Agnieszka Smigiel



PhD School in History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies


Curriculum Vitae


My name is Agnieszka and I come from Bydgoszcz, in Poland. After finishing my degree in Art History at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, I moved to Italy to study at the Postgraduate School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome.  After several work experiences (for example in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, or in the Royal Palace and Park of Caserta), I moved to Sardinia to start my PhD research program at the University of Cagliari. Currently I’m also working as a tutor at the University of Cagliari for the e-learning course in Museology.

My PhD project revolves around the theoretical and practical aspects of museum studies. More specifically, it focuses on European Jewish Museums built ex novo in the post-war period. It analyzes several museum exhibition designs based on various narration strategies. My project aims at studying the genesis of museum narration and its influence on public perception and response in different cultural and historical contexts.

In general, my areas of interests range from museum studies, exhibition design, art in public space, technologies for cultural heritage, history of art collecting, cultural tourism, monument restoration, questions of identity, to contemporary art and urban design.

In my free time I like to travel, hike, visit museums or go climbing and laugh a lot with my friends and family. I am rather an active person so I like spending my free time in an active way.

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