Eloh Kodjo


ELOH Kodjo


PhD student, PhD School in Earth and Environmental Sciences and technologies




I am Kodjo ELOH from Togo. Born at 08 April 1985 in Atakpamé, a city located at 200 km from the capital city Lomé of Togo. I did my primary study in Lomé and secondary school at Agbélouvé, a village situated at 60 km from Lomé. At the University, I opted for physics and chemistry and got a master’s degree in 2009 at University of Lomé. Then I got a PhD in Chemistry in August 2015 from the same University. I immediately started another PhD at the University of Cagliari that attracted me at my internship. My field of research focuses on soil nematodes that hinder plant growth. We study their interaction with plants and we also work on solutions to control them.

I love research and teaching and I will probably make career. I often spend my free time watching football matches (Barcelona in particular) or playing with friends. I also appreciate passing time in kitchen.

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