Mehran Zareh Eshghdoust – PhD Student




PhD School in Information Engineering 

Curriculum vitae




Mehran  Zareh  received  his  B.Sc.  degree  in  mechanical engineering  from Birjand  University,  Birjand,  Iran,  in 2006, and an M.Sc. degree in aerospace  engineering from K. N. Toosi University Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2009. His M.Sc.  research  involved application  of robust adaptive control in the flight dynamics. His research focuses on adaptive control, robust control,  and  consensus stability  control.  He  was  selected  as  the best  researcher  of K.N.  Toosi  University  of  Technology  in 2010. Additionally, he won the top thesis reward for his M.Sc.  dissertation in this year.

In 2012 he joined to University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy where he is currently doing his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. He is working under supervisory of Prof. Carla Seatzu and his research focuses on Consensus Problem in Multi Agent systems with Communication Time Delay.

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