful the staff and colleagues here have been to me. Despite the fact that I don’t speak Italian yet, I was able to complete all my administrative procedures; thanks to the warm assistance of the Euraxess staff.


Joseph Oyetola OYEKALE

PhD in Industrial Engineering

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