Visiting Scientist Program 2015


Visiting Scientist Program

The University of Cagliari has launched the Visiting Scientists Programme aiming to enhance the international attractiveness of the university.

The purpose of this Programme is the selection of joint research projects along with the award of research grants to Visiting Scientists who are renowned for their outstanding scientific experience, who should be regularly and continuously employed in research activities in foreign research centres or universities.

Funds for the Visiting Scientists Programme are provided by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Regional Law n. 7 of 07/08/2007 ‘Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia’).

Visiting Scientists will be carrying out their joint research activity at the University of Cagliari. Their research activity should contribute:

  • to enhance the quality of research activity;
  • to transfer knowledge and competence for the improvement of researchers, PhD students, and undergraduates of the university;
  • to develop cooperation networks and partnerships to present international research projects;

The information provided is treated confidentially and according to Italian law and is solely used for the present Programme purposes. The information provided will be used to update our database.

Visiting Scientists’ Application form
(Deadline for submission: 10/09/2015 new deadline: 18/09/2015)

Form for submission of Joint Research Projects
(Submissions open on 11/09/2015 new deadline : 02/10/2015)



Call for applications 2015

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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